
National Underground Asset Register (NUAR)

Information on the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR).

Applies to England, Northern Ireland and Wales

About NUAR

The Geospatial Commission,Commission part of the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, is building a digital map of underground pipes and cables that will revolutionise the way we install, maintain, operate and repair our buried infrastructure - the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR).

Once operational, NUAR is envisaged to deliver £490 million per year of economic growth through increased efficiency, reduced asset strikes (when underground pipes and cables are accidentally damaged) and reduced disruptions for the public and businesses.

The emerging service is improving the efficiency and safety of underground works by providing secure access to privately and publicly owned location data about the pipes and cables beneath our feet. The digital map gives planners and excavators standardised access to the data they need, when they need it, to carry out their work effectively and safely. It also includes features to keep data secure and improve its quality over time.

AnThe initial private BETA version of NUAR,NUAR also called the ‘minimum viable product’ (MVP), is now live across EnglandEast andMidlands,London, Wales.North TheEast MVPEngland, includesWest allMidlands core functionality to meet the ‘safe dig’ use case, allowing users to both plan for future adoption and provideWales. valuable feedback to enhance the service further. It includes data from all of the major energy and water providers,companies suchin these areas, as Welshwell Water,as Cadentnumerous Gassmaller and UKpublic Powersector Networks,organisations.

NUAR severalis majorcurrently telecommunicationsa companies,BETA includingservice CityFibre and Virginwill Mediabe O2,iteratively asenhanced wellin asline smallerwith providersuser offeedback. theseOnce services,complete, transportNUAR organisationswill andcover localEngland, authorities.Northern FindIreland moreand about the NUAR ‘MVP’Wales.

Find out more:

In the video below, we provide an introduction to NUAR and its objectives:

NUAR explainer

In the video below, we provide a demonstration of the NUAR platform and its features:

NUAR platform

CurrentNUAR workminimum viable product (MVP)

  • The

    As NUARset serviceout willin continueour to2022-23 beAnnual iterativelyPlan enhancedand in line with userthe feedback,Government theService MVPStandard, coveragethe willGeospatial beCommission expandedis committed to Northerniterative Irelanddelivery bywhere springusers 2024,are placed at the centre of product and service design and are given access to core functionality early and often to help ensure the platformservice willbest bemeets fullyuser operationalneeds byand expectations. This commitment began with the endrelease of 2025

  • Measuresthe areNUAR beingminimum soughtviable inproduct Parliament(MVP) which gives the first cohort of users access to updatethe existingemerging legislation,platform takingas advantagepart of opportunitiesan providedexciting bystage dataof development and technologyservice advancements,refinement.

    The toMVP simplifyincludes data for East Midlands, London, North East England, West Midlands and expediteWales thefrom processenergy, bywater whichand assettelecommunication datacompanies, islocal shared

  • Aauthorities discoveryand projectother ispublic underwaysector tobodies.

    The exploreinitial version of the potentialNUAR forMVP increasedcovering economicNorth growthEast thatEngland, couldWales beand realisedLondon throughwent wideninglive accessin April 2023 with coverage expanded to the vitalWest nationaland asset,East includingMidlands opportunitiesin forAugust 2023.

    Following this release, the widerplatform market

Gettingwill involved

Onbe Thursdayenhanced, 30both Novemberin atterms 11amof weits willfeatures beand hostingdata, abased specialon ‘Coffeefeedback. withAll NUAR’core webinarfunctionality withto Chrismeet Chambers,the Deputy‘safe Directordig’ foruse NUARcase Delivery,is whocurrently willavailable, presenthowever ancillary features, like the progressability offor NUARend overusers theto pastreport year,“observations”, will come later. By spring 2024, the latestNUAR developmentsMVP will cover England, Wales and whatNorthern isIreland.

Further plannedinformation, forincluding how to access and use the future.MVP, Pleaseand registerits tokey joinfeatures, uscan atbe thisfound eventon our NUAR page.

Getting involved

We also have severalfive 30-minute webinars for asset owners scheduled for NovemberOctober and December.November. You can sign-up using the links below, when we will be exploring:

Do you work for supplyinga utility or telecommunications company or transport/local authority?

  • If you are an underground asset dataowner (or working on Wednesdaybehalf 13of December one), that operates in East Midlands, London, North East England, West Midlands or Wales and is fully signed up to NUAR, you may now be able to access the service. Contact your organisation’s designated system admin for more details. If you do not know your designated system admin, please contact our Service Desk.
  • ‘WhatIf your organisation is not fully signed up to NUAR andyet, howcontact doour weonboarding getteam onboard?’by Fridaycompleting 15our Decemberasset owner onboarding form .
  • If you are already using the NUAR service, or have fully signed up, but operate outside of our live areas (East Midlands, London, North East England, West Midlands or Wales), you can contact our Service Desk with any questions.

NUAR Service Desk

The Service Desk is available from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays in England and Wales.

If you have questions about the wider work of the Geospatial Commission, please get in touch via

Published 22 March 2022
Last updated 236 NovemberOctober 2023 + show all updates
  1. updated to reflect that NUAR MVP is now accessible across all parts of England and Wales

  2. NUAR update webinar added

  3. NUAR platform demonstration video added. New Webinars added for October & November

  4. August webinars removed. New webinars added for September and October

  5. Blog posts removed and NUAR minimum viable product (MVP) section added

  6. "A guide to NUAR" PDF removed

  7. Blog link added - NUAR available to users in first UK locations

  8. 'About NUAR' and 'Getting Involved' sections updated.

  9. Updated version of "NUAR in a nutshell" document added

  10. Project update added to "The story so far" section

  11. New NUAR in a Nutshell document added which includes participation progress update

  12. New intro video and new NUAR platform video replacing previous videos

  13. NUAR in a nutshell document changed from 'Coming Soon' to the 'Future of NUAR'

  14. NUAR consultation details added

  15. NUAR in a nutshell document added

  16. NUAR prototype platform video added