Foreign travel advice


! Warning FCDO advises against all but essential travel to parts of Tanzania.

Warnings and insuranceSummary

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The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) providesadvises adviceagainst aboutall risksbut ofessential travel to

  • any helparea Britishwithin nationals20km makeof informedthe decisions.Tanzanian Findborder outwith morethe aboutCabo FCDODelgado travelprovince advice.

    Areasof whereMozambique, FCDOdue advisesto againstattacks allby butgroups essentiallinked travel

    with Islamic extremism.

YourIf travelyou insuranceneed couldto becontact invalidatedthe ifemergency youservices, traveldial against112 FCDOand advice.

Mtwaraask Regionfor along the Tanzania-Mozambiqueemergency border

service you require.

FCDOBefore advisesyou againsttravel, allcheck butthe essential‘Entry travelrequirements’ tosection withinfor 20kmTanzania’s ofcurrent theentry Tanzanianrestrictions borderand requirements. These may change with Cabolittle Delgadowarning. ProvinceMonitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in with your travel provider.

ThisIf isyou dueplan to attackspass bythrough groupsanother linkedcountry withto Islamicreturn the UK, check the travel advice for the country you’re transiting.

FindIt outis more aboutimportant whythan ever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s advisesguidance againston foreign travel insurance.


Around you75,000 travel

British nationals visit Tanzania every year.

NoAlthough travelmost canvisits beto guaranteedTanzania safe.are Readtrouble-free, allviolent theand advicearmed incrime thisis guideincreasing. Take sensible precautions to protect yourself and anyyour specificbelongings. travelSee adviceCrime

Terrorists thatare appliesvery likely to you:try to carry out attacks in Tanzania. See Terrorism

FollowDuring the rainy seasons, end of March until May and contactOctober FCDOto travelmiddle onof TwitterDecember, exceptionally heavy rainfall and strong winds can occur. See Natural disasters,

Plastic Facebookbags are banned for environmental reasons. See Local laws and customs

There is a threat of piracy in the Gulf of Aden and InstagramIndian Ocean. See River and sea travel.

On You6 canNovember also2022, signa upPrecision Air flight from Dar es Salaam to getBukoba emailcrashed notificationsinto whenLake thisVictoria adviceclose isto updated.Bukoba airport. See Air travel

Travel insurance

In the last few years there have been several ferry disasters in which hundreds of people have died. If you choosebelieve toa travel,ferry researchis youroverloaded destinationsor andnot seaworthy, do not get appropriateon. travelSee insuranceRiver and sea travel.

Long Insurancedistance shouldbuses coverare youroften itinerary,involved plannedin activitiesaccidents which can be fatal. See Road travel

If you’re abroad and expensesyou inneed anemergency from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission.