
Balai Directive: approved premises

Institutes, centres and premises in Great Britain approved to move animals, semen and embryos covered by the Balai Directive.



Institutes and centres that import and export certain animals under Council Directive 92/65/EEC (Balai Directive) must be approved by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).

APHA approve and inspect these premises on behalf of Defra, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government.

Find out the process for moving animals covered by the Balai Directive in the guidance on the Balai Directive.

Published 1 January 2013
Last updated 247 NovemberDecember 2023 + show all updates
  1. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  2. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  3. Updated the entries for UKME LTD, Calderglen Children’s Zoo, Dartmoor Zoo, the Kiwa Centre and ZSL Whipsnade Zoo in the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  4. Updated list of approved premises - version date 3 November 2023; added two new premises Auchingarrich Wildlife Park and Wildwood Escot Ltd, and changed approval dates for Berkshire College, Monkey World and YLS UK.

  5. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  6. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  7. Updated the approval dates for Beale Park, Highland Wildlife Park, The Lakeland Trust for Natural Sciences, The Stables and Welsh Mountain Zoo.

  8. Updated the version date for the 'List of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals'.

  9. Updated the list of approved premises.

  10. Updated the list of approved premises.

  11. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  12. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  13. Update the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  14. Updated the approval date for Hobbledown West London Ltd, Lotherton Wildlife World and Weymouth Sealife Park and Marine Sanctuary.

  15. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  16. We have updated the approval dates for Chew Valley Animal Park, Dudley Zoological Gardens, Fernvalley Wildlife Centre, Folly Farm Leisure Limited, AB/17/10/005, Shepreth Wildlife Park, Wildwood Trust. We have amended the approval status of Border Falcons to suspended as of 5 July 2023.

  17. Updated approval dates for Drayton Manor Zoo and Heythrop Zoological Gardens.

  18. Updated the approval date for Five Sisters Zoo, West Lothian.

  19. Updated the approval date for Battersea Park Children’s Zoo.

  20. We have updated the approval date for UKME Ltd and Zoological Society of Hertfordshire.

  21. We have added Tropical World to the list and updated the approval date for Wild Discovery, Reaseheath Mini Zoo / Animal Centre, Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur World. Fernvalley Wildlife Centre suspended from 30/05/2023.

  22. We have updated the approval date for the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.

  23. We have updated the approval date for the Peak Wildlife Park.

  24. We have updated the approval dates for the Blackpool Zoological Gardens and the West Midlands Safari Park.

  25. We have updated the approval date for Camperdown Wildlife, Twycross Zoo and the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland. We also added Paradise Park to the list.

  26. We updated the approval date for the Gauntlet Bird of Prey & Vulture Park and the Welsh Hawking Centre.

  27. We updated the approval dates for the Animal Welfare Centre, Animal Adventure and the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust.

  28. Updated the Balai directive approved premises. Removed Tropical World, Leeds, from the list.

  29. Updated the approval date for Newquay Zoo and removed the Feral - Wild Animal Project from the list.

  30. Updated approval dates for Colchester Zoo, AB/38/13/001, Safari Zoo, Wildheart Animal Sanctuary, Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park, Noah's Ark Zoo Farm, The Newt Bustard Project Unit.

  31. Updated approval dates for Marwell Wildlife (and removed withdrawal), National Sealife Centre, Ark Wildlife Park, Chessington World of Adventures, Hobbledown, Manor House Wildlife Park and Wild Acres.

  32. Updated approval date for Amazon World Zoo Park, New Forest Wildlife Park and Woburn Safari Park. Added Messingham Zoo Ltd to the list.

  33. Updated approval date for The Living Rainforest.

  34. We updated the approval date of Desert Falcons Ltd, Owl & Monkey Haven, Knowsley Safari Park and Tynemouth Aquarium. We withdraw Weensmuir Falcons approval.

  35. Updated approval date for All Things Wild.

  36. Updated approval dates for Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary.

  37. Updated approval dates for Hobbledown and Wild Acres.

  38. Updated the approval date for Wargrave Manor.

  39. Falcon Propagation have changed their premises name to Suhail Company Limited.

  40. Updated approval dates for Crocodiles of the World, Lake View Cottage, Ponderosa Zoo, and Racing Falcons. Added withdrawn date for Ahmed, A.

  41. Updated multiple approval dates in the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  42. Changed name of listed body "Public Health England" to "UKHSA (United Kingdom Health Security Agency)".

  43. Updated the approval date for Falcon Breeding Centre.

  44. Updated multiple approval dates in the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  45. Changed date for Public Health England and added new entry for Falcon Farm.

  46. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals. Updated approval dates for: * Animal Management Centre * Brent Lodge Animal Centre * Curraghs Wildlife Park * AB/07/11/001 * Linton Zoo

  47. Updated List of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  48. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals. Updated approval dates for: - Amazona Zoo - DC Watson & Sons (Fenton Barns) Ltd (removed suspension) - The North of England Zoological Society (Chester Zoo)

  49. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals. Updated approval dates for: - Animal Zone - East Park Animal Education Centre - Northumberland Country Zoo - Sealife Adventure Aquarium

  50. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals. Updated approval dates for Shaldon Wildlife Trust and National Centre for Birds of Prey.

  51. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals. Added entry for The Kiwa Centre. Updated approval dates for DC Watson & Sons (Fenton Barns) Ltd and Zoological Society of London.

  52. Updated the approval date for Langley Mews Falcons, Raptors of Penwith and Yorkshire Wildlife Park.

  53. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals. AB/28/04/002 for Public Health England - extension granted until 28/02/2023.

  54. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals. AB/07/13/001, AB/44/10/001 and AB/78/00/003 changed with new approval dates. AB/29/11/002 changed from suspended to withdrawn, new date added. AB/78/21/012 changed with new suspension date.

  55. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list.

  56. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  57. Updated the approval dates for The Animal Rangers Conservations Centre Ltd, Berkshire College of Agriculture, Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park, Capel Manor College, Celtic Raptors UK, Oaklands College 'Habitat' Animal Centre.

  58. Updated Combe Martin Wildlife and Dinosaur approval date to 03/11/2021. Curraghs Wildlife Park suspended from 11/11/2022.

  59. Updated the approval date for YLS UK to 25/10/2022.

  60. Updated approval date for Wingham Wildlife Park to 13/10/22.

  61. List of Bodies, Institutes and Centres approved for intra-community trade - approval dates updated for Beale Park, Exotic Zoo Wildlife Park, Michael Taylor, Monkey World, Nad Falcons, The Stables, Big Cat Sanctuary and Woodside Wildlife & Falconry Park.

  62. Updated the approval dates for several centres from the master list sent by APHA Imports Team.

  63. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list.

  64. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list.

  65. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list.

  66. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list.

  67. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list.

  68. Updated 'List of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals'. Moved the following which were in the wrong alphabetical order; GP Falcons, UKME LTD - Longridge, Tynemouth Aquarium. Updated approval date for; Dudley Zoological Gardens, Fife Zoo, Heythrop Zoological Gardens, AB/17/10/005, Marwell Wildlife, Newquay Zoo, Paignton Zoo Environmental Park, West Midlands Safari Park. Added new entry for Hobbledown West London Ltd. Grimsby Institute amended to suspended.

  69. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list.

  70. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list.

  71. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list.

  72. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list.

  73. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list. Added Hobbledown.

  74. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list. Added Falcon Propagation, The Newt Bustard Project Unit, and Wildheart Animal Sanctuary.

  75. Added Weensmuir Falcons and Racing Falcons to the list of bodies, institutes and centres that are approved or intra-community trade in animals.

  76. Updated the Balai Directive approved premises list.

  77. We have updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  78. Weekly update to the balai directive approved premises list.

  79. Weekly update to the balai directive approved premises list.

  80. Weekly update to the balai directive approved premises list.

  81. Weekly update to the balai directive approved premises list.

  82. Weekly update to the balai directive approved premises list.

  83. Weekly update to the balai directive approved premises list.

  84. Weekly update to the balai directive approved premises list.

  85. Weekly update to the balai directive approved premises list.

  86. Updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  87. Updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  88. Updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  89. Updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  90. Updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  91. Updated list of approved premises.

  92. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  93. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  94. Updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  95. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  96. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  97. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  98. Updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  99. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  100. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  101. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  102. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-Community trade in animals.

  103. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  104. APHA has updated the list of premises approved for intra-community trade in animals.

  105. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals PDF file

  106. Updated the list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals PDF file

  107. Updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  108. Updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  109. Updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  110. Updated the balai directive approved premises.

  111. Updated the balai directive approved premises list.

  112. Updated the Balai directive approved premises list

  113. Updated the balai directive approved premises.

  114. Updated the Balai directive approved premises list

  115. Updated the Balai directive approved premises list

  116. Updated the Balai directive approved premises list.

  117. Updated the Balai directive approved premises list.

  118. Updated the Balai directive approved premises list.

  119. Updated the Balai directive approved premises list.

  120. Updated the Balai directive approved premises list.

  121. Updated Balai directive approved premises list.

  122. Updated Balai directive approved premises list.

  123. Updated the Balai directive approved premises list.

  124. Updated the Balai directive approved premises list.

  125. Updated list of Poultry health scheme members.

  126. Updated balai directive approved premises.

  127. Updated balai directive approved premises list.

  128. Updated balai directive: approved premises.

  129. Updated balai directive approved premises list.'

  130. Updated balai directive approved premises list.

  131. Updated balai directive centre approved premises list.

  132. Updated balai directive approved premises list

  133. Updated balai directive approved premises list.

  134. Updated balai directive approved premises list

  135. Updated balai directive approved premises list

  136. Updated balai directive approved premises list

  137. Updated the balai directive approved premises list

  138. Updated balai directive approved premises list

  139. Updated balai directive approved premises.

  140. Updated balai directive approved premises.

  141. Updated balai directive approved premises.

  142. Updated balai directive approved premises

  143. Updated balai directive approved premises

  144. Updated balai directive approved premises

  145. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-Community trade in animals

  146. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-Community trade in animals

  147. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-Community trade in animals

  148. Updated list of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-Community trade in animals

  149. List of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-Community trade in animals as defined in Article 2(1)(c) of Directive 92/65/EEC updated

  150. List of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-Community trade in animals as defined in Article 2(1)(c) of Directive 92/65/EEC updated

  151. List of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-Community trade in animals as defined in Article 2(1)(c) of Directive 92/65/EEC updated

  152. Document updated

  153. List of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-Community trade in animals as defined in Article 2(1)(c) of Directive 92/65/EEC updated

  154. List of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-Community trade in animals as defined in Article 2(1)(c) of Directive 92/65/EEC has been updated

  155. Document updated

  156. Balai directive approved premises updated

  157. List of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-Community trade in animals as defined in Article 2(1)(c) of Directive 92/65/EEC updated

  158. Document updated

  159. Document updated

  160. Document updated

  161. List of institutes, centres and premises in Great Britain approved for EU trade in animals under Council Directive 92/65/EEC updated

  162. Balai Directive approved premises list updated

  163. List of bodies, institutes and centres approved for intra-community trade in animals updated

  164. List of bodies, institutes and centres updated.

  165. Updated document

  166. Document updated

  167. Document updated

  168. Document updated

  169. Document Updated

  170. Document updated

  171. Document updated

  172. Document updated

  173. Document updated

  174. Updated document

  175. Document updated

  176. Document updated

  177. Updated document

  178. Updated document

  179. Document updated

  180. Document updated

  181. Document updated

  182. Updated document

  183. Document updated

  184. Document updated

  185. Document updated

  186. Updated document

  187. Updated document

  188. Updated document

  189. Document updated

  190. Document updated

  191. Document updated

  192. Updated document

  193. Updated document

  194. Updated approved premises list as of 30th October 2015

  195. AHVLA documents have been re-assigned to the new Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).

  196. First published.