Warnings and insuranceSummary
TheBefore Foreign,you Commonwealthtravel, &check Developmentthe Office‘Entry (FCDO)requirements’ providessection advicefor aboutSwitzerland’s riskscurrent ofentry travelrestrictions toand helprequirements. BritishThese nationalsmay makechange informedwith decisions.little Findwarning. outMonitor morethis aboutadvice FCDOfor the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel advice.provider.
If you plan to pass through another country to return to the UK, check the travel advice for the country you’re transiting.
NoIt is more important than ever to get travel caninsurance beand guaranteedcheck safe.it Readprovides allsufficient cover. See the adviceFCDO’s guidance on foreign travel insurance.
If you’re living in thisor guidemoving asto wellSwitzerland, asread supportthe forLiving Britishin nationalsSwitzerland abroadguide whichin includes:addition to this travel advice.
- advice
Thereonispreparinganforongoingtravelriskabroadofandtheft,reducingespeciallyrisks - information
FollowIf andyou contactplan FCDOskiing travelor onhiking, Twitter,check Facebookweather conditions and Instagramfollow local advice. See Outdoor sports activities.
Terrorist Youattacks canin alsoSwitzerland signcan’t upbe toruled getout. emailYou notificationsshould whenremain thisvigilant and follow the advice isof updated.local authorities. See Terrorism
Travel insurance
If you chooseneed to travel,contact researchthe youremergency destinationsservices, call 112 (general emergency calls), 118 (fire), 117 (police) or 144 (ambulance).
If you’re abroad and getyou appropriateneed travelemergency insurancehelp from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission.
The InsuranceOverseas shouldBusiness coverRisk yourservice itinerary,offers plannedinformation activities and expensesadvice infor anBritish emergency.companies operating overseas on how to manage political, economic, and business security-related risks.