
Asian hornet: UK sightings

Annual confirmed sightings of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) in the UK.



List of confirmed sightings of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) in the UK.

Read guidance on how to spot and report an Asian hornet from the Great Britain Non-Native Species Secretariat.

Published 23 June 2020
Last updated 1622 August 2023 + show all updates
  1. Updated list of Asian hornet sightings for 2023.

  2. Updated list of Asian hornet sightings for 2023.

  3. Current situation updated.

  4. There have been 5 confirmed sightings of Asian hornet in the UK in 2023 so far.

  5. Nest in Rayleigh, Essex destroyed on 30 September.

  6. Several hornets were captured in Rayleigh, Essex. Confirmed on 27 September 2022.

  7. A single hornet was captured in Felixstowe, Suffolk on 29 April 2022.

  8. Nest found in Portsmouth on 29 October and nest destroyed on 31 October.

  9. Nest in Ascot, Berkshire destroyed on 11 October.

  10. Added confirmed sighting of the Asian hornet in Ascot, Berkshire.

  11. Current situation updated.

  12. Minor change

  13. Added confirmed sightings of the Asian hornet 2020.

  14. First published.