Further education corporations and sixth-form college corporations: governance guide
Legal and regulatory requirements and recommended practice that apply to further education (FE) and sixth-form college corporations.
Applies to England
This guide summarises the key legal and regulatory requirements that apply to FE corporations and sixth-form college corporations as charities providing education. It also summarises recommended practice.
The guide:
- is for governors of FE corporations and sixth-form college corporations in England
- provides essential information for governance professionals
- will also be useful for:
- senior college staff
- auditors
- college inspectors
It is not intended for:
- sixth-form academies (see the ‘Governance handbook’ for academies)
- independent specialist providers
- independent learning providers
- designated institutions, though aspects of it may be useful to them
This guide replaces ‘College governance: a guide’, published by the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) in 2014.
To provide feedback please contact fe.governance@education.gov.uk.