
The UK sanctions list

Find out which people, entities and ships are designated or specified under regulations made under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018, and why.


UK sanctions list

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UK sanctions list

This file is in an OpenDocument format


New UK sanctions regimes came fully into force under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 (the Sanctions Act) at 11pm on 31 December 2020. The regulations establishing these regimes apply in the whole of the UK, including in Northern Ireland.

Some of these regimes contain sanctions measures (for instance asset-freezes or travel bans) which apply in respect of persons or ships which have been designated or specified.

The UK sanctions list

The structure and format of the UK sanctions list is changing in February 2022. Read the guidance to help you understand and prepare for the change.

The UK government publishes the UK sanctions list, which provides details of those designated under regulations made under the Sanctions Act. The list also details which sanctions measures apply to these persons or ships, and in the case of UK designations, provides a statement of reasons for the designation.

HM Treasury’s Office for Financial Sanctions Implementation provides a consolidated list of persons and organisations under financial sanctions, including those under the Sanctions Act and other UK legislation. Find out:

Publicising sanctions decisions

When the UK government makes a decision to make, vary or revoke a designation or ship specification, it will update the UK sanctions list in accordance with the publicity provisions in the relevant sanctions regulations.

More information

For further information on financial sanctions: contact the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation or subscribe to OFSI’s e-alerts

For all UK financial sanctions listings, visit OFSI’s consolidated list

For further information on trade sanctions: contact the Export Control Joint Unit Helpline on 020 7215 4594 or email or subscribe to the Export Control Joint Unit’s notices to exporters

For further information on immigration sanctions: contact the Home Office on

For further information on transport sanctions: contact the Department for Transport on

For general information on sanctions: contact the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office’s Sanctions Unit on

Published 6 July 2020
Last updated 613 January 2022 + show all updates
  1. Five listings removed and two additions made under the ISIL regime. Some other minor amendments also made.

  2. Four new listings under the Myanmar regime and one under the Global Human Rights regime.

  3. Two listings removed from the Iraq regime and three minor amendments under the Yemen regime.

  4. Technical corrections made to the list published on 26 November 2021. No designations have been made, varied or revoked.

  5. One new listing under the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida regime.

  6. Delistings under the Syria regime and one amendment under the Myanmar regime.

  7. One delisting under Iraq regime.

  8. A number of delistings from the Iraq regime.

  9. One delisting under ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida regime.

  10. New listings under the Myanmar regime.

  11. Seven new listings under the chemical weapons regime.

  12. A correction to the name of one of the regulations.

  13. One new designation under the Belarus regime.

  14. Amendments to one listing under the GHR regime.

  15. Amendments made under Belarus and Syria regimes.

  16. One delisting made under Belarus regime and one delisting made under Syria regime.

  17. Delisting made under Iraq regime and one amendment made under Russia regime.

  18. This update corrects a technical error that arose from publication on 22 June.

  19. This update corrects a technical error that arose when we uploaded the new designations under the Myanmar and Belarus regimes on 21 June.

  20. New designations under Myanmar and Belarus regimes and one amendment under Russia regime.

  21. New designation under Myanmar regime.

  22. New designations and one amendment under Libya regime.

  23. New designation made under Global Human Rights regime. Amendments made to information under some regimes.

  24. Amendments made to information for some regimes.

  25. New designations added under Syria regime. Information for some designations has been amended.

  26. Three new designations under the Somalia regime.

  27. Six new listings under the Burma sanctions regime, and some factual updates to other designations.

  28. New designations added under Zimbabwe regime. Information for some designations has been amended.

  29. Information for some designations has been amended.

  30. New designations added under the Global Human Rights Sanctions regime in response to serious human rights violations in Venezuela, Russia, The Gambia and Pakistan

  31. New designations added under the Global Human Rights sanctions regime in response to serious human rights violations in Belarus.

  32. First published.