Original document : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/living-in-the-netherlands

Change description : 2019-09-23 16:25:00: Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement [Brexit]

Showing diff : 2019-09-03 16:01:15 +00:00..2019-09-23 15:31:50 +00:00


Living in the Netherlands

Official information British people moving to and living in the Netherlands need to know, including Brexit guidance, residency, healthcare and driving.

This page tells you what to do ahead of Brexit. It will be updated if anything changes, including if a deal is agreed.

Stay up to date on Brexit

You should:

You can also:

Visas and residency

You may want to check the entry requirements for the Netherlands.

You must carry photographic ID at all times. If you are in the Netherlands for more than 3 months, you must apply for your residence permit (verblijfsdocument). To do this, you must register with your local Municipality Administration (Gemeente) who can tell you what documents you will need.

If there are changes to residency rules or registration processes after Brexit, we will update this guidance as soon as information is available.

Visas and residency after Brexit

If the UK leaves the EU with a deal, thenothing EUwill Withdrawalchange Agreement sets out an implementation period until 31the Decemberend 2020,of when2020. you You can live, work and travel in the Netherlands broadly as before Brexit. You will be able to move to the Netherlands and establish residency under the same rules as before Brexit.

If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, a national transition scheme will take effect up to and including 30 June 2020. Under this scheme, as a UK national, you keep your rights to live, work, and study in the Netherlands. This also applies if you are the family member of a UK national and you do not have another EU citizenship.

Before the date the UK exits the EU, the IND will send you a letter. This letter will be your temporary residence permit. If you would also like to receive the letter digitally, take the necessary steps to receive post from the IND in your Message Box on MijnOverheid. The IND has already sent these permits to all UK nationals legally resident by 3129 March 2019.

After the transition period you will need a new national residence permit. You can obtain a residence permit if you meet the same conditions for residence that apply to EU citizens, and have been invited to submit an application for this residence permit. WithThis this residence permit gives you also have the right to work and study in the Netherlands.

During the transition period you will receive an invitation byfrom letterthe IND to apply on-line for the national residence permit before 1 April 2020. These invitations will be sent in stages, as they would be in a deal situation.

If you already have a permanent EU residence document, the IND will invite you to apply for a permanent residence permit free of charge.

Your family members can be considered for a (temporary) residence permit (regardless of their nationality or main residence) if, as a UK national living in the Netherlands, you are in possession of a (temporary) residence permit. This is only possible during the transition period (in the event of a no-deal exit up to and including 30 June 2020). After this, the stricter national requirements for family reunification apply. These are explained on the Family section of the IND website.

If you are registered in the Netherlands with the Gemeente’s Personal Records Database, the Dutch government will send you a temporary residence permit by post.

If you have not registered with the Gemeente’s Personal Records database, follow these steps to register for a digital version of the temporary residence permit:

  • register with the Personal Records Database of the municipality where you live, get a DigiD so you can submit an online application to the IND
  • use your DigiD to log in to MijnOverheid and access your Berichtenbox
  • go to Settings (Instellingen) and under Landelijke Organisaties, tick the box for IND to make sure you can receive emails

If your residency right is not affected by Brexit, you may not receive a temporary residency permit. You can look at the IND’s guidance for more information.

For more information:

If you arrive in the Netherlands after Brexit, you will be treated as a non-EU national. Further information on this will be published on the Ministry of IND website in due course.

Read the Dutch government’s summary of impacts of Brexit for UK nationals.


If you are in the Netherlands for study purposes only, your educational institution will apply for a residence permit on your behalf. The educational institution can only submit a residence permit application for you if they are recognised as a sponsor by the IND.

To obtain a residence permit for study, you must:

  • be enrolled for a full-time day course at an educational institution that is recognised as a sponsor
  • have enough money for at least 1 year’s maintenance
  • be insured against medical expenses whilst you are in the Netherlands

If you are under 30 and live in the Netherlands for study purposes only, you cannot enrol with a Dutch health insurer for the mandatory basic health insurance. See ‘Studying after Brexit’ on what to do after Brexit about health insurance.

If you have a part-time job during your studies, you become subject to Dutch social security legislation and are required to have mandatory basic health insurance with a Dutch health insurer. This is also the case if you have a zero hours contract, volunteer position or internship.

Studying after Brexit

If there is a deal, you will be able to study in the Netherlands broadly as before. You will be able to use a UK issued EHIC card.

If there’s no deal, then whilst studying in the Netherlands you will need to purchase private health insurance (which differs from the mandatory Dutch health insurance). However, if you get a job or volunteer position, you will become subject to Dutch social security provisions and must take out mandatory health insurance.

If you arrive in the Netherlands to study after Brexit, you will be treated as a non-EU national and will need to purchase private health insurance. If you get a job, you will become subject to Dutch social security provisions and must take out mandatory Dutch health insurance.

If there’s no deal, there willmay be changes to student fees and loans. Find more information from the Dutch government on studying in the Netherlands after Brexit.

For more information about studying in the Netherlands, visit the Nuffic website.

Passports and travel

You can apply for or renew your British passport from the Netherlands.

Passports and travel after Brexit

After Brexit, the rules on travel will change. Check your passport is valid for travel before you book your trip. You’ll need to renew your passport before travelling if you do not have enough time left on your passport.

If there is a deal, nothing will change until the end of 2020. In this time you can continue to travel freely in the Schengen area with your UK passport. What happens after 2020 will form part of the next part of negotiations.

If there’s no deal, you should have at least 6 months left on an adult or child passport to travel to most countries in Europe (not including Ireland). If you renewed your current passport before the previous one expired, extra months may have been added to its expiry date. Any extra months on your passport over 10 years may not count towards the 6 months needed.

If there’s no deal, UK nationals will not need visas for short stays elsewhere in the EU. You will be able to stay up to 90 days in another EU, EEA or EFTA country, within a 180 day period. You must retain evidence of travel (such as train and plane tickets), in case these are requested by national authorities. If you hold a residence permit from an EU, EEA or EFTA country, you will be able to transit through other EU, EEA or EFTA countries to reach your country of residence.

If you are resident in the Netherlands, you must carry your temporary residency permit with you at all times when travelling to and from the Netherlands. It is only valid in combination with a valid passport.


If you move to the Netherlands, you must arrange health insurance within 4 months of your arrival. The basic Dutch health insurance (basis verzekering) covers general medical care, such as visits to a local GP, hospital and basic dental care. You can read guidance on health insurance in the Netherlands.

If you are already resident in the NetherlandsNetherlands, you will normally be subject to Dutch social security legislation, and must already have the mandatory healthcare insurance. For students, read on for further guidance.

If you are resident in the Netherlands, you should not beuse using a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from the UK to access healthcare in the Netherlands.

When you travel from the Netherlands for a temporary stay in another European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland, you can use an EHIC to access state-provided healthcare in that country. During that short stay:

Read the NHS guidance on healthcare in the Netherlands.

Find an English-speaking doctor in the Netherlands.

You should also check that your prescriptions are legal.

If you are a student, read further information about healthcare:

Healthcare after Brexit

If you are a resident and purchase mandatory health insurance, your rights will remain the same, whether or not there is a deal.

If there is a deal, your current rights on access to healthcare in the Netherlands will remain the same until the end of the implementation period, as long as you remain a resident in the Netherlands.

If there’s no deal, and you areaccess ahealthcare residentthrough inan S1 or S2 arrangement with the Netherlands,UK, thereyour willaccess beto nohealthcare changemay ifchange.

If you alreadyare purchaseda mandatoryS1 healthform insurance.holder, If you accessshould healthcaretake throughaction annow S1to orconfirm S2your arrangementresidency withstatus by contacting the UK,IND yourto decide what steps you need to take to ensure access to healthcare mayif change.there’s no deal.

TheIf UKyou hascurrently proposedhave maintainingyour current healthcare cooperationcosts withpaid for by the NetherlandsUK forgovernment, S1we formcan holdershelp untilif theyou endare ofasked Decemberto 2020.pay Iffor there’streatment noduring dealthe andfirst there6 ismonths noafter arrangementBrexit. withTo theorganise Netherlandsa topayment, continueyou reciprocalmust healthcare,give pensionersyour receivinghealthcare coverageprovider’s throughdetails to the S1NHS formBusiness willServices notAuthority’s beOverseas covered.Healthcare Services.

IfThe youUK arehas aoffered S1to formcontinue holder,paying youthe shouldcountry takeyou actionlive nowin tofor confirm your residencyhealthcare statusin bythe contactingevent theof INDno todeal, decidejust whatas stepsit youdoes neednow. toThe takegovernment tohas ensureproposed accessmaintaining tocurrent healthcare ifcooperation with the Netherlands for S1 form holders until the end of December 2020. If there’s no deal.deal UKand nationalsthere willis beno ablearrangement towith returnthe Netherlands to continue reciprocal healthcare, UK fornationals treatment.receiving healthcare through the S1 form will not be covered.

Your UK-issued EHIC may not be valid if there’s no deal. The UK has offered to maintain the EHIC schemescheme, should the UK leave the EU without a deal, however this relies on the Netherlands continuing to accept UK EHICs. If you have a Netherlands issued EHIC, you may continue to access healthcare outside of the Netherlands.

You should read the NHS guidance on healthcare for UK nationals and how it may change after Brexit.


Read our guidance on working in another EU country

You may need to apply for a UK police certificate.

You may need a Certificate of Conduct (VOG) Netherlands.

Working after Brexit

If there is a deal, your right to work will not change until the end of implementation period.

If there’s no deal, the temporary residence permit issued by the IND to legally resident UK nationals already in the Netherlands can only be used in combination with a valid passport. You must provide your employer with a copy of your temporary residence permit, together with a copy of your passport, to show that you are entitled to work in the Netherlands. This also applies to non-EU family members.

If you are planning to start a business, provide a service, or do a job in a regulated profession after Brexit, you should read our guidance on providing services after Brexit.

Money and tax

The UK has a double-taxation agreement with the Netherlands to ensure people do not pay tax on the same income in both countries.

For more information, you can read our guidance on:

We recommend you get professional advice on paying tax in the Netherlands. Find an English-speaking lawyer in the Netherlands.

National Insurance

You may also be able to pay National Insurance while abroad so that you protect your State Pension and entitlement to other benefits and allowances.

If you are employed or self-employed in the EU and you have a UK-issued A1/E101 form, you will remain subject to UK legislation until the end date on the form.

If the end date on your form is after 31 October 2019, you should contact the relevant EU, EEA or Swiss authority to confirm whether you need to start paying social security contributions in that country after 31 October, as well as UK National Insurance contributions.

Find out more about social security contributions after a no-deal Brexit.

Money and tax after Brexit

Brexit will not change existing double taxation arrangements for UK nationals living in the Netherlands. Send your questions about double taxation to the relevant tax authority.

If there’s no deal, it may become more expensive to use your UK bank card in the Netherlands. Read our guidance on using a bank card, insurance or other financial services in the EU.


You will need to tell the UK government offices that deal with your benefits, pension and tax if you are moving or retiring abroad.

If you retire in the Netherlands, you can claim:

For more information you can read the Dutch government’s guidance on Dutch social security, including pensions.

Life certificates for UK State Pensions

If you get a ‘life certificate’ from the UK Pension Service, you need to respond as soon as possible – your payments may be suspended if you don’t.

Pensions after Brexit

The UK government will continue to pay a stateState pensionPension to those eligible in the EU after BrexitBrexit. andYour UK State Pension will upratebe youruprated UKin stateApril pension2020, for2021 theand fiscal2022 yearif 2019/2020you live in allthe BrexitEU, scenarios.EEA or Switzerland.

Read our guidance on benefits and pensions if there’s no deal.


You may still be able to claim some UK benefits like child and disability benefits if you live in the Netherlands.

You should:

Many income-related benefits such as Pension Credit and Housing Benefit cannot be paid to you if you’re abroad for more than 4 weeks.

You may be eligible to claim some Dutch social security benefits. Read the EU’s guide to benefits in the Netherlands.

You can request proof of the time you’ve worked in the UK from HMRC if you are asked for this.

Benefits after Brexit

The UK government will continue to pay child benefits, and disability benefits to those eligible in the EU after Brexit.

If there is a deal and you work and pay social security contributions in the Netherlands, your UK social security contributions will be taken into account when applying for Dutch contributions-based benefits. This will happen even if you claim contributions-based benefits after the end of the implementation period.

Read our guidance on benefits and pensions inif athere’s no deal Brexit.


If you are a resident in the Netherlands, you should exchange your UK licence for a Dutch driving licence before Brexit. If there’s no deal, UK driving licences will no longer be recognised in the EU.

UK nationals who are resident in the Netherlands before Brexit will have 15 months from the day of Brexit to exchange their licence. Driving licences can be exchanged at your local council (gemeente). More information about the process can be found via the Netherlands’ Vehicle Authority (RDW).

For information on driving in the Netherlands, read guidance on:

When driving in the Netherlands, you should always carry your:

  • driving licence
  • insurance documents
  • ID (verblijfsdocument), such as a passport or residence permit

Bringing a UK registered vehicle to the Netherlands

Read our guidance on taking a vehicle out of the UK.

Once you’re registered as a resident in the Netherlands, you must register your vehicle with the Dutch authorities and you may need to pay some taxes.

You can read the RDW (Netherlands Vehicle Authority) advice on importing a vehicle into the Netherlands. You may be exempt from some of these taxes. If so you will need certificates of exemption.


You may be able to vote in some UK elections. You can:

Currently, if you are resident in the Netherlands you can vote in local municipal and European parliamentary elections. For more information you can read the European Union’s guidance on elections abroad.

This guidance will be updated as more information becomes available.

Births, deaths and getting married

If your child is born in the Netherlands, you will need to register the birth abroad.

If someone dies in the Netherlands you can:

Find out how you can get married abroad.

You may also need:

Accommodation and buying property

Read our guidance on buying a property abroad.


After Brexit, you will still be able to travel to and from the UK with a cat, dog or ferret but the rules will change. You can read guidance on pet travel to Europe after the UK leaves the EU.

While the UK is still a Member State you’ll be able to travel with your pet to the EU under the current pet travel rules using your current EU pet passport. If you’re travelling with your pet for the first time you’ll have to visit your vet to get a pet passport.

Read guidance on returning your cat, dog or ferret to the UK. For moving pet horses and other equines read guidance on export horses and ponies: special rules.


For all emergencies dial the European emergency number on 112.

People with disabilities can use the emergency application, a web-based emergency access and relay service.

If you’re the victim of crime, have been arrested, or are affected by a crisis abroad, contact your nearest British embassy or consulate.

Returning to the UK

Tell the UK and the Dutch authorities if you are returning to the UK permanently.

You should read our guidance on:

If you get a UK State Pension, you must tell the International Pension Centre.

If you get healthcare in the Netherlands through the S1 form, you must contact the Overseas Healthcare Team on +44 (0)191 218 1999 to make sure your S1 is cancelled at the right time.


This information is provided as a guide only. Definitive information should be obtained from the Netherlands authorities. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is not liable for any inaccuracies in this information.

Published 17 May 2013

Last updated 1323 JuneSeptember 2019 + show all updates
  1. Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement
  2. Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.
  3. EU Exit update: updated information in the Passport & Travel, Pensions, and Returning to the UK sections.
  4. EU Exit update: updated information on EU Exit in healthcare, visas and residency, driving and working sections
  5. We have updated the contact details you need to apply for an S1 form.
  6. EU Exit update: Updated information on passports. You must use the checker tool to see if your passport is still valid for your trip.
  7. EU Exit update: Updated information on double taxation following EU Exit in the money and tax section
  8. EU Exit update - Updated information on access to healthcare
  9. EU Exit update: updated information on pensions and driving.
  10. EU Exit update: Latest Brexit information from the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) added to the EU Exit and Visa and Residency sections.
  11. EU Exit update: New information in residency and visa section on draft withdrawal agreement in principle between the UK and EU. Plus information on travelling with pets in Europe in Pets section.
  12. Complete revision of guidance to ensure it's up to date and accurate.
  13. Updated information on healthcare entitlement
  14. Addition of energy and services comparison website
  15. added more links re: health insurance in the Netherlands
  16. added information about health insurance for students and expats.
  17. First published.

Update history

2024-07-12 13:01
Updated information on the EU Entry Exit System for holders of residence permits.

2022-03-11 14:29
Important information in the Working in the Netherlands, and National insurance sections if you work in the Netherlands, even it if it is for an employer based in the UK.

2021-12-20 10:47
Guidance reviewed and updated throughout, with new information on visas and residency, passports and travel, healthcare, working, tax, benefits, pensions, driving, births deaths and marriages, pets, and returning to the UK.

2021-10-01 09:19
Visa and residency section updated after the 30 September 2021 residency application deadline for people living in the Netherlands since before 1 January 2021. There is new information about ongoing and late residency applications, appeals and family members' applications.

2021-06-02 14:07
Visas and residency section updated: further guidance on Type II residency documents and extended deadline for residency applications

2021-02-17 09:42
Coronavirus section updated with a link to guidance on vaccines.

2020-09-16 10:24
Visas and residency section updated to include details of changes to the new residency system.

2020-09-07 13:15
Passports and travel section updated to include information on passport validity and entry requirements when travelling to other European countries from January 2021.

2020-08-05 11:50
Visas and residency section updated with further information on the new residency system

2020-01-24 09:48
Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.

2019-09-23 16:25
Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement

2019-09-03 16:58
Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.

2019-06-13 13:51
EU Exit update: updated information in the Passport & Travel, Pensions, and Returning to the UK sections.

2019-04-09 22:01
EU Exit update: updated information on EU Exit in healthcare, visas and residency, driving and working sections