Warnings and insuranceSummary
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advises against all travel toto:
TheAt Foreign,10am CommonwealthWestern &Indonesian DevelopmentTime Office(WIB) (FCDO)on provides7 adviceJanuary, aboutMount risksMarapi in Sumatra erupted. The Indonesian authorities have imposed an exclusion zone of travel3 KM at this time
A magnitude 5.6 earthquake hit near Cianjur, West Java on 22 November. The area continues to supportbe Britishaffected nationalsby aftershocks.
The FCDO is in makingcontact informedwith decisions.local Findauthorities. outYou moreshould aboutremain FCDOvigilant traveland follow the advice. of the local security authorities and/or your tour operator.
This wherepage will be updated as the FCDOsituation advisesdevelops.
These againstare travelexclusion zones put in place by the local authorities due to ongoing volcanic activity. If you’re in either exclusion zone, you should leave immediately. See Mount Sinabung and Mount Semura
YourBefore travelyou insurancetravel, couldcheck bethe invalidated‘Entry ifrequirements’ section for Indonesia’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.
If you plan to pass through another country to return to the UK, check the travel againstadvice FCDOfor advice.the Consularcountry supportyou’re transiting.
It is alsomore severelyimportant limitedthan whereever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s advisesguidance againston travel.foreign travel insurance.
Around Sinabung390,000 area,British Karonationals Regencyvisit Indonesia every year.
FCDOViolent advisesprotests againsthave alltaken travelplace withinin 5Manokwari, kmWest ofPapua Province and in Jayapura and Wamena, Papua Province during August and September 2019. You should monitor local media, follow the Mountadvice Sinabungof craterlocal authorities, and avoid large gatherings in Karopublic Regency,areas, Northincluding Sumatra.
Mountdemonstrations Semeruand area,political Lumajangrallies, Regency
FCDOThere adviseswere nationwide protests in Indonesia by students against allnew traveldraft withinlegislation 5on km24 ofSeptember 2019. These have the craterpotential ofto Mountreoccur. SemeruYou should avoid large gatherings in Lumajangpublic Regency,areas, Eastincluding Java.demonstrations FCDOand alsopolitical advisesrallies, againstas allthey travelcould become violent with little notice. See Political situation
Terrorists are very likely to thetry southeastto areacarry ofout Mountattacks Semeruin alongIndonesia. theTerrorist Besukgroups Kobokancontinue riverto (approximatelyplan 13attacks kmand fromhave the crater).capacity Youand shouldintent stayto carry out these attacks at leastanytime 500and manywhere fromin the Besukcountry. KobokanTypes riverbank.of attacks have included suicide bombing and small-arms fire, targeting public and crowded places. Be vigilant and take care. There is a heightened risk during holiday periods, including those with a religious focus. You should exercise extra caution at these times. See Terrorism
FindYou outshould moreexercise aboutcaution whywhen FCDOtravelling advisesto againstAceh, Central Sulawesi Province (especially Palu, Poso and Tentena), Maluku Province (especially Ambon), Papua and West Papua Province due to potential for violence or violent conflict. See Local travel
Forest youfires travelcontinue to burn in Indonesia’s forest and peatlands, mostly on Sumatra and Borneo, generating widespread haze that can affect air quality. You should monitor air quality during your visit and follow medical advice where appropriate. See Health
NoThere travelare many active volcanoes in Indonesia, any of which can beerupt guaranteedwith safe.little Reador allno thewarning. adviceThis often results in thisthe guideevacuation asof wellvillages aswithin supporta for3 Britishto nationals7 abroadkm whichradius includes:
- advice
andondisruptionpreparingtoforairtravel abroadinthewiderregion.Inthepast,repeatederuptionshavecauseddestructionfatalities.risks - information
FollowA number of areas across Indonesia, including in Central Sulawesi, Lombok and contactthe FCDOSunda travelStrait, onare Twitter,continuing Facebookto recover from the impact of earthquakes and/or tsunamis in 2018. If you’re travelling to affected areas, you should exercise caution, particularly around damaged buildings and Instagramthe most affected areas. See Earthquakes and tsunamis.
Possession, Youtrafficking canand alsomanufacture signof updrugs toare serious offences in Indonesia. Some offences carry the death penalty. Do not get emailinvolved. notificationsSee Local laws and customs
There whenhave thisbeen advicea isnumber updated.of deaths and cases of serious illness of tourists in Indonesia, caused by drinking alcoholic drinks contaminated with methanol. See Methanol poisoning
Travel insurance
If you’re abroad and you chooseneed toemergency travel,help researchfrom yourthe destinationsUK andgovernment, getcontact appropriatethe travelnearest insuranceBritish embassy, consulate or high commission. Consular Insurancesupport shouldmay coverbe yourlimited itinerary,in plannedparts activitiesof Indonesia given the size of the country and potentialthe expensesremoteness of some areas.
To contact the emergency services call 111 or 112 (police), 118 or 119 (ambulance and rescue) or 113 (fire).
To contact the tourist police in anBali 0361 7540599 or 0361 224111. To contact the tourist police in Jakarta call 021 526 4073.
The Overseas Business Risk service offers information and advice for British companies operating overseas on how to manage political, economic, and business security-related risks.