
Closed opportunities: space-related R&D, innovation and education

Details on closed funding opportunities from the UK Space Agency, the space sector, academic, education and community partners.

These funding opportunities are not currently open to applicants. Find out about open opportunities on our open opportunities page.

Enabling Technologies Programme - Call One

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: Organisations including academia, industry and (not for profit) government research institutes. Organisations must be registered in the UK

Funding: Grant funding per project is expected to range from £100k to £250k per grant. There is not currently a fixed total amount for the call

Deadline: 21 November 2022

Proposals are sought for projects in areas including innovation; innovative technology proof of concept that could result in a significant technological step-change; new technology developments; establishing new academic/industrial research collaborations and feasibility studies targeting emerging disruptive technologies.  This call is open to any theme with an interest in: In Orbit Servicing and Manufacturing (IOSM) and Optics.

Example of acceptable activities are:

  • Innovative and/or emerging technology research and development proof of concept, feasibility studies targeting emerging disruptive technologies, as detailed above
  • In Orbit Servicing and Manufacturing (IOSM): emerging technologies relating to IOSM (e.g. robotics, ADR, LIDAR)
  • Optics: enabling technology relating to optical systems (e.g.FSO Communication, deployable optics, photonics).

See the Enabling Technologies Programme Call One to find out how to apply.

Spaceflight Competition Fund for rocketry competitions

Funding type: Inspiration and skills

Who can apply: UK organisations, including industry, academia, and institutional bodies.

Funding: It is expected that the UK Space Agency grant amount per project will be up to £100,000 for project deliverables in FY 22/23 and 23/24.

Deadline: 10 November 2022

The Spaceflight Competition Fund is the UK Space Agency’s new fund established to support the development of new or existing rocketry competitions.

We are now inviting applications from organisations interested in establishing or further developing existing rocketry competitions.

See the rocketry competitions call to find out how to apply.

UK National Delegate support for the OPS-SAT Versatile Optical Laboratory for Telecoms (VOLT) and Lunar Communications - ARTES

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: UK-based organisations working on telecommunications projects. Further eligibility guidance can be found in the accompanying documents.

Funding: Up to £7,000,000 of funding being made available to support the development of the test bed satellite platform, payloads and ground segment. Up to £1,500,000 of funding is being made available to support the development of Lunar Communications. No upper or lower limit has been set for individual projects

Deadline: 4 November 2022

The UK Space Agency is inviting applications for UK support to the ARTES Scylight programme to develop technologies, products, and services in optical and quantum telecommunications to lead or take part in OPS-SAT VOLT and a second call for applications for Lunar Communications.

UK National Delegate support for the “Opening Space with 5G” and “5G Hub at Harwell” calls under the ESA Space for 5G & 6G Programme 2022

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: UK industry and academia

Funding: £9,000,000

Deadline for “Opening Space with 5G” Call: 21 October 2022

Deadline for “5G Hub at Harwell” Call: 14 October 2022

The UK Space Agency is running two calls and is inviting applications for UK support for both the “Opening Space with 5G” and “5G Hub at Harwell” Calls, from UK companies looking to develop technologies, products, and services in 5G telecommunications.

Space Cluster Development Funding Call

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: Space clusters and regions. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact

Funding: Varies. £5.2 million between two funding pots, for high-impact projects (Pot A) and space cluster management (Pot B), with grants between £20,000 and £500,000.

Deadline: 21 October 2022

This call aims to support the development of world class space clusters, a key strategic objective set out in the National Space Strategy.

To be successful, applications must build on existing space sector investment, research and capabilities in the region and present a valid proposal for new activities that should have a demonstrable impact on local economic growth.

LaunchUK Technology Investment

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: Organisations, including industry and academia, that are interested in developing their technology, products, services or capabilities related to UK Launch.

Funding: Grant amount per project will lie between £10,000 and £400,000 for project deliverables to be completed by March 2023 (FY 22/23). The UK Space Agency reserves the right to also consider proposals that may be above the maximum amount stated.

Deadline: 2 October 2022

The UK Space Agency is inviting applications from organisations that are interested in developing their UK Launch technology, products, services or capabilities. The programme will provide grant funding to UK project teams to support the development of their technology, products, services and capabilities.

See the LaunchUK technology investment call to find out how to apply.

Bilateral Space Science and Exploration Missions - Statement of Intent Phase

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: Higher Education institutions and other research organisations based in the UK

Funding: The total budget available for the call (all three categories) will not exceed £3 million in FY 2022/23. Additionally, subject to funds being made available, budget will not exceed £7 million in 2023/24, and £11 million in 2024/25.

Deadline: 14 September 2022

The UK Space Agency announces a new funding line for a Space Science and Exploration (SS&E) programme featuring bilateral agreements with international space agencies outside of ESA (e.g. NASA/US, JAXA/Japan, CSA/Canada).

Due to time constraints, this first competition will be managed by the Centre for Earth Observation Instrumentation (CEOI). The UK Space Agency funds the CEOI, which is a partnership of Airbus Defence and Space Ltd, QinetiQ Ltd, University of Leicester and UKRI Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. It is anticipated that the transition of successful proposals to contract and future calls will be managed by a new team in the UK Space Agency’s Technology, Science and Exploration (TSE) directorate.

ARTES UK National Delegate Support Programme

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: UK companies looking to develop technologies, products and services in telecommunications.

Funding: Up to €10,000,000. No upper or lower limit has been set for individual projects

Deadline: 14 July 2022

The UK Space Agency is inviting applications for UK support to the ESA’s Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) Competitiveness and Growth programme from UK companies looking to develop technologies, products and services in telecommunications.

See the ARTES call for applications to find out how to apply. Find out more about the ARTES programme.

Enabling Space Exploration

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: UK organisations working on projects to develop the capability of the UK in space exploration.

Funding: Varies. Up to £1 million is available. 3-5 projects are expected to be funded up to £200,000 each

Deadline: 29 July 2022

Proposals are sought for projects to develop the capability of the UK in space exploration and position the UK to participate in, and benefit from, future space exploration missions.

See the Enabling Space Exploration call to find out how to apply.

Microgravity Experiments

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: UK organisations working on ideas for experiments for development and flight on the International Space Station.

Funding: Varies. Up to £3 million is available. 1-3 projects are expected to be funded

Deadline: 29 July 2022

The UK Space Agency announces an opportunity of a two-stage competition for ideas for experiments for development and flight on the International Space Station.

See the Microgravity Experiments call to find out how to apply.

Exploration Science Announcement of Opportunity

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: Academics from the UK or overseas, working at UK research organisations.

Funding: Please see details under ‘Award Value’ in application documents

Closed: 7 July 2022

The UK is a leading investor in the European Space Agency’s Exploration Programme and the UK Space Agency is committed to securing the maximum benefits from this investment. This funding is available to:

  • support science and research that uses data from Mars exploration missions or underpins future Mars exploration missions,

  • support scientists selected for groups and/or science teams, campaign science groups and other definition work related to Exploration missions.

See the 2022 Exploration Science Announcement of Opportunity to find out how to apply.

Exploration Science Microgravity grant

Funding type: Academic research grant

Who can apply: UK based researchers with facility access to microgravity/space environments research platforms.

Funding: Up to £5,000 per grant (see announcement)

Closed: 11 April 2022

This UK Space Agency grant supports the preparation of experiments that use microgravity and other space environment research platforms.

Space Placements in Industry (SPIN)

Funding type: Work placement support

Who can apply: Organisations offering a work placement

Funding: Up to £3,000 per award (fund of at least £75,000)

Closed: 1 April 2022

SPIN offers grants of up to £3,000 for organisations to take on graduate or postgraduate students for work placements in the space industry. Learn more about the Space Placements in Industry (SPIN): Award scheme 2022, including eligibility, project suitability, how to apply and more.

Space for All community award scheme

Funding type: Education projects

Who can apply: Academic and research institutions, charities, trusts and companies, and individuals sponsored by one of these.

Funding: Grants of up to £10k (from at least £65k total fund)

Closed: 18 February 2022

The Space for All community award scheme makes grants of up to £10,000 available for winning proposals for educational projects that capitalise on the inspirational value of space. The deadline for proposals for the 2022 scheme was 18 February.

National Space Technology Programme

Funding type: Tech development

Who can apply: Businesses operating in the UK space and related sectors

Funding: Varies, see guidance

Deadline: Not currently open to applications

This programme makes funding opportunities available for early-stage technology development projects that help to grow the UK’s space sector and capability. Read more about the National Space Technology Programme.

National Space Innovation Programme

Funding type: Research and innovation

Who can apply: UK organisations that can demonstrate a high probability of success meeting the aims of a qualifying opportunity.

Funding: Maximum £2m per project from a £10m fund

Deadline: Not currently open to applications

This programme supports the development of innovative products, services and technologies that have application in the space sector. Read more about the National Space Innovation Programme

International Partnership Programme

Funding type: Innovation and sustainable development

Who can apply: Organisations who can deliver a project that delivers a sustainable satellite-enabled solution to partners in a developing country.

Funding: Up to £8m per project, from a total fund of over £30m per year

Deadline: Not currently open to applications

The International Partnership Programme is a £150m initiative that makes use of the UK space sector’s research and innovation strengths to provide sustainable economic, societal or environmental benefits to emerging and developing economies around the world. It launched in 2016.

Find out more about the International Partnership Programme.

Published 15 November 2022
Last updated 21 November 2022 + show all updates
  1. ETP Call One added as deadline has passed.

  2. First published.