The FCDO advise against all travel to Ukraine.
If you are a British national still in Ukraine, you should register your presence in Ukraine. This will allow us to provide the latest information. You should also continue to read and follow FCDO Travel Advice.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is ongoing, with attacks against a number of major cities. There is a real risk to life. We advise British nationals to leave Ukraine immediately if you judge it is safe to do so. Ukraine’s airspace is closed.
The FCDO advise against all travel to Ukraine. Read Ukraine: what you can do to help for advice on how you can provide support to Ukraine.
The UK Government retains a diplomatic presence in Ukraine but we can no longer provide consular assistance in person.person Ifdue youto the deteriorating security situation. Any British nationals who require consular assistance in Ukraine should call our 24 hour helpline +380 44 490 3660 (from Ukraine), +44 (0)1908 516666 (from the UK) and select the option for “consular services for British nationals,”nationals.” orFull consular services are available in neighbouring countries. You can also send an enquiry via the web contact form.
Following Fullthe consularintroduction servicesof aremartial availablelaw inon neighbouring24 countries.February, Martialyou Law is in place. You should follow the advice of the Ukrainian authorities.authorities Youwhile you remain in Ukraine and you should check the measures in place in your location as they will vary from region to region.
See Ukrainianour malesreturning (includingto dual nationals) aged 18-60 are prohibited from leaving the country.UK Itpage is expected that this prohibition will remain in place for theinformation duration of martial law.
You should expect increased documentation checks on peopleexiting andUkraine vehicles, transport restrictions and increasedonward securitytravel measuresto forthe publicUK. buildingsRoads, train and infrastructure.bus Otherservices measuresare couldlikely includeto additionalbe borderseverely controls,disrupted restrictions on large public events, curfews, restrictions on telephones, internet and broadcasting,there andare evacuationsreports of certainlong areas.queues Seeat our returning to the UKborder pagecrossing forpoints. informationYou onshould exitingcheck Ukraine,scheduled includingtrain border crossings, transport connections and requiredbus Transport networks are likelyoperating to be severely disrupted. Check with your transport provider before you travel.
If you require medical evacuation or support to leave Ukraine, a number of private companies are offering this service. The FCDO cannot endorse or recommend any companies. You should research whether a service provider will be suitable for your requirements and meets code of conduct and safety standards. Should you decide to pursue this, the Security in Complex Environments Group (SCEG) has several member companies that can provide support in Ukraine. These companies have accredited certification for international standards. The FCDO provides details of SCEG for information only. The current list of SCEG members is shown on the SCEG website. The FCDO has not completed due diligence checks on these companies. The FCDO does not accept any liability arising to any person for any loss or damage suffered through using these service providers or this information. The FCDO is not able to provide financial assistance for employing private security/medical evacuation companies.
If you are in the vicinity of military activity and you cannot leave safely, you should stay indoors, away from windows, and remain alert to developments that would allow you to leave safely.
If you decide to remain in Ukraine, you should remain vigilant throughout for any potential combat operations, keep your departure plans under constant review and ensure your travel documents are up to date. You should monitor the media and this travel advice regularly, subscribe to email alerts and read our advice on how to deal with a crisis overseas.
IfYou youshould areexpect inincreased thedocumentation vicinitychecks ofon militarypeople activityand vehicles, transport restrictions and youincreased cannotsecurity leavemeasures safely,for youpublic buildings and infrastructure. Other measures could include additional border controls, restrictions on large public events, curfews, restrictions on telephones, internet and broadcasting, and evacuations of certain areas. You should stayfollow indoors,the awayrestrictions imposed by the local authorities.
Ukrainian males (including dual nationals) aged 18-60 are now prohibited from windows,leaving andthe remaincountry. alertIt tois developmentsexpected that wouldthis allowprohibition youwill toremain leavein for the duration of martial law.
If you are a family member of a British National normally living in Ukraine and intend to apply for a visa under the Ukrainian Family Scheme, please read the seeguidance Visason visas for thefamily UKmembers of British nationals normally living in Ukraine. You should call +44 808 164 8810 for assistance before applying. Lines are open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
If you are considering commissioning a new surrogacy arrangement in Ukraine, or have current surrogacy arrangements in Ukraine, see surrogacy.
Conditions in Ukraine are changing rapidly due to Russia’s invasion. This may mean changes in the application of rules described in this Travel Advice e.g. in relation to Coronavirus and internal travel. FCDO cannot confirm that all information here reflects the latest situation in Ukraine.
Terrorist attacks in Ukraine can’t be ruled out. See Terrorism