Foreign travel advice


! Warning FCDO advises against all travel to parts of Georgia.

Warnings and insurance


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For Foreign,security Commonwealthreasons, &the Development Office (FCDO) providesadvises adviceagainst aboutall risks of travel to helpthe Britishbreakaway nationalsregions makeof informedSouth decisions.Ossetia Findand outAbkhazia, moreand aboutagainst FCDOall but essential travel advice.

Areasto whereareas FCDOimmediately advisesadjacent againstto travel

the Administrative Boundary Lines with Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

YourThe travelBritish insurancegovernment coulddoes benot invalidatedrecognise ifthe youunilateral traveldeclarations againstof FCDOindependence advice.made Consularby supportthe mayde befacto limitedauthorities wherein FCDOthe advisesbreakaway againstregions travel.

Southof OssetiaAbkhazia and Abkhazia

ForSouth securityOssetia. reasons,Consular FCDOsupport advisesis againstnot allavailable travelin toparts theof breakawayGeorgia regionswhere of:

  • Souththe Ossetia
  • Abkhazia

FCDO alsoadvise advises against all buttravel. essentialSee travelLocal to:travel

  • areas

    Before immediatelyyou nexttravel, tocheck the administrative‘Entry boundaryrequirements’ linessection for Georgia’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with Southlittle Ossetia

  • areaswarning. immediatelyMonitor nextthis toadvice for the administrativelatest boundaryupdates linesand stay in contact with Abkhazia
your travel provider.

FCDOIf cannotyou provideplan emergency services to Britishpass nationalsthrough travellinganother incountry Southto Ossetiareturn andto Abkhazia,the asUK, Britishcheck governmentthe employeestravel areadvice restrictedfor fromthe travellingcountry’re transiting.

FindIt outis more aboutimportant whythan ever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s advisesguidance againston foreign travel insurance.


The youpolitical travel 

Nosituation travelin canGeorgia beis guaranteedgenerally safe.calm, although Readdemonstrations alland therallies, adviceparticularly inon thisRustaveli guideAvenue in Tbilisi as well as supportin forother Britishlarge nationalstowns abroaddo whichtake includes:place at short notice. These can escalate without warning. You should remain vigilant, stay away from any large gatherings and demonstrations and follow the advice of local authorities. See Political situation

  • advice

    Foreign nationals have been detained on preparingarrival in Georgia for travelpossession abroadof andmedicines reducingthat risks

  • informationwould fornot women,normally LGBT+be andproblematic disabledin travellers
the UK or other countries. See Travelling with medicines

FollowTake care when driving and contactif FCDOpossible travelavoid ondriving Twitter,at Facebooknight. See Road travel

There is some risk from unexploded ordnance in areas along the Administrative Boundary Lines with South Ossetia and Instagram.Abkhazia, Youand cannear alsothe signborder upwith toAzerbaijan get(Red emailBridge notificationsarea whenin thisparticular). adviceAreas iswhere updated.unexploded ordnance might be present are not always marked. See Local travel

Travel insurance

If you choosecurrently tohave, travel,or researchare yourthinking destinationsof andcommissioning getsurrogacy appropriatearrangements travelin insuranceGeorgia, see Surrogacy.

Terrorist Insuranceattacks shouldin coverGeorgia yourcan’t itinerary,be plannedruled activitiesout. See Terrorism

You can contact the emergency services by calling 112.

If you’re abroad and expensesyou inneed anemergency from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission.