
Medicines: terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

List of companies in the UK who have their licence to manufacture or wholesale medicines terminated and cancelled.


Medicines terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

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Termination of a licence, authorisation or registration takes place at the request of the holder of the licence, authorisation or registrant, for example, the business decides they no longer wish to perform an activity that requires a licence, authorisation or registration.

Cancellation of a licence, authorisation or registration is when MHRA makes a decision to cancel the licence, authorisation or registration.

Published 4 February 2015
Last updated 531 JanuaryMarch 2023 + show all updates
  1. Added: List of Terminated, Cancelled and Revoked Licences - March 2023

  2. Updated the above list

  3. The List of Terminated, Revoked and Cancelled Licences has been updated.

  4. The List of Terminated and Cancelled Licences has been updated.

  5. Added September data

  6. Added August file for - Medicines terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  7. July update to Terminated, Revoked, Cancelled licences file.

  8. Updated file 'Medicines terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences'

  9. CSV for May 2022 uploaded

  10. Uploaded April 2022 data

  11. The list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences has been updated.

  12. Updated list of medicines terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences for February.

  13. Updated the list of terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  14. Updated 'Medicines terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences' attachment to December 2021

  15. Updated list of medicines terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  16. Updated 'Medicines terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences'.

  17. Updated the terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences for September 2021

  18. Updated August list

  19. Updated the list of companies in the UK who have their licence to manufacture or wholesale medicines terminated and cancelled.

  20. Updated 'Medicines terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences' attachment to latest version.

  21. Updated the list of cancelled and revoked licenses

  22. Updated list of terminated, cancelled and revoked licenses

  23. Updated the list of companies in the UK who have their licence to manufacture or wholesale medicines terminated and cancelled.

  24. Updated list of terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesaler dealer licences

  25. Updated list of terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  26. Updated 'Medicines terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences' link to latest January 2021 version.

  27. Updated the list for December 2020

  28. Updated the list for November 2020

  29. Monthly update to 'Medicines terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences'.

  30. New September 2020 version of 'Medicines terminated, cancelled and revoked manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences'

  31. Replaced the PDF with a more accessible file.

  32. New terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences list uploaded

  33. Updated link 'Medicines terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences'

  34. Updated list of medicines terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  35. Published new list of companies in the UK who have their licence to manufacture or wholesale medicines terminated and cancelled.

  36. Updated list for terminated, revoked and cancelled

  37. We have updated the Medicines: terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  38. We have updated the Medicines terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences attachments

  39. Uploaded updated Medicines terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences PDF.

  40. Published Medicines: terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences for August 2019

  41. Updated document

  42. Updated list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences up to May 2019 added to the page.

  43. Published updated list of companies in the UK who have their licence to manufacture or wholesale medicines terminated and cancelled.

  44. Added list of terminated and cancelled licences for April 2019.

  45. Updated attachment - March to Feb 2019 edition

  46. February 2019 update

  47. Updated list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  48. Updated document

  49. Attachment updated to latest version

  50. New version of document has been uploaded.

  51. Published new list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  52. Publish list of terminated and cancelled licenses from August 2017 to July 2018

  53. Publish list of terminated and cancelled licenses from July 2017 to June 2018.

  54. Updated document.

  55. Updated list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  56. Updated the terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences list.

  57. Updated list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences.

  58. Updated list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  59. Added new list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences.

  60. Updated document

  61. Updated attachment

  62. New document added to page for September 2017

  63. Updated attachment

  64. New list of terminated licenses, August 2016 to July 2017 added to the page.

  65. List of terminated and cancelled manufacturers and wholesale dealers licenses updates.

  66. Updated the list of companies in the UK who have their licence to manufacture or wholesale medicines terminated and cancelled.

  67. Updated list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences.

  68. Updated list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  69. List of terminated and cancelled licences updated

  70. Updated list.

  71. Updated list of terminated and cancelled licenses

  72. Updated List of Terminated and Cancelled Manufacturing and Wholesale Dealer Licences

  73. Updated to November 2016

  74. Updated List of Terminated and Cancelled Manufacturing and Wholesale Dealer Licences 2016 to October

  75. Updated document

  76. Updated list

  77. Updated list of terminated and cancelled licences

  78. Updated document.

  79. Updated list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences.

  80. Updated document to May 2016.

  81. Updated list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences.

  82. Terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences for January through to February 2016.

  83. Updated list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences.

  84. Updated: list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences.

  85. Updated: list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  86. Updated: list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences

  87. Updated: list of terminated revoked and cancelled licences

  88. Updated: list of terminated revoked and cancelled licences

  89. Updated: List of companies in the UK who have their licence to manufacture or wholesale medicines terminated and cancelled

  90. Updated: List of companies in the UK who have their licence to manufacture or wholesale medicines terminated and cancelled

  91. The list of terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences has been updated to include May 2015.

  92. Updated list of terminated, revoked and cancelled licences.

  93. First published.