
CEO and deputy CEO-level development

Short courses and programmes to develop skills, knowledge and networks for chief executive officers, deputy-CEOs and their equivalents in public service.

We offer a selection of short courses and programmes to the top two tiers of all public sector and civil service organisations (CEO and deputy CEO equivalents). More information about eligibility can be found at the bottom of this page.

Our courses help leaders:

  • enhance their practical, evidence-based knowledge and expertise around facing complex systems challenges
  • build strong networks between peers and break down silos between the Civil Service and wider public sector
  • inspire and encourage measurable improvements in public service delivery

Short course: Leading Collaborative Organisations

Participants of this course will broaden their understanding of collaboration across three course elements. They will identify the challenges and enablers and the impact they have on their own motivations, structures and relationships as public service leaders.

Residential 1: 26 to 28 September 2023 in Bristol

Webinar: 31 October 2023 via video conferencing

Residential 2: 29 to 30 November 2023 in Nottingham

Register for the ‘Leading Collaborative Organisations’ short course

‘Connections’Connections networking event

We are delighted to welcome you to our Connections’Connections Networking Event on 13 September for public sector senior leaders. CEOs and Deputies regularly tell us they are keen to expand their personal network. With this in mind, we have designed this sessionnetworking event which includes a panel sharing first-hand accounts of switching sectors as a senior leader, and the qualities required to do so successfully. Join us forto aconsider panel discussion that considers how moving beyond sector-specialismyour leadershipsector improvesspecialism and working across traditional boundaries.boundaries improves your leadership.

Register for our ‘Connections’Connections Networking Event’Event via Eventbrite

Date: Wednesday 13 September 2023

Time: 3:30pm to 5:30pm

Location: 100 Parliament Street, London, SW1A 2BQ

‘Connections’ schemes

Our ‘Connections’ schemes are relationship building and job shadowing schemes. They allow participants to grow their peer network, learn about other parts of the public sector, and develop collaborative leadership skills.

Participants are matched with a small group of peers from different areas of the public sector and meet regularly over an eight-month period to work to solve problems and job shadow one another.

CEO Connections’ is aimed at CEO-level leaders and Civil Service equivalents. ‘Leadership Connections’ is aimed at deputy CEO-level leadership and Civil Service equivalents. You can find out more and register for these schemes using the following link:

Register interest for the ‘Connections’ schemes

Coffee Connect

This programme focuses on building your personal network. On the first Tuesday of every month, we pair participants with a leader from a large public sector organisation or Civil Service department. Participants get in touch with each other to arrange a convenient time to meet either over the phone or by video-conferencing platform. Each month, participants are offered the opportunity to opt out if they aren’t available.

Register for ‘Coffee Connect’

Eligibility requirements for our courses

Our courses are available to the two most senior tiers of public sector and civil service organisations. This includes:

  • CEOs and DCEOs in the National Health Service, including NHS Trusts, Ambulance Trusts, and Clinical Commissioning Groups
  • vice-chancellors, pro-vice-chancellors and deputy vice-chancellors of universities
  • heads and deputy heads of large further education colleges and academy chains
  • local authority CEOs and DCEOs
  • chief constables and deputy chief constables of police services
  • chief and deputy chief fire officers of fire and rescue services
  • Civil Service permanent secretaries, director generals and directors (SCS 2, 3 and 4)
  • three, two and one star military officers
  • CEOs and DCEOs of large Housing Associations
  • CEOs and DCEOs of large Arms Length Bodies and Regional Transport Authorities (SCS 2, 3 and 4)

All applications are non-selective but the LCG reserves the right to ensure that there is a reasonable distribution of different sectors across the organisations attending. Where courses are extremely popular, the LCG will look to repeat them as soon as possible.

Published 6 April 2023
Last updated 1320 JuneJuly 2023 + show all updates
  1. Dates added for "Connections" networking event.

  2. Updated location details for 'Leading Collaborative Organisations' short course, removed details of the 'Innovation for the Public Sector' event, added details of the 'Connections' networking event, added details of Civil Service grade levels to the eligibility section.

  3. Added details about the panellists for the 'Innovation for the Public Sector' event.

  4. Details on the 'Innovation for the Public Sector' panel and networking event havve been added.

  5. First published.