Warnings and insurance


TheBefore Foreign,you Commonwealthtravel, &check Developmentthe Office‘Entry (FCDO)requirements’ providessection advicefor aboutSão risksTomé ofand travelPrincipe’s tocurrent helpentry Britishrestrictions nationalsand makerequirements. informedThese decisions.may Findchange outwith morelittle aboutwarning. FCDOMonitor travelthis advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.


If you travel 

Noplan travelto canpass bethrough guaranteedanother safe.country Readto allreturn to the UK, check the travel advice infor thisthe guidecountry andyou’re anytransiting.

It specificis travelmore adviceimportant thatthan appliesever to you: 

Followinsurance and contactcheck it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s travelguidance on Twitterforeign travel insurance,.

If Facebookyour return journey to the UK transits another country, you should check whether it is subject to a travel ban or any other additional requirements. If so, contact your travel provider.

Consular support is limited in São Tomé and Instagram.Príncipe Youas there is no British Embassy. The Honorary Consul/Consular Agent in São Tomé and Príncipe can alsooffer signlimited upconsular toassistance. getContact emailthe notificationsBritish Embassy in Luanda, Angola whenwho thiscan adviceprovide isconsular updated. support.


Most insurance 

visits to São Tomé and Príncipe are trouble-free.

IfCrime yourates chooseare togenerally travel,low, researchbut yourarmed destinationsrobberies anddo getoccur. appropriateSee Crime

Although travelthere’s insurance.no Insurancerecent shouldhistory coverof yourterrorism itinerary,in plannedSão activitiesTomé and expensesPríncipe, inattacks ancan’t emergency. be ruled out. See Terrorism