
Apply for funding: space-related R&D, innovation and education

Details on open funding opportunities from the UK Space Agency, the space sector, academic, education and community partners.

Announcement of Opportunity: Call for the ESA Earth Observation programme, InCubed2

Funding type: Research, innovation, and development

Who Can Apply: UK industry (research institutions and academia with no commercial interest in the product can apply as part of an industrially led consortium)

Total Funding Amount: £1,400,000

Deadline: 12 pm on 31 May 2023

The UK Space Agency is inviting UK entities to submit proposals to develop innovative and commercially viable products and services that generate or exploit the value of Earth observation imagery and datasets.

See the guidance page for details on how to apply.

Announcement of Opportunity: 2023 Call for Mars Exploration Science

Funding type: Research, innovation, and development

Who can apply: Academics working at UK Research Organisations

Total fund: £1,600,000 (indicative)

Deadline: 4 pm on Wednesday 14 June

The UK Space Agency is making funding available for science research that utilises data from current Mars exploration missions to enhance the UK’s capabilities and cross-disciplinary approach to planetary science.

See the guidance page for details on how to apply.

Announcement of Opportunity: 2023 Call for Mars Exploration Science - Studentships

Funding type: Research, innovation, and development

Who can apply: Academics working at UK Research organisations

Total fund: £1,000,000 (indicative)

Award range: up to £100,000 over 48 months

Deadline: 4pm on Thursday 1 June 2023

The UK Space Agency is is offering PhD studentship funding to support the development of a new generation of Mars researchers within the UK academic community by providing funding for:

  • PhD projects which utilise data from Mars exploration missions (including ESA’s Trace Gas Orbiter, NASA’s Insight lander, Perseverance, and other Mars exploration missions), or;
  • PhD projects which underpin future Mars exploration missions. This can include supporting science operations of current rover missions.

See the guidance page for details on how to apply.

Enabling Technologies Programme - Call Three

Funding type: Research, innovation and technology development

Who can apply: Organisations including academia, industry and (not for profit) government research institutes. Organisations must be registered in the UK.

Funding: Grant funding per project is expected to range from £100k to £250k per grant. There is not currently a fixed total amount for the call.

Deadline: 6 June 2023

The UK Space Agency invites proposals for the Enabling Technologies Programme (Technology for Sustainability in Space) Call Three for emerging and innovative technology research and development.

Proposals are sought for projects in areas including innovation; innovative technology proof of concept that could result in a significant technological step-change; new technology developments; establishing new academic/industrial research collaborations and feasibility studies targeting emerging disruptive technologies. This call is an open call with a special interest in technology which contributes to the sustainability of space.

See the ETP Call Three guidance page for details on how to apply.

International Bilateral Fund

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: UK organisations including academia, industry and (not for profit) government research institutes. We are particularly interested to receive bids involving the USA, Canada, Australia and Japan, but will consider opportunities from elsewhere in the world.

Funding: Phase 1: Concept Call (this competition): up to £75,000 for up to 4 months in duration. Phase 2: Implementation Call (by invitation only): if successful in Phase 1, you will be invited to submit a proposal in Phase 2 for up to £1.5 million for up to 12 months in duration.

Deadline: 9 June 2023

The UK Space Agency invites proposals for the International Bilateral Fund (IBF) to help strengthen the UK space sector’s partnerships with strategic and emerging space nations.

The objectives of the IBF are to:  

  1. Build stronger relationships with priority countries and become a trusted space partner of choice
  2. Increase UK space sector inward investment and exports
  3. Develop UK capabilities in collaboration with our international partners.

This call will close on 9 June 2023 at noon BST.

See the International Bilateral Fund guidance page for details on how to apply.

ARTES ESA Workplan Activity: 6G Satellite Precursor Invitation To Tender (ARTES 5G/6G SPL 3E.011)

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: UK organisations and companies (UK Space Agency and ESA approval required)

Proposed ESA Budget: €8,000,000, with National Delegate support at up to 100% funding.

Deadline (UK Space Agency): 5pm on 26 June 2023

Deadline (ESA): midday on 14 July 2023

This is an ESA-initiated programme offering up to 100% funding. Find further information on this Invitation To Tender (ITT) on the ESA website.

As part of the application process, companies will need to apply to the UK Space Agency for approval before they submit their final application. This is a three-stage application process, in which:

The UK Space Agency reserves the right to apply additional requirements to any supported ITT. We will notify you once you have registered your interest, if applicable.

ARTES: Advanced Technology

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: UK organisations and companies (UK Space Agency and ESA approval required)

Funding: Dependent on Advanced Technology project

Deadline: Open until further notice

This is an ESA-initiated programme offering up to 100% funding for developing early technologies and innovations. Invitations To Tender (ITT) are listed on the ESA website here.

As part of the application process, companies will need to apply to the UK Space Agency for approval before they submit their application. This is a three-stage application process, in which:

  • applicants should complete an Expression of Interest form in the first instance
  • successful applicants will be asked to complete the Advanced Technology application form
  • successful applicants can apply to ESA

Please submit an Expression of Interest to the UK Space Agency, prior to the submission of your proposal. See further details on the ESA application process on the ESA website.

Navigation Innovation Support Programme (NavISP)

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: UK organisations working in positioning, navigation and timing undertaking technology research and development focused on commercial innovation.

Funding: Varies. 100% funding for developing early technologies and innovations; typically between €200,000 and €800,000 for space-enabled positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) technology solutions and innovations.

Deadline: Open until further notice

Since 2017, the UK has invested €50 million into NavISP to support the UK space PNT sector to innovate the next generation of space-enabled and space-supported navigation products, services and applications.

The UK investment in the programme is available to support UK organisations to undertake technology research and development focused on commercial innovation.

See the NavISP announcement of opportunity to find out how to apply. Find out more about the NavISP programme.

Student support: ESA microgravity programmes

Funding type: Research, innovation and development

Who can apply: UK-based teams successfully selected by ESA for certain student support programmes.

Funding: Up to £5,000

Deadline: Open until further notice

This announcement of opportunity offers up to £5,000 (if available) to support students participating in ESA microgravity programmes.

See the announcement of opportunity to find out how to apply.

Responsive Mode Call - Exploration Community Development

Funding type: Development and promotion of UK space exploration community

Who can apply: UK individuals and organisations

Funding: Support will be granted to a maximum of £50,000.

Deadline: Open until further notice.

The UK Space Agency will, subject to budget being available in any given financial year, make available funds to support activities such as:

  • community building activities

  • establishing networking opportunities

  • showcases and/or organisation attendance at appropriate conferences

Applicants should detail how the proposed activity benefits the UK space exploration community.

See the call and find out how to apply.

Closed Opportunities

To view closed opportunities, please visit our closed opportunities page.

Published 30 April 2014
Last updated 2712 AprilMay 2023 + show all updates
  1. Added ARTES 6G ESA call

  2. Added IBF and ETP Call Three open calls. Updated Announcement of Opportunity: 2023 Call for Mars Exploration Science total fund and deadline

  3. Added Announcement of Opportunity: Call for the ESA Earth Observation programme, InCubed2

  4. Removed SPIN and ARTES calls. Added two Mars Exploration Science calls

  5. Corrected funding amount for SciSupport call

  6. Added Announcement of Opportunity: 2023 SciSupport AO Grant Call.

  7. ARTES UK National Delegate support for the “Connecting People” Call added

  8. SPIN 23 funding call added.

  9. Funding call added.

  10. Expired calls moved to closed opportunities.

  11. Announcement of Opportunity: Responsive Mode Call - Exploration Community Development added.

  12. ETP Call One removed as deadline has passed.

  13. Updated funding opportunities, and moved closed opportunities to a different page.

  14. Enabling Technologies Programme - Call Two opened.

  15. Corrected closing of Cluster Development call.

  16. Call for ideas: UK National Delegate support for the ESA ARTES Partnership Programme Phase 1.

  17. Moved LaunchUK Technology Investment funding into Closed for Opportunities section.

  18. Added “Opening Space with 5G” and “5G Hub at Harwell” calls

  19. Added ARTES and ETP funding calls.

  20. Added open calls for cluster funding, space science and exploration bilateral missions, and LaunchUK technology investment.

  21. Updated funding opportunities August 2022.

  22. Closed announcement of opportunity.

  23. Added Enabling Space Exploration and Microgravity Experiments calls.

  24. Added 2022 Exploration Science Announcement of Opportunity and Support for Student Teams selected for ESA Microgravity Student programmes Announcement of Opportunity

  25. ARTES call for applications opened.

  26. Opened NavISP opportunity.

  27. Exploration Science Microgravity grant opportunity has closed.

  28. Updated with relevant information.

  29. Updated information.

  30. New announcement of opportunity added. Funding support for students selected for ESA microgravity programmes.

  31. Space Placements in Industry (SPIN) funding opportunity added.

  32. Page updated to reflect new space for all grant call.

  33. Dated content removed and updated with a link to the latest Space for All grant call.

  34. Calls for proposals are no longer available

  35. The 2018 space call in Horizon 2020 has been published. Information added to page.

  36. Case study document attached

  37. Space for All guidance updated

  38. IPP Finance Form added

  39. National Space Technology Programme announcement of opportunity published.

  40. Attachments inserted

  41. Space for All community grant scheme updated. New round of funding announced.

  42. Update to National Space Technology Programme funding information.

  43. International Space University (ISU) – Scholarship Scheme information added.

  44. Space for Smarter Government Programme call for proposals information added.

  45. Space for All small awards scheme documents updated.

  46. National Space Technology Programme funding round two, call for space technology proposals information added.

  47. Announcement of the second round of the National Space Technology Programme funding added.

  48. Aurora outreach announcement of opportunity, guidance and application form.

  49. First published.