Check if a business holds Authorised Economic Operator status
Use this list to see if a business holds Authorised Economic Operator status with HMRC.
Authorised Economic Operator status is an internationally recognised quality mark that shows a business’s role in the international supply chain is secure, and that it has customs control procedures that meet Authorised Economic Operator standards and criteria.
This list is in alphabetical order.
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CheckFind ifout what types of Authorised Economic Operator status couldyou benefitcan youapply for
FindCheck outwhich whatAuthorised typesEconomic ofOperator status you could apply for and thetheir benefits ofif these.your business has role in the international supply chain.
Apply for Authorised Economic Operator status
Find out what information you’ll need for your application and apply for Authorised Economic Operator status.
Last updated
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of commercial software suppliers has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
The list of Authorised Economic Operators has been updated.
First published.