Warnings and insuranceSummary

TheBefore Foreign,you Commonwealthtravel, &check Developmentthe Office‘Entry (FCDO)requirements’ providessection for Malawi’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice aboutfor risksthe oflatest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.

If you plan to helppass Britishthrough nationalsanother makecountry informedto decisions.return Findto outthe UK, check the travel advice for the country you’re transiting.

It is more aboutimportant than ever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s guidance on foreign travel adviceinsurance.


Most visits to Malawi are trouble-free, but you travel

Noshould traveltake cansensible beprecautions guaranteedto safe.protect Readyourself allfrom muggers and bag-snatchers. Most thefts from visitors take place around the advicemain inbus thisstations guidein Lilongwe and anyBlantyre. specificSee travelCrime

You advicewill thatneed appliesa visa to you:

FollowThere andare contactfrequent FCDOfuel shortages in Malawi. Do not take accessibility of fuel for travel onin Twitter,the Facebookcountry for granted, and Instagram.plan Youahead to ensure that you can alsoreach signyour upplanned todestination. getWhere emailfuel notificationsis available, there can often be long queues. See Road travel

Since whenMarch this2020 advicethere have been reports of possible incidents of unrest and violence in rural areas of Mulanje, linked to rumours of bloodsuckers. This is updated.further to similar incidents of violence and unrest reported in 2017 and 2018. See Local travel


Terrorist insurance

attacks in Malawi can’t be ruled out See Terrorism

IfThe yourainy chooseseason runs from November to travel,April researchand yourcan destinationsmake roads harder to pass, and getmake appropriatesome travelareas insuranceimpassable. Flooding is also a possibility. See Natural disasters.

More Insuranceinformation shouldcan coverbe yourfound itinerary,at plannedthe activitiesMalawi’s Department of Climate Change and expensesMeteorological inService antwitter emergency.account

If you’re abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission.