Warnings and insurance


TheBefore Foreign,you Commonwealthtravel, &check Developmentthe Office‘Entry (FCDO)requirements’ providessection for Belgium’s current entry restrictions and requirements. Monitor this advice aboutfor risksthe oflatest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.

If you plan to helppass Britishthrough nationalsanother makecountry informedon decisions.your Findjourney, outcheck the travel advice for the country you’re transiting.

Travelling via Calais? Check travel advice for France.

It is more aboutimportant than ever to get travel insurance and check it provides appropriate cover. See the FCDO’s guidance on foreign travel adviceinsurance.


There youare travel

rules about taking food and drink into the EU. See Taking food and drink into Belgium for further information.

NoIf travelyou’re cancurrently beliving guaranteedin safe.or Readmoving allto Belgium, check the adviceLiving in thisBelgium guide asin welladdition asto supportthis fortravel Britishadvice.

Demonstrations nationalsand abroadstrike action often take place in transport hubs and cities, and around the Schuman area in Brussels. See Demonstrations

Theft whichand includes:pickpocketing is a problem in crowded areas. Take care of your belongings and passports, particularly at all train stations in Brussels. See Crime

  • advice

    Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Belgium. Attacks could happen anywhere, including on preparingpublic fortransport traveland abroadtransport hubs and reducingin risks

  • informationother forplaces women,visited LGBT+by andforeigners. disabledSee travellers

FollowSecurity operations are likely to be carried out at short notice. You should remain vigilant and contactfollow FCDOthe travelinstructions of the Belgian authorities. Police have asked the public not to comment on Twitter,police Facebookoperations on social media. You can find more information on the Belgian Crisis Centre website and InstagramTwitter channel.

If you need to contact the emergency services, call 112. You can also signcontact upemergency toservice getthrough emailthe notifications112 whenapp, thiswhich advicecan isbe updated.downloaded onto your smartphone (this helps emergency call centres to identify your location).

Travel insurance

If you’re in Belgium and you chooseneed toemergency travel,help researchfrom yourthe destinationsUK andgovernment, getcontact appropriatethe travelBritish insuranceEmbassy in Brussels.

The InsuranceOverseas shouldBusiness coverRisk yourservice itinerary,offers plannedinformation activities and expensesadvice infor anBritish emergency.companies operating overseas on how to manage political, economic, and business security-related risks.