
Apply for a visa under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine)

Guidance for Ukrainian nationals and their family members to come to the UK under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme.

Applications are normally processed in date order from when your documents were uploaded, or after your appointment at a visa application centre. We are working 7 days a week, but it will take some time before we can issuemake decisionsa todecision everyoneon whoevery has applied.application.

We know that some applicants have been waiting for nearly 3 weeks for their application to be processed. We are working to resolve this and speed up the processing of applications.


The Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme allows Ukrainian nationals and their family members to come to the UKUK. ifYour theysponsor havemust be either:

Applicants to Scotland and Wales may previously have been considered under the super sponsor schemes, in which the governments of these nations act directly as sponsors. However, these super sponsor schemes are currently paused, so applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the relevant authorities.

It is free to apply.

You will be able to live, work and study in the UK and access public funds.


IfTo apply to the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme you needmust anybe assistance,Ukrainian, contactor UKthe Visasimmediate andfamily Immigration.member of a Ukrainian national.

You must also:

  • have +44been 808residing 164in 8810
    MondayUkraine toon Friday,or 8amimmediately tobefore 8pm
    Saturday1 andJanuary Sunday,2022 9am(including tothose 5:30pm
    Callswho arehave freenow left Ukraine)
  • be outside of chargethe UK
  • have an eligible UK-based sponsor, or you can choose the Scottish or Welsh Government as your sponsor

If you cannotare contactthe UKimmediate 0808family numbers,member youof cana useUkrainian, anotheryour numberfamily instead.member Youmust mayalso havemeet tothe payrequirements above.

Your checkUK-based sponsor does not need to register with yourthe phoneHomes providerfor Ukraine Scheme if you’re notalready contact with them.

Telephone:If +44your 175sponsor 390is 7510
Mondaythe toScottish Friday,or 8amWelsh toGovernment, 8pm
Saturdayyou anddo Sunday.not 9amneed to 5:30pm
arrange any accommodation this will be provided for you.

Find out more about what happens when the Scottish Government sponsors your application.

EligibilityApplicants aged under 18

ToChildren under 18 years old must either:

  • apply with their parent or legal guardian
  • apply to join their parent or legal guardian if they’re already in the UkraineUK

Children Sponsorshipapplying Schemewith their parent or legal guardian

If the child is applying with their parent or legal guardian, you mustshould betravel Ukrainian,together.

If the child is applying to join their parent or legal guardian

If the immediatechild familyis memberapplying ofto ajoin Ukrainiantheir national,parent andor legal guardian, they should either:

  • 18travel orto oldermeet onyou thebefore dateyou ofdepart, applicationand then travel together to the UK
  • undercollect 18you yearsfrom oldthe andairport, applyingport, withtrain station or other point of entry into the UK

We advise that children do not travel via Calais, Coquelles or Dunkerque without a parent or legal guardian.

If your child applied without a parent or legal guardian, or did not apply to join them in the UK

YouIf your child has already applied under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, they will not have received a decision because they did not apply with their parent or legal guardian or to join their parent or legal guardian.

Now, their application will be assessed. To be eligible, you must also:have:

  • have

    proof beenof residingconsent by their parent or legal guardian notarised or certified by the Guardianship service of the city/regional council in UkraineUkraine; onor, where the applicant is outside Ukraine, notary authorities or immediatelya beforeUkrainian 1consul.

  • proof Januaryof 2022consent (includingfrom thosetheir whoparent haveor nowlegal leftguardianship Ukraine)to the sponsorship arrangement

  • be

    a outsidecommitment to sponsorship for 3 years or until the child turns 18 (so long as the sponsorship lasts at least 6 months)

  • approval of the UKsponsorship arrangement by the local authority where the child will live.

If your child has already applied, you will receive a letter with instructions on what to do next. You can also read detailed information on GOV.UK if you are a:

YourChildren UK-basedwho sponsorhave does not needyet applied without a parent or legal guardian will be able to registerdo withso thesoon. HomesWe forwill Ukrainepublish Schemeguidance ifabout this in due course.

If you’re alreadyapplying inas contactthe withimmediate them.

family member of a Ukrainian national

An immediate family member is your:

  • spouse or civil partner
  • unmarried partner (you must have been living together in a relationship for at least 2 years)
  • child who is under 18
  • parent (if you are under 18)
  • fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner

You and your sponsor will be subject to security and safeguarding checks.

Crown dependencies

If you applied to the Isle of Man or Guernsey’s Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme, you must finalise your application through that Crown Dependency’s process. If you need information or support, contact the relevant Crown Dependency:

How long you can stay

You can stay in the UK for up to 3 years.


It is free to apply.

You do not need to pay the immigration health surcharge or biometric enrolment fee.


You must apply online.

Start now

YouIf andyou have a named sponsor, you or your sponsor can fill in the formform, or you can fill it in together.

TheIf formyour issponsor aimedwill atbe the personScottish applyingor toWelsh theGovernment, Ifmust youfill arein athe sponsorform applyingyourself. onYou’ll behalfbe ofasked aif personyou’re comingbeing fromsponsored Ukraine,by youan shouldorganisation. provideChoose theirthe details‘organisation first.option’ Theand sectionselect forwhich providinggovernment will be your detailssponsor asfrom athe sponsorlist.

The comesform lateris onaimed inat the form.person applying to the scheme.

This application is also an application for a biometric immigration document.

By completing this application, you confirm that both the applicant and the sponsor (if you have a named sponsor) have given permission for their data to be shared and contact details used for the purpose of checks and supporting the sponsor arrangement.


If support you inare a sponsor applying foron behalf of the Ukraineapplicant

You’ll Familyneed Schemeto orfill in the Ukraineform Sponsorshiponline Schemeas (Homesif foryou’re Ukraine),the weapplicant coming from Ukraine.

Add the applicant’s contact details so that they have translatedaccess the application screensform intoand all the decision letters.

If the applicant has a valid Ukrainian andinternational Russian.passport they can use the ‘UK Immigration: ID check’ app to prove their identity. They will need to complete this part of the application themselves.

Read the whole guide to make sure you have everything prepared that you need before you apply.

Prove your identity

If you have a valid Ukrainian international passport

You can use the ‘UK Immigration: ID check’ app to prove your identity if you have a valid Ukrainian international passport. You do not need to attend a visa application centre to give your biometric information.information, or apply to extend your stay once your arrive in the UK.

If your sponsor is making an application on your behalf, you will still need to use the app to prove your identity. Once your sponsor has created your account details online, they will get instructions for you to start using the app.

Using the ‘UK Immigration: ID check’ app

The ‘UK Immigration: ID check’ app checks your identity and verifies that the passport you’re using belongs to you. You’ll be told when to download the app once you begin your application online at GOV.UK - you can download the app at any time, but it will not work before this point.

You’llFind out how to use the app.

You don’t need to scangive your passportbiometric orinformation takein athe photoUK if you can’t use the

Top Tips on applying to the Ukraine Schemes for a UK visa

There is detailed information about how to use the app if you need help.

If you can’t use the app

If you can’t use the app and you have a valid Ukrainian international passport you don’t need to attend a visa application centre to give your biometric information. Instead, you must give your biometric information within 6 months of arriving in the UK.

During your application you must upload copiesa copy of both:

  • the photograph page of your expired passport
  • the page of your expired passport with the formal extension stamp

You can upload these documents using our commercial partner document upload app. This will be either TLS or VFS depending on which country you are applying in. You can download the app from the TLS or VFS website when you make your application.

If you need support to upload copies of your documents, you can still book an appointment at a visa application centre.

If you have an expired Ukrainian international passport with a formal extension stamp

You can’t use the ‘UK Immigration: ID check’ app if your passport has expired even if it has a formal extension stamp issued by the Ukrainian government. You don’t need to attend a visa application centre to give your biometric information. Instead, you must give your biometric information within 6 months of arriving in the UK.

During your application you must upload copies of both:

  • the photograph page of your expired passport
  • the page of your expired passport with the formal extension stamp

You can upload these documents using our commercial partner document upload once you’ve completed your application. This will be either TLS or VFS depending on which country you are applying in. You can download the app from the TLS or VFS website when you make your application.

If you need support to upload copies of your documents, you can still book an appointment at a visa application centre.

If you don’t have a valid Ukrainian international passport, or an expired Ukrainian international passport with a formal extension stamp

If you do not hold a valid Ukrainian international passport, or an expired Ukrainian international passport with a formal extension stamp issued by the Ukrainian government, you will need to book and attend an appointment at a visa application centre (VAC). This also applies to child applicants.

During the online application process you’ll be asked to upload copies of any identity documents you may have such as:

  • a Ukrainian national identity card
  • a combination of official documents – for example, a photo driving licence and birth certificate
  • an emergency certificate issued by a Ukrainian authority since March 2022

It is not mandatory to provide these documents but it may help support your application if you are able to.

You can upload your documents using our commercial partner document upload app. This will be either TLS or VFS depending on which country you are applying in. You can download the app from the TLS or VFS website when you make your application.

Visa application centres

You will need to have your photograph and fingerprints taken at a visa application centre (VAC) as part of your application. Children under the age of 5 will not have their fingerprints taken but will still need to book and attend a VAC appointment and have a digital photograph taken.

VACs in Ukraine are currently closed. You can apply at a VAC in any other country if you are able to travel safely.

There is a temporary VAC for people applying to the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme in Rzeszow, Poland. You’ll need to complete your online application and book an appointment before attending the Rzeszow VAC – walk-in appointments are no longer accepted.

VACs are currently operating throughout Europe including:

Provide evidence that you’re eligible for the scheme

DuringIf the application process you willhave bea askednamed tosponsor provideyou documents to prove your identity.

You must also provide documents that show thetheir identity of your UK-based sponsor.identity.

This can be a:

  • UK or Irish passport or Irish passport card
  • biometric residence permit or biometric residence card
  • refugee travel document
  • a photo driving licence issued by the UK, Ireland, or the Crown Dependencies

If your sponsor has a UKVI account, they can use the online View and prove service to show their identity.

It is not mandatory to provide these documents but it may help support your application if you are able to.

You can upload your documents using our commercial partner document upload app. This will be either TLS or VFS depending on which country you are applying in. You can download the app from the TLS or VFS website when you make your application.

If you need support to upload images of your documents, you can book an appointment at a VAC.

You will also be asked to provide your sponsor’s residential address. You do not need to provide a residential address for your sponsor if your sponsor is the Scottish or Welsh Government.

After you’ve applied

You will need to awaitwait for a decision from UK Visas and Immigration on your application before travelling to the UK.

We are prioritising Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme applications and aim to make a decision as quickly as possible.

You will be contacted when a decision has been made with more guidance on the travel process.

Your decision letter will tell you if you need to collect a biometric residence permit when you arrive in the UK, or if you need to give your biometric information first.

If you attended a visa application centre as part of your application

Once your application has been processed, you’ll be given a visa.

This visa will allow you to board a plane or other form of transport to the UK.

You will need to collect your visa from the visa application centre before you travel to the UK.

Do not go to the visa application centre to collect your visa until you have been contacted.

You’ll be able to pick up your biometric residence permit once you’re in the UK. Your biometric residence permit can be used to confirm your status and rights in the UK.

If you did not attend a visa application centre as part of your application

Once your application has been processed you will receive an official permission letter from UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) confirming that you can travel to the UK.

The permission letter will allow you to board a plane or other form of transport to the UK.

You should not travel to the UK until you have received an official permission letter.

If you applied using the ‘UK Immigration: ID check’ app you’ll be able to pick up your biometric residence permit once you’re in the UK.

If you didn’t use the ‘UK Immigration: ID check’ app you’ll need to submit your biometrics within 6 months of arriving in the UK to extend your stay for up to 3 years and be given a biometric residence permit. You will be told how to do this in your decision letter.

Extending your stay in the UK

You do not need to apply to extend your visa if you were able to use the ‘UK immigration: ID check’ app or if you attended a visa application centre as part of your application to come to the UKUK.

You need to apply to give your biometrics within 6 months of arriving in the UK if you received a stamp in your passport when you entered the UK.

You will then be able to stay in the UK for up to 3 years.

You do not need to do this as soon as you reach the UK, but you do need to make sure that you have applied to give your biometrics before the 6 months ends. You will be told how to do this in your decision letter.

Apply to extend your stay in the UK

You can start the application to give your biometrics by completing the online form.

Start now

You will then book and attend an appointment at UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) service point.

Your biometric residence permit will be sent to the address you gave in your application. You do not need to collect it.

UK Visa and Citizenship Application Service (UKVCAS) service points

You will need to give your fingerprints and a photograph (biometric information) at a UKVCAS service point - this is to get a biometric residence permit.

Children under the age of 5 will not have their fingerprints taken but will still need to attend the UKVCAS service point and have a digital photograph taken.

Some services at UKVCAS service points have a fee. You do not need to use these services, such as document scanning, to complete your application.

If you want to use of any of these services at a UKVCAS service point during your appointment, you will not need to pay a fee for them and you should not pay for them in advance.

Booking appointments for you and your family members

If you would like to book appointments for you and your family members on the same date you will first need to set up individual accounts for all your family members, including children. You can use your own email address when setting up accounts for children.

You should then log in to your UKVCAS accounts and book your appointments together.

If there is more than one application linked to the same email address, you will need to provide the unique application number (UAN) for each application you want to book an appointment for.

A UAN is a unique 16-digit code (format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx) that each person gets once they have made their online application to extend their stay in the UK.

We cannot guarantee that appointments will be available for all family members on the same date.

Contact UK Visas and Immigration

If you need any assistance, contact UK Visas and Immigration.

Telephone: +44 808 164 8810
Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm
Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 5:30pm
Calls are free of charge

If you cannot contact UK 0808 numbers, you can use another number instead. You may have to pay – check with your phone provider if you’re not sure.

Telephone: +44 175 390 7510
Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm
Saturday and Sunday. 9am to 5:30pm

Published 18 March 2022
Last updated 1115 July 2022 + show all updates
  1. Updated the guidance to include the pause in the Welsh and Scottish super sponsor arrangements and added a new section about unaccompanied minors. Other general improvements to help navigate the guidance.

  2. Added guidance about booking biometrics appointments for family groups.

  3. Added translation

  4. You can now apply online and use the ‘UK Immigration: ID check’ app to prove your identity if you have a valid Ukrainian international passport.

  5. Added a link to the Ukraine Family Scheme and Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme application screens translated into Russian and Ukrainian.

  6. Ukrainian and Russian translations updated.

  7. Updated guidance about whether your sponsor needs to register their interest with the Homes for Ukraine Scheme. Updated guidance for sponsors applying on behalf of someone coming from Ukraine.

  8. The process to submit your biometrics once you arrive in the UK has opened. Link to the form added.

  9. Information added about visa application processing times.

  10. Changed helpline opening hours.

  11. Added Ukrainian and Russian translations.

  12. First published.