
Housing Benefit Assurance Process (HBAP)

These Housing Benefit (subsidy) Assurance Process modules are for reporting accountants and local authorities to use.

Applies to England


HBAP Module 1: DWP Reporting Framework Instruction for the financial year ending March 20222023 (Applicable(applicable to England only)

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HBAP Module 2: Uprating checklist for the financial year ending March 20222023

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HBAP Module 6: Approach and Testing Strategy for the financial year ending March 20222023 (Applicable(applicable to England only)

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HBAP Module X: DWP Reporting Framework Instruction for Further Work (Applicable(applicable to England only)

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We update the Housing Benefit Assurance Process (HBAP) annually and will publish only the most recent version.

Module Title Published
1 DWP Reporting Framework Instruction for the financial year ending March 20222023 (Applicable to England only) 31 March 20222023
2 Uprating checklist for the financial year ending March 20222023 31 March 20222023
3 Detailed testing – step-by-step guidance (the workbooks will be issued separately)  
4 Analytical review – not published as it’s for internal DWP use only Not applicable
5 Software diagnostic tool  
6 Approach and Testing Strategy for the financial year ending March 20222023 (Applicable to England only) 31 March 20222023
X DWP Reporting Framework Instruction for Further Work (Applicable to England only) 2 December 2022
Published 29 March 2017
Last updated 217 DecemberApril 20222023 + show all updates
  1. Updated modules for the financial year ending March 2023, including Module 1: DWP Reporting Framework Instruction, Module 2: Uprating checklist for the financial year ending March 2023 and Module 6: Approach and Testing Strategy

  2. Updated HBAP Module X: DWP Reporting Framework Instruction for Further Work (Applicable to England only) - HTML and PDF.

  3. Added revised HBAP Module 1: DWP Reporting Framework Instruction for the financial year ending March 2022 (applicable to England only), HBAP Module 2: Uprating checklist for the financial year ending March 2022, HBAP Module 6: Approach and Testing Strategy for the financial year ending March 2022 (applicable to England only).

  4. Updated 'Module X - DWP Reporting Framework Instruction for Further Work (Applicable to England only)'.

  5. Updated modules 1, 2 and 6 for the 2020 to 2021 guidance.

  6. Updated 'Module X - DWP Reporting Framework Instruction for Further Work (Applicable to England only)'.

  7. Added revised HB (Subsidy) Assurance Process 2019/20 module 1: DWP Reporting Framework Instruction, module 2: Uprating Checklist 2019/20 and module 6: Approach and Testing Strategy (all applicable to England only).

  8. Revised HB Assurance Process (HBAP) Module X. Updates to the applicable financial year, contact details and removed reference to the pre-HBAP audit process.

  9. Added Added Housing Benefit Assurance Process Module 2: Uprating checklist 2018/19.

  10. Added Housing Benefit Assurance Process Module X: DWP Reorting Framework Insruction for Further Work (Applicable to England only).

  11. Revised HBAP Module 1: DWP Reporting Framework Instruction (Applicable to England only) and added HBAP Module 6: Approach and Testing Strategy (Applicable to England only).

  12. First published.