
Piloting devolving decision-making for child victims of modern slavery

The Home Office has launched a pilot programme that will test alternative models of decision-making for child victims of modern slavery and human trafficking.



We are currently translating updates to the Welsh versions of each guidance. These will be published soon.

The pilot programme beginsbegan in June 2021 with 10 pilot sites. Between February and willApril run2023, for10 12additional months.pilot sites joined, with now 20 pilot sites operating in the pilot.

The general guidance document sets out where the pilot willoperates, operate, the rationale behind the pilot sites and the requirements of the programme.

Details on decision-making are set out in the decision-making guidance for the pilot sites in England & Wales, and Wales.separately for Scotland.

Decisions willare be taken through a multi-agency structure with representation from the 3three safeguarding partners: the local authority, health and police.

Published 14 June 2021
Last updated 130 JulyJune 20222023 + show all updates
  1. There have been changes made to the 'Devolving child decision-making pilot programme: general guidance', 'Decision-making guidance for pilot sites in England and Wales' and the 'Decision-making guidance for pilot sites in Scotland' guidance pages.

  2. English language versions of the following documents updated: Devolving child decision-making pilot programme: general guidance, Decision-making guidance for pilot sites in England and Wales and Decision-making guidance for pilot sites in Scotland. They have been updated due to a change in guidance relating to cases that are no longer in scope of the pilot if there is uncertainty over whether or not an individual is an adult or a child.

  3. Added accessible Welsh versions.

  4. Added Welsh versions.

  5. General guidance and guidance for pilot sites in England and Wales and Scotland updated to incorporate operational changes to decision-making.

  6. Added decision making guidance for pilot sites in Scotland.

  7. First published.