Policy paper

Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan

The government's plan will drive down the prevalence of domestic abuse and domestic homicide and provide victims and survivors with the support they need.

Applies to England and Wales


Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan - Command paper 639 (accessible(accessible)

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Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan - Command paper 639 (Welsh accessible version)

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Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan - Command paper 639 (British Sign Language videos)

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Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan - Command paper 639

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Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan - Command paper 639 (print version)

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Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan - Command paper 639 (Welsh version)

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Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan - Command paper 639 (easy read version)

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Using responses to the Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Call for Evidence, relevant data, and a comprehensive literature review, the plan outlines the government’s approach to tackling domestic abuse through prioritising prevention, supporting victims, pursuing perpetrators, and building a stronger system.

It delivers on the government’s statutory duty to deliver a strategy for the prosecution and management of domestic abuse perpetrators.

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Published 30 March 2022
Last updated 131 MaySeptember 2022 + show all updates
  1. Added British Sign Language (BSL) and Welsh versions of the Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan.

  2. Addition of easy read version.

  3. First published.