
Best Value Notices for local authorities

Details of Best Value Notices issued to local authorities.

Applies to England



The government is committed to engaging early with local authorities of concern to better understand their organisational challenges and to support their locally-led improvement journeys. Where government becomes aware that an authority is exhibiting early indications of potential Best Value failure, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities will consider issuing a ‘Best Value Notice’ to facilitate engagement with that authority and to obtain assurance of the steps it is taking to secure compliance with the Best Value Duty, as required by the Local Government Act 1999.

The Best Value Notice will state the government’s concerns with the authority and set clear expectations of the actions needed to assure the government that the authority is making arrangements to secure continuous improvement in the way in which its functions are exercised. Best Value Notices will be published on to ensure local authorities’ improvement work is transparent and open to external scrutiny.

Published 24 January 2023