
The UK trade remedies investigations process

How the UK’s Trade Remedies Authority investigates whether trade remedy measures are needed to counteract unfair import practices.



This guidance explains how the UK’s Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) investigates possible cases of dumped and subsidised imports and unforeseen surges in imports (known as safeguards investigations).

We can then determine whether a new trade remedy measure is needed to protect UK industries. We are also carrying out transition reviews into current EU trade remedy measures which are relevant to UK industries.

This guidance explains our investigations process, how to apply to us to open a new investigation and how we assess injury to UK industries from imports. You can also find out how we will apply the Economic Interest Test which assesses whether a new trade remedy measure is in the UK’s economic interest.

You can create an account and register your interest in UK trade remedy investigations and reviews on the Trade Remedies Service. You can also submit an application for a new investigation and view active cases and reviews on our public file.

This is the first version of our operational guidance and we actively encourage feedback from interested groups and individuals. You can email us with any comments or questions at

Published 6 February 2020
Last updated 929 March 2022 + show all updates
  1. We have updated our explanation on how to create non-confidential summaries of documents you submit to the Trade Remedies Authority, to make the process clearer and easier to follow.

  2. Deletion of interim reviews

  3. New attachment on Interim Reviews

  4. Changing use of capitalisation in the header

  5. New attachments added - New Exporter Review, How we carry out scope reviews into existing trade measures and Absorption & Circumvention Reviews.

  6. Additional attachment on transition review of EU steel safeguard measures

  7. Edited the attachment 'How we carry out a subsidy investigation' - minor factual updates and clarifications to reflect policy and legal concerns.

  8. Minor edits to existing attachments. Added attachments: How to make an application for a trade remedies investigation; How measures fit into our dumping and subsidy investigation process Meetings, hearings and visits; The TRID Pre-Application Office; How we handle requests for reconsiderations of our decisions

  9. First published.