
Help and support if you’re self-employed

Watch videos, sign up for email alerts and register for free webinars to get help if you're running your own business.

You can sign up for email alerts about help and support if you are self-employed.

If you register for a webinar, you:

  • must register and sign in 5 minutes before it starts
  • can ask questions using the on-screen text box

Available webinars are listed by subject and can last up to an hour.

Self Assessment help and deadlines

Watch videos about Self Assessment help and deadlines to learn about:

  • registering for Self Assessment
  • your self-employed tax return
  • expenses if you’re self-employed

Record keeping

Register for the next live webinar about record keeping for the self-employed.

Watch a recorded webinar about record keeping for the self-employed.

This webinar is aimed at sole traders and partnerships. It is not suitable for those with limited liability partnerships or limited companies. The webinar covers:

  • basic principles of keeping good business records
  • guidance on what HMRC expects from you
  • how you can get into good habits from the start
  • the record keeping apps available for mobile devices

Self Assessment

Your self-employed tax return

Watch a short video about your self-employed tax return.

Your self-employed tax return

How to complete your online tax return — employment

Watch a recorded webinar how do I complete my online tax return — employment to learn about:

  • filling in your online tax return
  • signing in and starting your return
  • showing your employment details
  • finishing and submitting your return
  • paying anything you owe

How to complete your online tax return — self-employment

Watch a recorded webinar how do I complete my online tax return — self-employment to learn about:

  • filling in your online tax return
  • signing in and starting your return
  • showing your self-employment details
  • finishing and submitting your return
  • paying anything you owe

How to pay your Self Assessment tax bill

Watch a recorded webinar about how to pay your Self Assessment tax bill, to learn about:

  • Self Assessment
  • budgeting
  • paying HMRC
  • what to do if you cannot pay

Online tax return help for landlords

Check help and support for landlords to watch catch up webinars on how to complete your online tax return for income from property.

Business expenses

Watch our short series of videos about expenses:

Basic record keeping for the self-employed.

Watch a video about basic record keeping for the self-employed.

Basic record keeping for the self-employed

What expenses can I include in my Self Assessment tax return

Watch a video about what expenses to include in your Self Assessment tax return.

What expenses can I include in my Self Assessment tax return?

Cash basis and simplified expenses

Watch a video about cash basis and simplified expenses.

Cash basis and simplified expenses

Car expenses and the self-employed

Register for the next live webinar about car expenses and the self-employed.

Watch a recorded webinar about car expenses and the self-employed.

This webinar is for self-employed sole traders and self-employed partnerships. It is not suitable for limited companies, or company directors. The webinar covers:

  • how to use the simplified expenses method for car expenses
  • how to calculate the actual costs method for car expenses (including capital allowances)
  • leasing a car and personal contract purchases

Individuals with income from UK residential property

Register for the next live webinar about individuals with income from UK residential property.

Watch a recorded webinar about individuals with income from UK residential property.

This webinar covers the taxation of income from UK residential property for individuals, including:

  • how to tell HMRC you are receiving income from property
  • allowable deductions and expenses
  • new topics such as using cash basis, mileage rates and finance costs

This webinar is not suitable for businesses or those dealing with commercial properties.

Business expenses for the self-employed

Register for the next live webinar about business expenses for the self-employed.

Watch a recorded webinar about business expenses for the self-employed to learn about:

  • what business expenses are
  • the most common expenses, to show what is and is not allowable
  • how to enter accurate figures on your tax return

Capital allowances

Register for the next live webinar about capital allowances for the self-employed.

Watch a recorded webinar about capital allowances for the self-employed to learn about how to claim tax relief when buying or improving vehicles and equipment for your business.

Research and development tax relief for small and medium-sized businesses

Watch a recorded webinar about research and development tax relief for small and medium-sized businesses.

This webinar is an overview of research and development tax relief for small and medium sized businesses, and explains:

  • what it is
  • who qualifies
  • how to claim

Selling alcohol

If you’re a small or medium business buying or selling alcohol you can find out if you need to apply for approval to sell alcohol to another business.

How to add a tax to your business tax account

Watch a video about how to add a tax to your business tax account.

How to add a service through your business tax account

Published 11 October 2017
Last updated 57 July 2022 + show all updates
  1. The link to the video about your self-employed tax return has been updated.

  2. The link to 'What expenses can I include in my Self Assessment tax return' has been updated.

  3. Links to register for live webinars about 'car expenses and the self-employed' and 'business expenses for the self-employed' have been updated.

  4. The links to recorded webinars have been updated.

  5. We have added a link to a recorded webinar about research and development tax relief for small and medium-sized businesses.

  6. Links to register for live webinars about Research and Development tax relief for small and medium-sized businesses have been added.

  7. Links to register for the following live webinars have been updated: record keeping for the self-employed, car expenses and the self-employed, individuals with income from UK residential property, business expenses for the self-employed and capital allowances for the self-employed.

  8. A video about cash basis and simplified expenses has been added.

  9. Added links to register for webinars about how to complete your online tax return.

  10. Links to webinars about capital allowances and record keeping have been updated.

  11. A YouTube video about your self-employed tax return has been added.

  12. The video 'How to add a service through your business tax account' has been updated.

  13. Updated with links to register for upcoming webinars.

  14. Webinars about Record keeping for the self-employed, Car expenses and the Individuals with income from UK residential property have been added.

  15. A video about How to add a service through your business tax account has been added.

  16. All links to recorded webinars have been updated.

  17. Webinars about Business expenses for the self-employed and Capital allowances for the self-employed have been added.

  18. The link for the 'Basic record keeping for the self-employed' video has been updated.

  19. Under the heading Online tax return help for landlords, the link to the webinar How do I complete my online tax return - income from property, has been updated

  20. New links for catch up webinars about record keeping, how do I complete my online tax return, UK residential property income and capital allowances have been added.

  21. Links added to register for the next live webinars about completing your online tax return for employed, self-employed, income from property, business expenses and car expenses for the self-employed.

  22. We have updated the registration links for the next live webinar for 'record keeping' and 'individuals with income from UK residential property'. We have removed the webinar registration links for 'car expenses for the self employed', 'business expenses for the self-employed' and 'capital allowances'.

  23. We have updated the registration link for the next live webinar about record keeping.

  24. Updated the link for the webinar about record keeping.

  25. Links added to register for the next live webinars about Capital Allowances, Business expenses for the self-employed and Car expenses for the self-employed.

  26. A new webinar about 'record keeping' has been added.

  27. A new recorded webinar about how to pay your Self Assessment tax bill has been added.

  28. Live webinars about record keeping, car expenses, individuals with income from UK residential property, business expenses and capital allowances have been added.

  29. A video about basic record keeping for the self-employed has been added.

  30. Webinar about what expenses to include your Self Assessment tax return has been added.

  31. Webinars about how to pay your Self Assessment tax bill, how to complete your online return, starting your return, UK property income pages, help for landlords and car expenses for the self-employed have been added.

  32. Webinars about how to complete your online tax return, how to complete your online tax return: UK property income section and how to show self-employed business expenses on the tax return have been added.

  33. Webinars for 'individuals with income from UK residential property' and 'business expenses for the self-employed' have been added.

  34. Recorded webinars have been added for 'self-employment and HMRC', 'record keeping', 'how to complete your online tax return', 'how to complete property income pages', 'how to pay your self-assessment tax bill', 'car expenses' and 'capital allowances'.

  35. The latest series of videos about business expenses and taxable profits have been added.

  36. A webinar for how to complete your UK property income pages has been added.

  37. The latest webinars for how to complete your online tax return and how to pay your self-assessment tax bill have been added to the page.

  38. The latest webinar for 'an overview of self-employment and HMRC' and a video on 'Cash basis and simplified expenses' have been added to the page.

  39. Self-employment and HMRC webinar added to the guidance.

  40. The webinar for Financial support if you receive benefits has been removed from this page, along with webinars about record keeping.

  41. The Selling alcohol webinar has been deleted.

  42. The webinars in the business expenses section have been replaced by YouTube videos.

  43. The online tax return section has been updated with the next live webinar for completing the Self Assessment tax return.

  44. Latest webinars for 'Setting up your business', 'Record keeping' have been added and new 'Online tax return' section added.

  45. The latest video about business expenses has been added.

  46. The latest webinar about accounting for your income and expenses, and a new video about expenses, have been added.

  47. Webinars for setting up your business, financial support if you receive benefits and childminders have been updated.

  48. Webinar links about how to pay your tax bill and childminders have been updated.

  49. The live webinar for childminders and foster carers scheduled for 5 July 2018 has been cancelled.

  50. Webinars for capital allowances, childminders, foster carers and selling alcohol have been updated.

  51. Register for the next live webinars for childminders and foster carers.

  52. The webinars have been updated.

  53. The latest webinars about setting up your business have been updated.

  54. The latest webinars for self assessment, record keeping and foster carers have been added.

  55. Webinars being run in support of Small Business Saturday will be available on 2 December 2017.

  56. First published.