Warnings and insuranceSummary

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For security reasons, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advises providesagainst adviceall abouttravel risksto:

  • Cibitoke and Bubanza provinces
  • areas of travelBujumbura toRural helpprovince Britishwest nationalsof makethe informedRusizi decisions.river Findtowards outthe moreDemocratic aboutRepublic FCDOof travelCongo advice.

    Areasborder, wherewith the exception of the Rusizi Delta Nature Reserve

  • the road north of Bujumbura airport towards Cibitoke
  • the main road running west from Kayanza through the Kibira National Park

The FCDO advises against all but essential travel

  • Rusizi Delta Nature Reserve
  • Bujumbura rural, above the Isale road

YourBefore travelyou insurancetravel, couldcheck bethe invalidated‘Entry ifrequirements’ section for Burundi’s current entry restrictions and requirements. Due to COVID-19, these may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.

If you plan to pass through another country on your journey, check the travel againstadvice FCDOfor advice.the country you’re transiting.


It is more important than ever to get travel insurance and Bubanzacheck provinces

it provides appropriate cover. See the FCDO’s advisesguidance againston allforeign travel toinsurance.

Overnight Cibitokeon and2 BubanzaSeptember, provinces,armed duerebels toattacked the presencenorthern part of aBujumbura rebelInternational groupairport. inTwo civilians were killed during the Kibiraexchange Nationalof Parkfire. andThe possibleRed-TABARA armedgroup incursionshas fromclaimed responsibility for the attack.

The security situation near the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Kayanza(DRC) Province

FCDOand advisesRwanda againstremains allunstable, traveland onthere thehave mainbeen roadarmed runningattacks. westIf fromyou’re Kayanzatravelling throughnear the Kibiraborder Nationalwith ParkDRC towardsor CibitokeRwanda, Province,you dueshould exercise caution and keep up to date with developments on the presencecurrent ofsituation, aincluding rebelvia grouplocal media and possiblethis armedtravel incursionsadvice. See fromLocal DRC.travel


Since NdadayeApril International2022, AirportBurundi tohas Cibitoke

FCDObeen advisesfacing againstthe allfirst travelever onRift theValley RN5Fever road(RVF) northoutbreak ofin Melchiorthe Ndadayecountry, Internationala Airportdisease inwhich Bujumburaprimarily towardsaffects Cibitoke.

Bujumburalivestock. RuralIn Province

FCDOresponse, advisesthe againstgovernment allhas travelprohibited tothe areasslaughter of Bujumburacattle, Ruralgoats Provinceand westsheep. To date, there are no report of humans contracting the Rusizidisease riverin towardsBurundi, thethough borderhuman withinfection DRC,remains excepta forpossibility, thethrough Rusizimosquito Nationalbites Park.or Thisfor ispeople duein todirect possiblecontact armedwith incursionsinfected fromanimals. See DRC.Health

FCDOBurundi advisesis againstcurrently allsuffering butfrom essentialsevere travelfuel toshortages across the areacountry. You shouldn’t take accessibility of Bujumburafuel Ruralfor abovetravel in the Isalecountry road.

Rusizifor Nationalgranted. Park

FCDOWhere advisesfuel againstis allavailable, butthere essentialcan traveloften tobe thelong Rusiziqueues. See NationalRoad Park.travel

FindThere outare morelimited aboutfacilities whyup FCDOcountry adviseswith againstlittle French spoken, and limited infrastructure. Make sure you’re as well prepared and self-sufficient as possible. See Road travel.


The youBritish travel

NoEmbassy travelOffice in Bujumbura can beoffer guaranteedlimited safe.consular Readassistance allto theBritish advicenationals in thisBurundi. guideThe andBritish anyHigh specificCommission travelin adviceKigali, thatRwanda, appliescan provide additional consular support to you:

FollowThere’s anda contacthigh FCDOrisk travelof onstreet Twitter,crime. FacebookThere have been incidents of armed burglary, sometimes targeting foreign exchange offices and Instagrambanks. See Crime.

Terrorist Youattacks canin alsoBurundi signcan’t upbe ruled out. Al Shabaab has made public threats against Burundi because of its support to getthe emailAfrican notificationsUnion whenpeacekeeping thismission advicein isSomalia. See updated.Terrorism.

Travel insurance

IfA youlong chooserunning tocholera travel,epidemic researchin yourBurundi destinations(including Bujumbura) has caused several fatalities. You should take necessary precautions and getseek appropriateurgent travelmedical insurance.attention Insuranceif you become unwell. See Health

Visitors should coverbe youraware itinerary,of plannedconfirmed activitiescases andin expensesOctober of Ebola in anBeni, emergency.North Kivu province in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in the same province as a previous outbreak. No cases have been reported in Burundi. See Health