
Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund (LSIMF)(LSIMF): Phase 2 open to expressions of interest

This fund is to support businesses investing in life sciences manufacturing projects in the UK.


Grant offer letter: draft template

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The Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund (LSIMF) is part of the Global Britain Investment Fund,Fund ofand which £354 million will support life sciences manufacturing.

The LSIMF will provide £60 million in capital grants for investment in the manufacture of:

  • human medicines (drug substance and drug product)
  • medical diagnostics
  • MedTech products

We have already announced the first tranche of companies to be supported by LSIMF and are now re-opening the fund with the remaining budget of £7.6 million.

Specific themes

We particularly encouragewelcome applications from companies readywith tomanufacturing deployinvestments theirthat emergingdemonstrate the adoption of innovative process technologies, for example:

  • flexible manufacturing enabling rapid product switching
  • continuous manufacturing
  • technologies atthat scalewill minimise inimpact commercialof manufacturing.the product or the manufacturing process on the environment
  • digital twins, which harness the power of data analytics and modelling to optimise manufacturing processes

This list is not exhaustive.


This is a summary of the minimum requirements for ‘in scope’ projects (read the scheme guidance for full details):

Your manufacturing investment must relate to the manufacture of: Human medicines (this includes both the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) / drug substance and finished product / drug product). The fund is open to applications across the breadth of types of MHRA licenced medicines for human use, OR

Diagnostics – for both disease identification and monitoring in human health, OR

Medical devices – all types of medical devices related to human health

We will not accept applications that propose to manufacture:

- veterinary medicines
- herbal supplements and vitamins
- input materials
- consumables or equipment suppliers (for example vials, syringes)
Your project must: Be a manufacturing project: this could be manufacturing product for clinical trials or for commercial sale, AND

Be located in the UK, AND

Have a total investment value of more than £12£20 million
YourYou projectwill can:be required to: BeDemonstrate forthat your company has the upgradefinancial orcapacity expansionto ofdeliver anthe existingproject; facilityAND

Demonstrate orthat the establishmentproject ofis afully newfunded manufacturingaside facilityfrom the grant request; AND

Provide 3 years of annual audited accounts

We To willprotect notpublic acceptfunding, applicationsyou thatmust: Provide proposea toparental manufacture:

  • veterinaryundertaking medicines
  • herbalguarantee supplementsfrom your ultimate parent company; OR

    Secure and vitamins
  • inputpay materials
  • consumablesfor ora equipmentbank suppliersguarantee (forfor examplethe vials,full syringes)
  • grant amount over the duration of the project

Fund objectives

We will prioritise applicants based on their alignment to the fund’s objectives:

  1. 1. Creating economic opportunity through investments that will provide high-wage, high-skilled jobs.

  2. 2. Deploying cutting-edge innovations (at both pilot and commercial scale) which can be embedded in either the product itself or the manufacturing process.

  3. 3. Increasing health resilience, either through increased domestic capacity or by providing flexible capabilities that can be re-deployed in some way in a future health emergency.

  4. 4. Minimising impact on the environment, which might include reduction in input resources or using alternative input materials to become more sustainable or support the government’s net zero target.

How to apply

The1. assessmentIf hasyour 2company stages:

  • Stageand 1:project Expressionmeet ofALL Interestthe (EOI)
  • Stagecriteria 2:listed Fundabove Application

Weand willyou useconfirm ayou rapidwill decision-makingbe processable to identifyprovide projectsthe thatrequired alignevidence withand thefinancial Fund’sguarantees objectives- 2submit toa 4short usingsummary anof EOIyour stage.

Projectsproject that(no meetlonger thethan requirementsone side of theA4) EOIoutlining:

  • project willbackground: bea inviteddescription toof submitthe aplanned Fundinvestment, Applicationrelevant tocontext determineand thean economicindication impact of when the investment (objectivecould 1)start
  • an andestimate testof the projecttotal againstsize standardof requirementsthe forinvestment grantbroken funding.

    Phasedown 1into iscapital, nowR&D closedand toany Expressionstraining ofcosts. Interest.

    Note: We encourage you to apply early as the fund will closeonly oncebe allable fundingto ispay allocated.

    Applicantsa whogrant applytowards in the firstcapital phasecosts, (Marchbut toit Mayis 2022)helpful will be prioritised for dueyou diligenceto iftell theyus willabout spendall a substantial amount of the grantproject before March 2023.



TheSend fundthe willsummary beto inthe 2LSIMF phasesproject (Marchteam toat 2022We andrecommend Septemberyou toshare Novemberthis 2022), with monthlythe deadlinesteam towell submitin EOIs.

Phaseadvance 1of closingthe dates:

  • WaveEOI 1:deadline Thursday(step 312) Marchso 2022,we 12pmhave (noon)
  • Waveadequate 2:time Fridayto 29discuss Aprilyour 2022,application 12pmwith (noon)
  • Waveyou.

    2. 3:Subject Tuesdayto 31the Mayconversation 2022,you 12pmhave (noon)

Phasehad 2with closingthe dates:

  • WaveLSIMF 4:Project FridayTeam, 30you Septembershould 2022,complete 12pmthe (noon)
  • WaveExpression 5:of MondayInterest 31(EOI) Octoberform 2022,and 12pmsubmit (noon)
  • Waveby 6:12 Wednesdaynoon 30on NovemberTuesday 2022,29 12pmMay (noon)

Specific2023. themes

We particularlywill welcomenot review applications fromreceived companiesafter developingthis highly innovative products such as:deadline.

  • complex

    3. medicinesWe suchplan asto advancedhold therapiesapplicant andinterviews nucleiconline acidduring therapies,the non-biologicalweek complexof medicines12-16 andJune medicines2023. thatWe requirewill complexinform deliveryyou mechanisms

  • innovativeof medicalyour technologiesslot suchthe asprevious nanomedicineweek.

    4. applicationsWe inplan imaging,to sensing,inform diagnosis,you andby deliverythe throughend medicalof devices,June 5Gif enabledyou devices,have smarterbeen pacemakerssuccessful andat 3D printed devices

  • diagnostics such as ‘breathalysers’ for the earlyEOI detectionstage. ofIf inflammatorysuccessful, andyou infectiouswill diseasesbe andinvited ‘labto onsubmit a chip’

Infull addition,application. weWe particularlywill welcomeorganise applicationsa thatbriefing includecall theto adoptionhelp ofyou innovativeunderstand processhow technologies,you suchshould as:

  • flexiblecomplete manufacturing enabling product switching
  • scalable manufacturing
  • novel manufacturing processes
  • technologies that will minimise your impact on the environment
  • continuousfull manufacturing,application bothform for commercial scale and clinicalto trialsagree manufacturing
  • digitala twins,date whichfor harnesswhen theyou powershould ofsubmit datayour analyticsapplication and modelling to optimise manufacturing processes

Neither list is


Contact the LSIMF support team if you have aany technicalqueries question about the applicationfund: process:

Published 2 March 2022
Last updated 232 JuneMay 20222023 + show all updates
  1. Phase 2 open to Expressions of Interest.

  2. Phase 1 is now closed to Expressions of Interest.

  3. Submit expressions of interest for Phase 1, Wave 3 by 31 May 2022, 12 noon.

  4. Wave 2 expressions of interest date added.

  5. Date for submitting expressions of interest to the LSIMF Phase 1 Wave 1 changed to Friday 29 April at 12 noon.

  6. First published.