
Regulation of end-point assessments: status

Confirmed apprenticeship end-point assessments (EPAs) for standards regulated by Ofqual.

Applies to England


Confirmed Ofqual regulated end-point assessments


Ofqual regulates apprenticeship end-point assessments (EPAs). The document above shows apprenticeship standards for which there is a regulated awarding organisation recognised to deliver the EPA.

EPA and whether EPA is available to apprentices on Ofqual’s Register of Regulated Qualifications. Further information about an EPA’s availability can be checkedfound toin confirmthe ifkey thedates EPAsection isof currentlyits availablerecord toon apprentices.the Register.

The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education publishes a list of apprenticeship standards that have been approved for delivery.

Status of Ofqual regulated apprenticeship end-point assessments

Ofqual regulates the apprenticeship end-point assessments listed in the above document.

Compliance with assessment plans

Where Ofqual regulates an apprenticeship end-point assessment, all assessments for that standard must comply with our General Conditions of Recognition and EPA Qualification-level conditions.

Condition EPA1.1 requires an awarding organisation to comply with any requirements, and have regard to any guidance, contained in the relevant Assessment Plan for each EPA that it makes available or proposes to make available.

Under Condition EPA3.3, an awarding organisation is also required to notify Ofqual where the Assessment Plan for one of its EPAs is reviewed or amended.

An Assessment Plan is defined in Condition EPA6.4 as the version of an apprenticeship assessment plan, published under section A2(1) of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009, which is specified in a list published by Ofqual and revised from time to time.

This list is specified in the attached document “Confirmed Ofqual regulated end-point assessments”. The list indicates where there is a regulated awarding organisation with that particular standard in its scope.scope and whether EPA is available to apprentices on Ofqual’s Register. You can find further information about an EPA’s availability in the key dates section of its record on the Register. In some cases, there may be a regulated awarding organisation with the standard in scope, but where an EPA is not yet available. This list is updated regularly to reflect where this position changes. Please note that only the versions of apprenticeship assessment plans listed in this document will meet the definition of an assessment plan in Condition EPA6.4. Ofqual will review any subsequent version of a plan and, where appropriate, amend the list to include that subsequent version.

Published 26 June 2017
Last updated 1416 JulyAugust 2023 + show all updates
  1. The document has been updated to show where EPA is available to apprentices on the Ofqual Register of Regulated Qualifications.

  2. The document has been updated to show apprenticeship standards for which there is a regulated awarding organisation recognised to deliver the EPA.

  3. Updated file for June 2023

  4. Published list of apprenticeship standards has been updated.

  5. Published list of apprenticeship standards has been updated.

  6. ST1378 Rail infrastructure operator 2022 to list of apprenticeship standards.

  7. Updated list of confirmed Ofqual quality-assured end-point assessments

  8. EQA table updated.

  9. EQA table updated.

  10. Confirmed Ofqual quality assured end-point assessments to include: Healthcare Science Assistant, Healthcare Science Associate, Clinical Trials Specialist (degree), Bioinformatics Scientist (degree), Health and Care Intelligence Specialist, Water Industry Treatment Process Technician, Water Industry Network Technician, Content Creator.

  11. The following standards were added to the confirmed Ofqual quality assured end point assessments: ST0464 Smart home technician ST0762 Information manager ST0492 Geospatial mapping and science specialist (degree) ST0629 BEMS (building energy management systems) controls engineer ST0502 Actuary ST1321 Forest craftsperson

  12. Attachment updated.

  13. EQA table update

  14. EQA table update

  15. Updated the attached spreadsheet file.

  16. EQA table updated

  17. EQA table updated

  18. EQA table updated

  19. EQA table updated

  20. EQA table updated

  21. EQA table updated

  22. EQA table updated

  23. EQA table updated

  24. EQA table updated

  25. Updated EQA table

  26. EQA table updated

  27. EQA table updated

  28. EQA table updated

  29. Updated table of the standards we provide EQA for

  30. EQA table updated

  31. Removal of document 'Status of potential Ofqual quality-assured apprenticeship endpoint assessments', and updates to website text to reflect future transmission of apprenticeship standards to Ofqual

  32. Updated to reflect change in EQA arrangements. Tables also updated for September 2020.

  33. Tables updated for June 2020.

  34. Tables updated for May 2020.

  35. Tables updated for January 2020.

  36. Tables updated for December 2019.

  37. Tables updated for November 2019.

  38. Tables updated - October 2019.

  39. Tables updated - September 2019.

  40. Tables updated - July 2019.

  41. Tables further updated - May 2019

  42. Tables updated - May 2019

  43. Tables updated - April 2019

  44. Further update to tables for January 2019

  45. Tables updated for January 2019

  46. Tables updated for December 2018

  47. Tables updated for November 2018

  48. Table updated for October 2018

  49. Table updated for September 2018

  50. Table updated for August 2018

  51. Updated to include additional information about Ofqual-regulated EPAs.

  52. Updated attached table.

  53. Updated the attached table.

  54. Table updated April 2018

  55. Update to the status table.

  56. Updated table.

  57. EQA table updated.

  58. Updated attached spreadsheet.

  59. Update to the 'Status of Ofqual quality-assured apprenticeship endpoint assessments' table.

  60. Updated the status document.

  61. First published.