Original document : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/living-in-the-czech-republic

Change description : 2020-01-24 09:22:00: Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal. [Brexit]

Showing diff : 2019-09-23 17:16:33 +00:00..2020-01-24 09:25:34 +00:00


Living in the Czech Republic

Official information forBritish UKpeople nationals moving to and living in the Czech Republic,Republic need to know, including Brexit guidance, residency, healthcare and driving.

This page tells you what to do ahead of Brexit. It will be updated if anything changes, including if a deal is agreed.

Brexit: what you should do

You should:

Staycheck upyour topassport date

The UK is leavingvalid the EU. This page tells you how to prepare for travel

Brexit andupdates

To willkeep beup updatedto if anything changes. You should:date:

Attend a citizen outreach meeting

  • Theread BritishLiving Embassyin regularlythe holdsEU: eventsprepare across Czech Republic for UKBrexit

  • attend nationals. Attend one of our citizen outreach meetings to keep up to date on working and living in the Czech Republic after Brexit.

    You can also:

    Visas and residency

    Check the entry requirements for the Czech Republic.

    You need to secure a Czech residence permit before Brexit if you want to guarantee your stay in the Czech Republic.

    You must register your stay with the Czech Foreign Police (in Czech) first. You will need this confirmation of your registration with the Foreign Police when you apply for Czech residency status.

    Read our guidance on moving or retiring abroad.

    Visas and residency after Brexit

    If the UK leaves the EU without a deal you arewill residentneed into enter the Czech Republicimmigration scheme. To do this, you must make an appointment with the Czech immigration authority.

    If you have a certificate of temporary residence, you will need to apply for either a long-term residence permit or a permanent residence permit before the end of the2020.

    If implementationyou periodhave ona 31permanent Decemberresidence 2020,permit, you will beneed able to stay.change your current documents for a new biometric card by the end of 2020.

    IfYou therecan arelook at this flowchart from the Czech Ministry of Interior which explains the process.

    In the event of changes to residency rules or registration processes after Brexit, we will update this guidance as soon as information is available.

    Passports and travel

    You can apply for or renew your British passport from the Czech Republic.

    You can look at our travel advice for the Czech Republic and sign up for up-to-date information on local laws and customs, safety and emergencies.

    Passports and travel after Brexit

    CheckAfter yourBrexit, passportthe isrules validon fortravel travel.will Yourchange. passportCheck shouldyour bepassport is valid for thetravel. proposed duration of your stay; you do not need any additional period of validity on your passport beyond this.

    You’ll need to renew your passport before travelling if you do not have enough time left on your passport.

    TheIf rulesthe onUK travelleaves will stay the sameEU untilwith thea enddeal, ofnothing thewill implementationchange perioduntil onthe 31end Decemberof 2020. During this time you can continue to travel tofreely countries in the Schengen area with your UK passport. What happens after 2020 will form the next part of negotiations.

    If there’s no deal, new travel rules will apply. You must have at least 6 months left on an adult or elsewherechild passport to travel to most countries in Europe (not including Ireland). If you renewed your current passport before the EUprevious withone expired, extra months may have been added to its expiry date. Any extra months on your UKpassport passport.over 10 years may not count towards the 6 months needed.

    WeIf there is no deal, UK nationals will updatenot theseneed pagesvisas withfor detailsshort ofstays anyelsewhere changesin the EU. You will be able to thestay rulesup asto soon90 asdays informationin isanother available.EU, EEA or EFTA country, within a 180 day period. You shouldmust signretain upevidence forof updatestravel (e.g. train and plane tickets), in case these are requested by national authorities. If you hold a residence permit from an EU, EEA or EFTA country, you will be able to thistransit guidance.through other EU, EEA or EFTA countries to reach your country of residence.


    Read the NHS guidance on healthcare in the Czech Republic.

    If you live in the Czech Republic and receive an exportable UK pension, contribution-based Employment Support Allowance or another exportable benefit, you may currently be entitled to state healthcare paid for by the UK. You must apply for a certificate of entitlement known as an S1 certificate.

    If you are resident in the Czech Republic, you must not use a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from the UK for healthcare in the Czech Republic.

    When you travel from the Czech Republic for a temporary stay in another European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland, you can use an EHIC to access state-provided healthcare in that country. During that short stay:

    If you are a student, read the NHS guidance on healthcare and studying abroad.

    You can find an English-speaking doctor in the Czech Republic.

    You must also check your prescriptions are legal in the Czech Republic.

    Healthcare after Brexit

    ThereIf willthere beis noa changesdeal, to your healthcarecurrent rights on access beforeto 31healthcare Decemberin 2020.the YouCzech canRepublic alsowill continueremain tothe usesame youruntil EHIC,the end of the implementation period, as long as you didremain before,a duringresident thisin time.the Czech Republic.

    If there’s no deal, you arewill livingstill inbe able to access the Czech Republichealthcare orsystem moveif:

    • you thereare permanentlyemployed beforeby 31a DecemberCzech 2020,employer

    • you you’ll have life-longa healthcarepermanent rightsresidence inpermit

    • you theare Czechself-employed, Republicas long as youyour docircumstances now,don’t providedchange

    If there’s no deal, your S1 form will no longer be recognised by Czech authorities. You must take action now to decide how you remainwill resident.ensure access to healthcare if there’s no deal.

    For more information, read the Czech Health Insurance Bureau’s website for guidance on access to the Czech healthcare system after Brexit.


    If you currently have your healthcare costs paid for by the UK government, we can help if you are asked to pay for treatment during the first 6 months after Brexit. To organise a payment, you must give your healthcare provider’s details to the NHS Business Services Authority’s Overseas Healthcare Services.

    Your EHIC may not be valid if there’s no deal. The UK has offered to maintain the EHIC scheme if there’s no deal, however this is reliant on the Czech Republic continuing to accept UK EHICs.

    Read the NHS guidance on healthcare for UK nationals living in the Czech Republic and studyinghow it may change after Brexit.

    Working in the Czech Republic

    If you are registered as a resident in the Czech Republic, you have the right to work in the Czech Republic. Read our guidance on working in another EU country.

    You may need to apply for one orof both of the following:

    Working in the Czech Republic after Brexit

    YourIf there is a deal, your right to work will not change,change asuntil longthe asend youof remain resident in the Czechimplementation Republic.period.

    If youthere’s gainedno yourdeal, professionalyou qualificationmay inneed the UK before Brexit, it will continue to beapply recognisedfor bya Czechwork authorities.

    Recognitionpermit decisionsif madeyou onare qualificationsswitching obtainedjobs inand thedo UKnot orhold thea EUpermanent beforeresidency the end of the implementation period on 31 December 2020 are not affected.permit.

    IfRead youthe haveguidance noton hadproviding yourservices professionalafter qualificationsBrexit recognised,if youyou’re willplanning haveto untilstart thea endbusiness, ofprovide thea implementationservice, periodor todo submita anjob application under the current rules.

    Studying in thea Czechregulated Republicprofession after Brexit


    If you aregained enrolledyour atprofessional aqualification Czechin university,the BrexitUK willbefore notBrexit, affectit your fees. You will becontinue able to continuebe in,recognised orby enrol into, study programmes taught in Czech free of charge. Fees for programmes taught in English will also not change.authorities.

    Read the guidance on continuing your studies in the European Union after Brexit.

    Money and tax

    If you work in the Czech Republic, you have the same tax rights and duties as Czech citizens.

    The UK has a double-taxation agreement with the Czech Republic to ensure people do not pay tax on the same income in both countries.

    Read guidance about:

    You should obtain professional advice on paying tax in the Czech Republic.

    Declaration of overseas assets

    If you live in the Czech Republic for more than six months in the current year, you will need to pay tax on your worldwide income here. This may include income from securities, insurance, annuities, and property. We recommend that you check with your local Czech tax office.

    National Insurance

    Find out if you can pay National Insurance while abroad in order to protect your State Pension and entitlement to other benefits and allowances.

    If you are employed or self-employed in the EU or EEA and you have a UK-issued A1/E101 form, you will remain subject to UK legislation until the end date on the form.

    If the end date on your form is after 31 October 2019, you should contact the relevant EU, EEA or Swiss authority to confirm whether you need to start paying social security contributions in that country after 31 October, as well as UK National Insurance contributions.

    Find out more about social security contributions after a no-deal Brexit.

    Money and tax after Brexit

    Brexit will not change existing double-taxationdouble taxation arrangements for UK nationals living in the Czech Republic. Send your individual taxpayer questions about double taxation to the relevant tax authority.


    YouIf willthere’s needno todeal, tellit themay UKbecome governmentmore officesexpensive thatto dealuse with your benefits,UK pensionbank andcard taxin ifthe youEU. areRead movingmore orabout retiringusing abroad.

    Therea willbank becard, noinsurance changesor beforeother 31financial Decemberservice 2020in to the rulesEU.


    You onwill claimingneed to tell the UK Stategovernment Pensionoffices inthat thedeal EU,with EEAyour orbenefits, Switzerlandpension asand atax resultif ofyou theare UKmoving leavingor theretiring EU.abroad.

    If you retire in the Czech Republic, you can claim:

    Life certificates for UK Statestate Pensionspensions

    If you get a ‘life certificate’ from the UK Pension Service, you need to respond as soon as possible – your payments may be suspended if you don’t.

    Pensions after Brexit

    YouThe canUK government will continue to receivepay youra UK State Pension ifto youthose liveeligible in the EU,EU EEAafter orBrexit. SwitzerlandYour and you can still claim your UK State Pension.

    IfPension you are living in the EU, EEA or Switzerland by 31 December 2020 you will getbe your UK State Pension uprated everyin yearApril for2020, as2021 longand as2022 you continue to live there. This will happen even if you startlive claimingin yourthe pensionEU, onEEA or after 1 January 2021, as long as you meet the qualifying conditions.Switzerland.

    If youthere’s areno livingdeal inand the Czech Republic by 31 December 2020, you will be able to count future social security contributions towards meeting the qualifying conditions for your UK State Pension.

    If you work and pay social security contributions in the Czech Republic, you will still be able to add your UK social security contributions towards your Czech pension. This will happen even if you claim your pension after the end of the implementation period.


    ThereIf willthere’s be no changesdeal, beforethe 31Czech Decembergovernment 2020will totake theinto rulesaccount onperiods claimingof UKwork benefits in the EU,UK EEAbefore orBrexit Switzerlandwhen ascalculating ayour resultCzech ofpension.

    Read theour UKguidance leavingon thepensions EU.if there’s no deal.


    You may still be able to claim some UK benefits like child and disability benefits if you live in the Czech Republic.

    Many income-related benefits such as pension credit and housing benefit cannot be paid to you if you’re abroad for more than 4 weeks.

    Czech benefits

    You may be entitled to Czech benefits. To find out if you are entitled to Czech benefits and how to claim, you can read the European Union’s guidance on claiming benefits in an EU country like the Czech Republic.

    You can request proof of the time you have worked in the UK from HMRC if you are asked for this.

    Benefits after Brexit

    IfThe youUK aregovernment living in the EU, EEA or Switzerland by 31 December 2020, you will continue to receivepay anychild UKbenefits, benefitsand youdisability alreadybenefits receive.to Thiseligible willpeople continuein forthe asEU longafter asBrexit.

    If youthere’s liveno theredeal and meet all other eligibility requirements.

    If you work and pay social security contributions in the Czech Republic, your UK social security contributions will be taken into account when applying for Czech contributions-based benefits. This will happen even if you claim contributions-based benefits after the end of the implementation period.

    If there’s no deal you must:

    Driving in the Czech Republic

    If you are resident in the Czech Republic, exchange your UK licence for a Czech one (in Czech). You can do this at any municipality with extended competence (in Czech). You will need to provide at least two documents proving you are resident in the Czech Republic for more than 185 days in a calendar year. This can be your permanent residency permit, temporary residency permit, lease agreement, property ownership listing, employment contract, etc.

    You can still use your Czech licence in the UK for short visits, or exchange it for a UK licence without taking a test if you return to live in the UK.

    For information on driving in the Czech Republic, read our guidance on:

    Bringing a UK-registered vehicle into the Czech Republic

    Read our guidance on taking a vehicle out of the UK.

    If you spend more than 185 days in the Czech Republic with your UK-registered car, you must register your vehicle with Czech authorities.

    Driving after Brexit

    DrivingIf there is a deal, driving licence rules will stay the same untilduring 31the Decemberimplementation 2020.period.

    Read our guidance on driving in the EU after Brexit.


    You may be able to vote in some UK elections.

    If you are resident in the Czech Republic, you can vote in municipal and European parliamentary elections. You cannot vote in national parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic.

    Voting after Brexit

    UK nationals will no longer be eligible to vote in local or European Parliament elections after Brexit.

    Births, deaths and marriages

    If your child is born in the Czech Republic, you will need to register the birth with local authorities and register the birth abroad.

    If someone dies in the Czech Republic:

    Find out how you can get married abroad.

    You will need to make a declaration in the Register of Vital Records (matrika) in the municipality where you plan to get married.

    Find out about notarial and documentary services for British nationals in the Czech Republic. As of February 2019, you may no longer need to provide Czech translation of your document to Czech authorities. Find out about a new EU regulation which simplifies the authentication process.

    You may also need:

    Accommodation and buying property

    Read guidance on how to buy a property abroad.


    CurrentYou petwill still be able to travel to and from the UK with a cat, dog or ferret when the UK leaves the EU, but the rules will staychange. theRead sameguidance untilon 31pet Decembertravel 2020.to Europe after Brexit.

    While the UK is still a Member State you’ll be able to travel with your pet to the EU under the current pet travel rules using your current EU pet passport. If you’re travelling with your pet for the first time you must visit your vet to get a pet passport.

    Read guidance on returning your cat, dog or ferret to the UK.

    For moving pet travelhorses and other equines read guidance on exporting horses and ponies: special rules.


    You can dial the European emergency number on 112 or:

    • 158 for police
    • 156 for local police
    • 155 for health emergencies
    • 150 for firefighters

    If you are the victim of crime, have been arrested, or are affected by a crisis abroad, contact the British Embassy Prague.

    Returning to the UK

    Read our guidance on:

    Tell the UK and Czech authorities if you are returning to the UK permanently. To help prove you are now living in the UK, you must deregister with Czech authorities.

    If you receive UK State Pension or benefits payments, you must tell the International Pension Centre.

    If you get healthcare in the Czech Republic through the S1 form, you must contact the Overseas Healthcare Team on +44 (0)191 218 1999 to make sure your S1 form is cancelled at the right time.

    Read the guidance on returning to the UK permanently which includes information on, amongst other things, tax, access to services and bringing family members.


    This information is provided as a guide only. Definitive information should be obtained from the Czech authorities. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is not liable for any inaccuracies in this information.

Published 15 November 2013

Last updated 2423 JanuarySeptember 20202019 + show all updates
  1. Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.

  2. Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement

  3. Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.

  4. EU Exit update: information in the "Passports and travel after the UK leaves the EU" section updated

  5. Births, deaths and marriages: We added information on the the EU Regulation on Public Documents (Regulation 2016/1191) which simplifies the circulation of certain public documents.

  6. EU Exit update: updated EU Exit information in visas and residency, healthcare and driving sections

  7. We have updated the contact details you need to apply for an S1 form.

  8. Updated information on passports: you must use the checker tool to see if your passport is still valid for your trip

  9. EU Exit update: added information on an outreach event in Brno on 19 February

  10. EU Exit update - Updated information on access to healthcare

  11. EU Exit update: updated information on pensions and driving

  12. Added information about an outreach event planned for January 2019 in the "EU exit: what you need to know" section.

  13. EU Exit update: New information in residency and visa section on draft withdrawal agreement in principle between the UK and EU. Plus information on travelling with pets in Europe in pet section.

  14. Brexit update: added in official recommendation from the Czech Ministry of the Interior

  15. Complete revision of guidance to ensure it's up to date and accurate.

  16. Updated information on Brexit.

  17. Added Brits in the Czech Republic Facebook page to the information on expat communities in the Czech Republic.

  18. First published.

Update history

2024-05-10 14:03
Updated the Visas and residency section with information on the Entry/Exit System (EES), which the EU will introduce in autumn 2024.

2024-03-27 12:16
Annual review and update of the content and links

2023-01-25 08:40
annual review

2022-03-11 09:00
Important information in the Working in the Czech Republic, and National insurance sections if you work in the Czech Republic, even it if it is for an employer based in the UK.

2022-02-23 15:13
Updated the Visas and residency section to include information on the process for UK nationals with Czech residency to exchange their residency permit for a biometric card before 31 August 2022.

2021-03-01 08:23
Coronavirus section updated with a link to guidance on vaccines.

2020-09-07 15:05
Passports and travel section updated to include information on passport validity and entry requirements when travelling to other European countries from January 2021.

2020-01-24 09:22
Brexit update: includes further details on passport validity, healthcare rights and State Pension uprating if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.

2019-09-23 16:54
Brexit update: healthcare section updated to reflect transitional arrangements announcement

2019-09-03 17:04
Brexit update: Pensions section updated to include further details on State Pension uprating.

2019-05-31 09:42
EU Exit update: information in the “Passports and travel after the UK leaves the EU” section updated

2019-04-26 13:20
Births, deaths and marriages: We added information on the the EU Regulation on Public Documents (Regulation 2016/1191) which simplifies the circulation of certain public documents.

2019-04-10 14:03
EU Exit update: updated EU Exit information in visas and residency, healthcare and driving sections