
Submit a biodiversity gain plan

A biodiversity gain plan shows how a development will achieve biodiversity net gain.

Applies to England

This draft guidance explains what will apply when BNG becomes mandatory. We will continue to update this guidance.

The purpose of the plan is to: 

  • clearly and consistently demonstrate how development proposals meet the statutory regulations 
  • provide evidence for your biodiversity net gain (BNG) decisions 
  • help local planning authorities (LPAs) to determine whether the development meets the BNG requirements 

Download the plan template 

Developers must complete a biodiversity gain plan template. There are different templates for: 

  • major developments and small sites
  • phased developments

Find out more about the planning process, as well as legal and technical parts of the biodiversity gain plan

What to include with your plan 

Developers need to provide their:  

  • completed metric tool calculation
  • pre-development and post-development plans (showing the location of on-site habitat, the direction of north and drawn to an identified scale) 

Developers must also provide: 

  • a compensation plan if the development affects irreplaceable habitats 
  • biodiversity net gain register reference numbers if they’re buying off-site units 
  • proof of purchase if they’re buying statutory biodiversity credits 
  • a habitat management and monitoring plan for off-site or significant on-site gains 

Submit your plan 

You can submit the biodiversity gain plan to your LPA after they approve your planning application. 

Your planning permission includes a general biodiversity gain condition, so you cannot start the development until the LPA approves your biodiversity gain plan and biodiversity metric tool calculation.

Get a decision 

The LPA has 8 weeks to approve or refuse your biodiversity gain plan. If they approve it, you will have discharged (fulfilled) your general biodiversity gain condition. 

If you do not meet your BNG requirements, the LPA can take enforcement action against you. You will be in breach of: 

  • planning conditions  
  • planning obligations  
  • your legal agreement

Give feedback on this guidance by completing a short survey.

Published 29 November 2023