Original document : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/living-in-malta

Change description : 2020-01-23 16:18:00: Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal [Brexit]

Showing diff : 2019-09-23 17:16:33 +00:00..2020-01-23 18:01:02 +00:00


Living in Malta

Official information forBritish UKpeople nationals moving to orand living in Malta,Malta includingneed guidanceto onknow, Brexit,including Brexit guidance, residency, passportshealthcare and driving.

This page tells you what to do ahead of Brexit. It will be updated if anything changes, including if a deal is agreed.

Brexit: what you should do

You should:

Stay up to date

The UKon is leaving the EU. This page tells you how to prepare for Brexit and will be updated if anything changes. You should:


You acan citizenalso:

Thein Britishthe HighEU: Commissionprepare regularlyfor holdBrexit

  • read eventsthe acrossMaltese no-deal legislation (open in Google Chrome)
  • read the factsheet on Malta forGovernment’s UKplans nationals.in Attendcase of a no-deal Brexit
  • attend one of our citizen outreach meetings tofor keepUK upnationals to date on working and living in Malta afterand Brexit.

    You can also:

    Visas and residency

    Check the entry requirements for Malta.

    If you plan to remain in Malta for more than 3 months, you must contact Identitythe Malta’sDepartment Expatriatesof UnitCitizenship and Expatriate Affairs to apply for residency. The Malta government will issue an identity card once you are registered.

    For information on visas and residency you can:

    Visas and residency after Brexit

    You must register as a resident in Malta before the UK leaves the EU.

    If the UK leaves the EU with a deal, your rights will be recognised if you are legally resident in Malta before the end of the implementation period (31on 31 December 2020)2020.

    If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, you will beneed ableto get a new non-EU residence permit within 2 years of the UK leaving the EU. This will protect your rights, including access to stay.healthcare, rights to work and access to social benefits. Your current EU residency document will remain valid in the meantime. The new residency document will be:

    • free
    • valid for 10 years
    • renewable when it expires

    If thereyou arearrive changesafter toBrexit, you will be eligible for the 10-year residency registrationpermit processesas afterlong Brexit,as weyou satisfy the criteria. You will have to pay the same fee as third country nationals.

    We will update this guidance aswhen soonwe asknow informationhow isand available.when the application process for the new residency permits will take place.

    Passports and travel

    You can apply for or renew your British passport from MaltaMalta..

    Passports and travel after Brexit

    CheckAfter yourBrexit, passportthe isrules validon for travel beforewill youchange. bookCheck your trip. Your passport shouldis be valid for thetravel proposedbefore durationyou ofbook your stay;trip. you do not need any additional period of validity on it beyond this.

    You’ll need to renew your passport before travelling if you do not have enough time left on it.your passport.

    TheIf rulesthere onis travela willdeal, staynothing thewill samechange until the implementationend periodof ends on 31 December 2020. DuringIn this time you can continue to travel tofreely countries in the Schengen area or elsewhere in the EU with your UK passport.

    We willWhat updatehappens theseafter pages2020 withwill detailsform the next part of anynegotiations.

    If changesthere’s tono thedeal rulesyou asshould soonhave asat informationleast is6 available.months Youleft shouldon signan upadult foror updateschild passport to thistravel guidance.

    Drivingto inmost Malta

    Ifcountries youin areEurope resident(not inincluding Malta,Ireland). If you shouldrenewed exchange your UKcurrent licencepassport forbefore athe Malteseprevious one byexpired, completingextra Transportmonths Malta’smay DRV30have form.

    Ifbeen youadded areto residentits inexpiry Malta,date. youAny willextra notmonths beon ableyour topassport renewover a10 lost,years stolenmay ornot expiredcount licencetowards with the UK6 Drivermonths andneeded.

    If Vehiclethere’s Licensingno Agencydeal, (DVLA).UK Younationals shouldwill thereforenot exchangeneed yourvisas licence for ashort Maltesestays oneelsewhere beforein yourthe UKEU. licenceYou expires.

    Forwill informationbe onable drivingto instay Malta,up youto can90 readdays ourin guidanceanother on:

    day period. You canshould alsoretain readevidence theof EU’stravel guidance(such onas exchangingtrain orand renewingplane yourtickets), drivingin licence.

    Bringingcase athese UK-registeredare vehiclerequested toby Malta

    Readnational ourauthorities. guidanceIf onyou takinghold a vehicleresidence outpermit offrom thean UK.

    OnceEU, you’reEEA residentor inEFTA Malta,country, youryou importedwill carbe mustable haveto Maltesetransit numberthrough plates.

    Readother theEU, EuropeanEEA Union’sor guidanceEFTA oncountries carto registrationreach andyour taxescountry inof Malta.residence.

    If Youyou mayare belegally exemptresident fromin someMalta, ofyou theseshould taxes.carry Ifyour soresidency youpermit willwith needyou certificateswhen ofexiting exemption.

    Drivingor inentering Malta after Brexit



    DrivingRead licencethe rulesNHS willguidance stayabout thehealthcare samefor untilUK 31nationals Decemberliving 2020.in and visiting Malta.


    If you are legally resident in Malta and paying into the Maltese Social Security System, you will be entitled to full access to healthcare and you will be able to apply for a Maltese EHIC.

    If you don’t qualify for healthcare cover through your national security contributions, you should check if you are eligible to apply for the Maltese RHA Entitlement Card.

    Your RHA Entitlement Card allows you to register at your nearest health centre on the Maltese government website and make GP appointments. You will need to bring an identity card or passport.

    RHA Entitlement Card holders are not entitled to long-term care and treatment outside MaltaMalta, and are not eligible for the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from Malta.

    If you are resident in Malta, you must not use an EHIC from the UK to access healthcare in Malta.

    Applying for healthcare as a UK state pensioner or if you receive a long-term sickness benefit

    If you receive a UK State Pension, you must request an S1 certificate (previously E121) from the Overseas Healthcare Service on +44 191 218 1999. If you receive an exportable DWP benefit, you can request an S1 form from the office which pays your exportable benefit.

    Visiting the UK as an S1 holder

    If you visit the UK whilst residing abroad and require medical treatment,treatment you must provide a copy of your S1 certificate. In some EU member states the S1 certificate is requested and retained in order for you to receive healthcare. If you do not have a copy or need to get a new certificate, you must contact the Overseas Healthcare Service on +44 191 218 1999.

    Healthcare after Brexit

    ThereIf willthere beis noa changesdeal, to your healthcarecurrent rights on access beforeto 31healthcare Decemberin 2020.Malta Youwill canremain alsothe continuesame tountil usethe yourend EHIC,of the implementation period, as long as you didremain before,a duringresident thisin time.Malta.

    If there’s no deal, and you are livinga legal resident in Malta on or movebefore there31 permanentlyOctober, beforeyour 31right Decemberto 2020,access you’llhealthcare as you do now will be protected under the Maltese no-deal legislation. This includes those who currently access healthcare through the S1 form.

    If you currently have life-longyour healthcare rightscosts inpaid Maltafor asby the UK government, we can help if you doare now,asked providedto pay for treatment during the first 6 months after Brexit. To organise a payment, you remainmust resident.give your healthcare provider’s details to the NHS Business Services Authority’s Overseas Healthcare Services.

    In an emergency, go directly to Mater Dei Hospital or Gozo General Hospital.

    You can find English-speaking doctors in Malta.

    You must check your prescriptions are legal in Malta.

    Working and studying in Malta

    If you are registered as a resident in Malta, you have the right to work in Malta. You can read our guidance on working in another EU country.

    When looking for work, you may need to:

    Working in Malta after Brexit

    YourIf there is a deal, your right to work will notstay changethe assame longuntil asthe youend remainof residentthe inimplementation Malta.period.


    If inthere’s Maltano afterdeal, Brexit

    Yourif rightyou tohave studythe willnew notnon-EU change,residency asdocument, longyou aswill yoube remainable residentto work in Malta.

    EligibilityMalta forand financialwill supportnot willneed remaina unchangedwork visa or employment licence. Read the guidance on providing services after Brexit (requiringif you’re planning to start a minimumbusiness, ofprovide 5a yearsservice, residencyor do a job in Malta).a regulated profession after the UK leaves the EU.

    Money and tax

    The UK has a double-taxationdouble taxation agreement with Malta to ensure people do not pay tax on the same income in both countries.

    You can read guidance about:

    For advice on paying tax in Malta, you can find an English-speaking lawyer.

    National Insurance

    Find out if you can pay National Insurance while abroad in order to protect your UK State Pension and entitlement to other benefits and allowances.

    If you are employed or self-employed in the EU and you have a UK-issued A1/E101 form, you will remain subject to UK legislation until the end date on the form.

    If the end date on your form is after 31 October 2019, you should contact the relevant EU, EEA or Swiss authority to confirm whether you need to start paying social security contributions in that country after 31 October, as well as UK National Insurance contributions.

    Find out more about social security contributions after a no-deal Brexit.

    Money and tax after Brexit

    Brexit will not change existing double-taxationdouble taxation arrangements for UK nationals living in Malta. You should send your taxpayer questions about double taxation to the relevant tax authority.


    YouIf willthere’s needno deal, it may become more expensive to telluse theyour UK governmentbank officescard thatin dealMalta. withRead yourour benefits,guidance pensionon andusing taxa ifbank youcard, areinsurance moving or retiringother abroad.financial services.


    ThereYou will beneed no changes before 31 December 2020 to thetell rules on claiming the UK Stategovernment Pensionoffices inthat thedeal EU,with EEAyour orbenefits, Switzerlandpension asand atax resultif ofyou theare UKmoving leavingor theretiring EU.abroad.

    If you retire in Malta, you can claim:

    Life certificates for UK State Pensions

    If you get a ‘life certificate’ from the UK Pension Service, you need to respond as soon as possible. Your payments may be suspended if you don’t.

    Pensions after Brexit

    YouThe canUK government will continue to receivepay youra UK State Pension ifto youthose liveeligible in the EU,EU EEAafter orBrexit. SwitzerlandYour and you can still claim your UK State Pension.

    IfPension you are living in the EU, EEA or Switzerland by 31 December 2020 you will getbe your UK State Pension uprated everyin yearApril for2020, as2021 longand as2022 you continue to live there. This will happen even if you startlive claimingin yourthe pensionEU, onEEA or after 1 January 2021, as long as you meet the qualifying conditions.Switzerland.

    If youthere areis livinga indeal Maltaand by 31 December 2020, you will be able to count future social security contributions towards meeting the qualifying conditions for your UK State Pension.

    If you work and pay social security contributions in Malta, you will still be able to add your previous UK social security contributions towards your Maltese pension. This will happen even if you claim your pension after the end of the implementation period.


    ThereIf willthere’s be no changesdeal, beforethe 31Maltese Decembergovernment 2020will torecognise thepension rulescontributions onthat claimingwere made in the UK benefitsbefore inBrexit. Read the EU,Maltese EEAgovernment orfactsheet Switzerlandon aspensions.

    Also aread resultour ofguidance theon UKpensions leavingin thea EU.no-deal Brexit.


    You may still be able to claim some UK benefits like child and disability benefits if you live in Malta. You should:

    If you’re abroad for more than 4 weeks, many income-related benefits such as pension credit and housing benefit cannot be paid to you.

    You can request proof of the time you’ve worked in the UK from HMRC if you are asked for this.

    Maltese benefits

    You may be eligible to claim some Maltese social security benefits. You should:

    Benefits after Brexit

    IfThe youUK aregovernment living in the EU, EEA or Switzerland by 31 December 2020, you will continue to receivepay anychild UKbenefits, benefitsand youdisability alreadybenefits receive.to Thisthose willeligible continuein forthe asEU longafter asBrexit.

    If you live there andis meeta alldeal otherand eligibility requirements.

    If you work and pay social security contributions in Malta, your previous UK social security contributions will be taken into account when applying for Maltese contributions-based benefits. This will happen even if you claim contributions-based benefits after the end of the implementation period.

    If there’s no deal, the Maltese government have confirmed that they will continue to take periods of work in the UK before Brexit into account when claiming Maltese contributions-based benefits. We will continue to update our guidance on this.

    Read our guidance on pensions if there’s no deal.

    Driving in Malta

    If you are resident in Malta, you should exchange your UK licence for a Maltese one by completing Transport Malta’s DRV30 Form.

    If you are resident in Malta, you will not be able to renew a lost, stolen or expired licence with the UK Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). You should therefore exchange your licence for a Maltese one before your UK licence expires.

    For information on driving in Malta, you can read our guidance on:

    You can also read the EU’s guidance on exchanging or renewing your driving licence.

    Bringing a UK-registered vehicle to Malta

    Read our guidance on taking a vehicle out of the UK.

    Once you’re resident in Malta, your imported car must have Maltese number plates.

    Read the European Union’s guidance on car registration and taxes in Malta. You may be exempt from some of these taxes. If so you will need certificates of exemption.

    Driving in Malta after Brexit

    If there is a deal, driving licence rules will stay the same during the implementation period.

    If there’s no deal, your UK driving licence will be valid for up to a year after you register as a resident in Malta. A UK driving licence can be exchanged for a local Maltese one without having to retake your test.

    We will update this guide when more information becomes available.

    Read our guidance on driving in the EU after the UK leaves the EU.


    If you’re resident in Malta you can vote in local municipal and European Parliamentary elections.

    You may be able to vote in some UK elections. You can:

    Voting after Brexit

    If you are resident in Malta, you willcan continue to be able to vote in local municipal elections.elections after Brexit.

    You will no longer be eligible to vote in European Parliament elections.elections after Brexit.

    Births, deaths and getting married

    If your child is born in Malta, would will need to register a birth abroad.

    If someone dies in Malta, you can:

    Find out how you can get married abroad.

    Accommodation and buying property

    Read our guidance on renting and buying property in Malta.

    Accommodation and buying property after Brexit

    There will be minimum value limits when purchasing property in Malta as a third country national. You will need to apply for an Acquisition of Immovable Property [AIP] Permit.

    Read the Maltese government’s guidance on buying property for more information. You may also wish to seek legal advice.


    CurrentYou petwill still be able to travel to and from the UK with a cat, dog or ferret after Brexit, but the rules will staychange. Read guidance on pet travel to Europe after Brexit.

    While the sameUK untilis 31still Decemberan 2020.EU Member State you’ll be able to travel with your pet to the EU under the current pet travel rules using your current EU pet passport.

    If you’re travelling with your pet for the first timetime, you must visit your vet to get a pet passport.

    Read guidance on returning your cat, dog or ferret to the UK. For moving pet travelhorses and other equines read guidance on export horses and ponies: special rules.


    The emergency number in Malta is 112.

    If you need urgent help, are the victim of crime, have been arrested, or are affected by a crisis in Malta, contact the British High Commission Malta.

    Returning to the UK

    Essential actions to take before leaving Malta:

    Read our guidance on:

    To move your pension to the UK, contact the International Pension Centre.

    If you receive healthcare in Malta through the S1 form, you must contact the Overseas Healthcare Team on +44 191 218 1999 to make sure your S1 is cancelled at the right time.

    Read the guidance on returning to the UK permanently which includes information on, amongst other things, tax, access to services and bringing family members.


    This information is provided as a guide only. Definitive information should be obtained from the Maltese authorities. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) will not be liable for any inaccuracies in this information.

  • Published 28 April 2016

    Last updated 23 JanuarySeptember 20202019 + show all updates
    1. Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal

    2. Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement

    3. Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.

    4. Added new information in Healthcare section about S1 certificates.

    5. EU Exit update: added changes to 'Passport Validity (6 Month Rule) and EU Visa-Free Travel' section

    6. EU Exit update: updated information in pensions, healthcare, passports and returning to the UK sections

    7. We have updated the contact details you need to apply for an S1 form.

    8. Updated information on passports: you must use the checker tool to see if your passport is still valid for your trip

    9. EU Exit update: Added information on double-taxation after EU Exit under the 'Money and Tax' section

    10. EU Exit update: added information about Maltese government helpline for UK nationals in Malta (Freephone 153) and instructions about driving licences

    11. EU Exit update: Added further details of Malta´s offer to UK nationals and existing UK-Malta bilateral healthcare agreement in health section.

    12. EU Exit update - Updated information on access to healthcare

    13. EU Exit update: added latest announcement from the Maltese government to the EU Exit section.

    14. EU Exit update: Added information about outreach meetings for UK nationals living in Malta and Gozo

    15. EU Exit update: updated information on pensions and driving.

    16. EU Exit update: New information in residency and visa section on draft withdrawal agreement in principle between the UK and EU. Plus information on travelling with pets in Europe in pet section.

    17. Complete revision of guidance to ensure it's up to date and accurate.

    18. Updated October 2017

    19. First published.

    Update history

    2024-07-26 09:59
    New guidance on the EU’s Entry-Exit System (Passports and travel section).

    2022-03-11 08:00
    Important information in the ‘Working in Malta’ and ‘National insurance and social security contributions’ sections if you work in Malta, even it if it is for an employer based in the UK.

    2022-03-07 14:51
    Changes to the Driving in Malta section to reflect the latest Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Government of the Republic of Malta and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    2021-03-03 11:08
    Coronavirus section updated with a link to guidance on vaccines

    2020-09-07 12:19
    Passports and travel section updated to include information on passport validity and entry requirements when travelling to other European countries from January 2021

    2020-07-09 10:37
    Visas and Residency section updated with information about the new residency registration scheme returning to full service.

    2020-04-17 16:16
    Updated 17 April 2020

    2020-03-23 12:19
    Updated 23 March 2019

    2020-03-10 13:25
    Visas and residency section updated with information on the new residency card that the Maltese government will issue.

    2020-01-23 16:18
    Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal

    2019-09-23 17:05
    Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement

    2019-09-03 17:01
    Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.

    2019-06-25 09:17
    Added new information in Healthcare section about S1 certificates.

    2019-06-03 11:27
    EU Exit update: added changes to 'Passport Validity (6 Month Rule) and EU Visa-Free Travel' section

    2019-04-29 11:28
    EU Exit update: updated information in pensions, healthcare, passports and returning to the UK sections