
Funding for farmers and land managers

YouFind canout applywhat forfunding moneyis toavailable improvefor thefarmers, environment and your farm's productivity if you’re a farmer, land managermanagers orand forester.foresters.

Applies to England

YouIf canyou’re applya forfarmer, anyland ofmanager theor schemesforester, you incan thisapply guidance,for evenmoney ifto help you getimprove paidfarm byproductivity and the Basicenvironment.

Before Paymentyou Schemeapply (BPS).for You’lla payment, you’ll need to check you’reyou eligible(and foryour eachland, schemeif beforerelevant) youare apply.eligible.

You can beapply infor more than one schemeof atthe aavailable payments time,if:

One-off payments

One-off payments are forto activitieshelp that you dobuy onceequipment or toother helpcapital youitems, buyor equipmentfor oractivities otheryou once.

Investing in equipment, technology and infrastructure

The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) provides grants between £1,000 and £500,000 to improve productivity, the environment and animal health and welfare.

You can apply for money:for:

  • forproductivity equipmentand slurry items
  • animal health and technologywelfare thatitems improvesfrom productivityMarch

The other FIF grants are currently closed to new applicants, but there will be further application rounds.

Research and benefitsinnovation

You thecan environmentapply -for grants arefor availableinnovation, throughresearch and development from the Farming EquipmentInnovation Programme.

Improving animal health and Technologywelfare

Farmers Fund,who whichkeep iscattle, partsheep ofor thepigs Farmingcan Investmentget Fund

  • funding to buypay itemsfor a vet or vet-lead team to increasevisit yourtheir business’sfarm productivityand throughcarry theout Farmingan Transformationannual Fund,health whichand iswelfare partreview. ofIf theyou’re Farminga InvestmentBasic FundPayment Scheme (BPS) eligible farmer, you can register your interest to apply for this funding on GOV.UK.

    Later -this year, you’ll needalso be able to checkapply iffor you’reanimal eligiblehealth and welfare capital grants for equipment, technology and infrastructure.

    Improving boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality, air quality and natural flood management

    You can apply for standalone capital grants under Countryside Stewardship (CS) Capital Grants 2023 to help you improve:

    • boundaries, trees and orchards
    • towater supportquality
    • air investmentquality
    • natural inflood slurrymanagement

    You systems,can includingapply for slurrythese storesgrants at any time of the year.

    Improving environmentally significant sites and storewoodlands

    CS coversHigher -Tier Capital Grants 2023 offers standalone capital grants willto beimprove availableenvironmentally fromsignificant thesites Farmingand Investmentwoodlands.

    You Fundcan fromapply Autumnfor 2022

  • these grants at any time of year.

    ResearchImproving woodland infrastructure and innovationprotection from beaver activity

    You can apply for CS Protection and Infrastructure Grants, which offer standalone capital grants to:

    • improve management of woodlands by making them more accessible by road, allowing timber and other forest products to be moved for innovation,easily
    • protect researchpermanent crops and developmenttrees from thebeaver Farmingactivity Innovationin Programme.eligible catchments

    You can apply for these grants at any time of year.

    Improving animalmanagement healthof and welfarewoodlands

    The AnimalCS HealthWoodland andManagement WelfarePlan Pathwaygrant 2023 providesoffers moneya one-off payment to helpcreate improvea 10-year Woodland Management Plan that complies with the healthUK andForestry welfareStandard.

    Your plan must be approved by the Forestry Commission before you can apply for ongoing payments to deliver your plan under CS Higher Tier.

    You can apply for this one-off payment at any time of animals.the year.

    Improving the health of trees

    CS affectedWoodland byTree diseaseHealth Grants 2023 offers one-off payments to support:

    • restocking woodland after felling due to a tree health issue
    • removing trees and rhododendron infected with specific diseases

    You can apply for moneythese toone-off improvepayments treeat healthany time of year.

    You can apply for funding through the tree health pilot scheme if you manage certainspecific trees or woodlands affectedinfected by somespecific pests and diseases in somecertain regions of England.


    The nationaltree parks,health Areaspilot ofoffers Outstandingdifferent Naturalsupport Beautyto (AONBs)the andCS Broads

    Tree Health Grants, which will end in 2024.

    MoneyThe istree availablehealth frompilot thewill run until 2024.

    Supporting national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty (AONBs)

    The Farming in Protected Landscapes Programme provides funding to all farmers and land managers within:

    OnceYou youcan receiveapply afor lumpfunding sumany payment,time youup willuntil notthe beprogramme eligibleends forin anyMarch further2025. BPSYour paymentsproject ormust delinkedend March 2025.

    Leaving farming

    YouThe willoptional alsoLump notSum beExit eligibleScheme toenables enterfarmers intowho newwere agreementsBPS underapplicants thein following2018 schemesor unlessearlier youto repayretire theor lumpleave sumthe first:


    Ongoing payments

    Ongoing payments are for activities to produce environmental outcomes that usually take you a year or more to complete.

    ImprovingManaging theyour healthland ofin soilsan environmentally sustainable way

    InIf 2022,you’re farmersa whoBPS are eligible forfarmer, BPSyou can apply for money from the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) to improveget soilpaid health.for environmentally sustainable land management actions.

    Understanding moorland

    InSFI 2022,is farmersbeing whorolled areout eligibleincrementally, forso it will expand each year until the BPSfull range of actions are available by early 2025.

    You can currently apply for money fromto:

    Later this year you’ll be able to identifyapply andfor assessfunding theto help with:

    • integrated pest management
    • nutrient management
    • arable land
    • improved grassland
    • low input grassland
    • hedgerows

    The environmental featuresland ofmanagement theirupdate moorland.has information about the new actions that will be introduced this year.

    You can apply for SFI at any time of year.

    Managing habitats, woodlands, flood risk and reducing water pollution

    You can apply for Countryside Stewardship (CS) to get paid to lookmanage afterhabitats, woodland, flood risk and improvereduce thewater environment.pollution.

    CS ApplicationsMid areTier openoffers untilongoing 2023and (forone-off agreementspayments startingto inprotect 2024).and improve:

    • the spacediversity forof naturewildlife
    • water onquality
    • air farmsquality
    • natural andflood inmanagement

    You thecan countryside

    apply from March 2023.

    You’llCS beHigher ableTier offers ongoing and one-off payments to help manage environmentally important sites, including commons and woodlands.

    You can apply for moneya fromCS Higher Tier now. Your initial application must be submitted by 28 April 2023.

    During 2023 and 2024, Defra will evolve CS instead of developing a new Local Nature Recovery scheme. Read Defra’s environmental land management update to getfind paidout forabout thingsthe environmental land management actions that helpwill thebe localavailable ForCS.

    Large example:scale landscape and ecosystem restoration projects

    Landscape Recovery offers funding for groups of land managers to do longer-term, larger-scale (around 500 to 5000 hectares), land use change projects such as:

    • managingcreating and restoring habitatswoodland
    • plantingrestoring treeswetland and managing woodlandspeatland
    • restoringenhancing peatlandsbogs, fens or saltmarshes
    • usingcreating naturalnature flood management techniquesreserves

    DefraThe willsecond trialround Localof NatureLandscape Recovery withapplications landwill managersopen fromin spring 2023. AllIt eligiblewill applicantsfocus canon applynet fromzero, theprotected endsites ofand 2024.habitat creation projects.

    LargePlanting scaletrees

    The landscapeEngland Woodland Creation Grant (EWCO) provides funding to create new woodland on areas that are at least 1 hectare.

    You can apply for EWCO at any time of the year until the scheme closes and ecosystemthese restorationactivities projectsare funded through CS.

    MoneyThere are other grants available for Landscapewoodland Recoverycreation, maintenance, management and tree health.

    There willare bealso availableother regional funding opportunities to supportcreate projectswoodland, such as:

    Planning woodland

    ApplicationsThe forWoodland theCreation firstPlanning roundGrant of(WCPG) projectsprovides havefunding Defraprepare willa inviteWoodland applicationsCreation forDesign Plan that complies with the nextUK roundForestry inStandard.

    You 2023.can use this plan to support further woodland creation grant applications, such as EWCO.


    You peatlandscan inapply thefor uplandsWCPG andat lowlandsany time of Englandthe year.

    Restoring peatlands

    The Nature for Climate Peatland Grant Scheme (NCPGS) (NCPGS) provides moneyfunding to restore peatlands in the uplands and lowlands of England.

    From ItApril is2023, ayou’ll competitivebe grantable schemeto thatapply for restoration grants to fund landscape scale restoration work on degraded peatlands.

    The scheme will run until 2025.

    PlantingJoining trees and managing woodlandfarming

    UntilYou 2024,can youapply canto getjoin paidthe topilot plantfor treesthe andNew createEntrant woodlandSupport throughScheme, thewhich Englandruns Woodlanduntil Creationspring Offer2023. onThe areaspilot thatprovides arefunding atfor leastnew 1and hectare.recent entrants into farming to help them:


    Direct Payments


    You can apply for woodlanda creation,BPS maintenance,2023 managementpayment andfrom tree14 health.March 2023.

    MoneyYou formust woodlandsubmit creationyour isapplication availableby at15 aMay regional2023 level,to foravoid example:late application penalties.

    Joiningby farming

    ‘delinked payments’
    . These payments will be made until 2027.

    TheEach Newyear, Entrantdirect Supportpayments Schemeare aimsbeing toprogressively encouragereduced newuntil startersthey’re intophased farming.out Defraby plans2028. toYou trialcan thiscalculate schemehow fromthese 2022progressive toreductions 2023.could affect your direct payments for 2023 and 2024.

    Get help with fundingadvice

    You can contact:

    You can also get support from:

    Published 9 March 2022
    Last updated 721 JuneFebruary 20222023 + show all updates
    1. Updated to include current and future funding available to farmers and land managers.

    2. Restructured page to make it clearer what funding options are available to farmers, land managers and foresters.

    3. A link to more information about the sustainable farming incentive has been added.

    4. First published.