
Information and guidance on civilian housing

Civilian housing options; information for service personnel and their dependants.


The Defence Transition Services (DTS) team is the MOD’s tri-service focal point to provide service personnel and their dependants with civilian housing information for those wishing to move to civilian accommodation at any time in their career, and for those during resettlement to assist with the transition to civilian life.

In line with the Government’ Strategy for Our Veterans, the Joint Service Housing Advice Office (JSHAO) and its outputs were reviewed. A revised set of these outputs will now be delivered by Defence Transition Services (DTS), part of Defence Business Services (DBS) and the JSHAO brand no longer exists. This will bring efficiency to the co-ordination and delivery of the through-career transition information and support services, meeting the needs of the Service community now and in the future.

Service family accommodation (SFA)

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), on behalf of MOD manages a comprehensive SFA maintenance service; the allocation of properties; SFA furniture; conducting move in and move out appointments; and the provision of improvements. Contact details available on the Service Family Accommodation website.

For enquiries about loss of entitlement to SFA resulting from retirement, redundancy, discharge or estrangement, please contact the DIO Loss of Entitlement Team by telephoning 01904 418000 or 94510 8000. Alternatively, you can contact them by email:

Civilian housing briefs

DTS delivers an annual programme of civilian housing briefings to help inform and guide Service personnel and their families about the choices available to them and the need to plan ahead. The programme is available by clicking on the link below. Briefings are open to all Service personnel and their families, at any stage of their Service career. Places should be booked by emailing the relevant local point of contact listed.

Civilian housing briefs 2021

Please be aware that responsibility for delivering civilian housing briefs is moving to Defence Transition Services in October 2022. There may be a pause in delivery of the briefings during autumn 2022. Please direct any enquiries about the schedule to

MOD Referral Scheme

The MOD Referral Scheme was set up to assist those needing support to access social housing as they discharged from the armed forces.

MOD Referral Scheme: a guide

Single Service Leavers

Single Persons Accommodation Centre for the Ex-Services (SPACES) is designed to help single service leavers to find appropriate accommodation when they leave. Through this service the project reduces the likelihood of ex-services personnel becoming homeless or sleeping rough after discharge.

For more information about SPACES, please visit SPACES - Riverside Care and Support or contact Defence Transition Services on

Services Cotswold Centre

The Services Cotswold Centre (SCC) is a tri-Service facility that provides short term transit accommodation for service personnel, their spouses, civil partners and families. Find out more information about the service they can provide in the link below.

Services Cotswold Centre

Further advice and information

Veterans’ Gateway launched in April 2017 and should be the first point of contact for veterans seeking support.

Contact DTS


Published 3 October 2022