
Nottingham Prison

Nottingham Prison is a men’s prison in the Sherwood area of Nottingham and serves courts in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.

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Book and plan your visit to Nottingham prison

Now that regular COVID testing of people in the wider community has ended, you are no longer required to take a COVID test before coming to see someone for a visit, although we would still encourage you to do so.

We will continue to run social visits whilst it is safe to do so.

Visiting rules may change if there is an outbreak within the prison, this may include bringing back testing before visits for a short time to protect you, the person you are visiting and staff.

If you are unable to visit someone in prison you can still keep in touch.

You can also contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003. You will not be able to book a visit using this number.

To visit someone in Nottingham Prison you must:

  • be on that person’s visitor list
  • book your visit at least 24 hours in advance
  • have the required ID with you when you go

At least one visitor must be 18 or older at every visit. Prisoners can have up to 3 visitors over the age of 10 at one time, plus any younger children.

There ismay be a limit to the number of visits a personprisoner can have.

If theYou prisoner is on remand they can havecheck 3this visitswith aNottingham week. If the prisoner has been convicted (they have been sentenced or are awaiting sentencing) they can have up to 4 visits a month, depending on their behaviour level and privileges they have earned.prison.

Contact Nottingham Prison if you have any questions about visiting.

Help with the cost of your visit

If you get certain benefits or have an NHS health certificate, you might be able to get help with the costs of your visit, including:

  • travel to Nottingham Prison
  • somewhere to stay overnight
  • meals

How to book family and friends visits

Nottingham is running a limited visits schedule. Visits are also happening differently than normal, observing strict guidelines, which must be followed.

You can book your visit by telephone.telephone or by email to There is currently no online booking service available.

Visits booking line: 0115 962 8980
MondayFind andout Thursday,about call charges

Phone line opening times:

  • Monday: 1pm to 4pm
  • Tuesday: Friday9am andto Saturday,midday
  • Wednesday: closed
  • Thursday: 1pm to 4pm
  • Friday: closed
  • Saturday: 9am to midday
  • Sunday: closed

Visiting times:

  • Monday to Thursday: 9am to 10:30am and 2pm to 3:30pm
  • Friday: closed
  • Saturday and Sunday: 9am to 10:30am and 2pm to 3:30pm

How to book legal and professional visits

Video link appointments

FindYou outcan aboutbook calla chargesvideo link appointment by email to

  • Monday to Thursday: 9am to midday and 2pm to 4:45pm

Email:Appointments on the hour and last for an hour unless otherwise requested (except 4pm, this is for 45 minutes only).

All participants must show photographic ID at the start of their video link.

How to book face-to-face legal and professional visits

You can also book youra nextface-to-face visit inby personemail whento you’

Visits atstart on the prison.hour and last for an hour unless otherwise requested.  We require the full names of all attendees for the booking to be made.

Visiting times:

  • Monday: 2pm to 4.30pm3pm or 3pm to 4pm
  • Tuesday: 9am to 11.30am,10am, 10am to 11am, 2pm to 4.30pm3pm or 3pm to 4pm
  • Wednesday: no visits
  • Thursday: 9am to 11.30am,10am, 2pm10am to 4.30pm
  • Friday:11am, 9am2pm to 11am
  • Saturday:3pm 9amor to3pm 11.30am, 2pm to 4.30pm4pm
  • Sunday:Friday: 9am to 11.30am,10am 2pmor 10am to 4.30pm11am

  • Bank toholidays: bookno legal and professional visits
  • No legal visits currently taking place.

    Getting to Nottingham Prison

    Find Nottingham Prison on a map

    The closest railway station is Nottingham which is around 4 miles from Nottingham Prison. From there you can take a bus or taxi.

    To plan your journey by public transport:

    There is limited parking available onsite for visitors, including spaces at the front entrance for Blue Badge holders.

    Entering Nottingham Prison

    All visitors, aged 16 or older must prove their identity before entering the prison. Read the list of acceptable forms of ID when visiting a prison.

    Book in at the visitors centre at least half an hour before your visit. The booking office opens at 8:30am and 1:30pm.

    You must be at the prison gates no later than 10:30am9:45am for weekday morning visits and 3:30pm2:45pm for afternoon visits.visits, Onif weekend mornings it’s no later than 11am. If you’re later than these times, you will not be allowed to enter.

    You may have your finger or thumb prints scanned as part of a security check. You may also have an iris scan. All visitors, apart from children, will have their photo taken.

    All visitors will need to be given a rub-down search, including children. You may also be sniffed by security dogs.

    Nottingham Prison has a strict dress code policy, which means visitors should wear smart clothes, no work clothes (no(including vests,uniforms), no high-visibilitysports clothing,shirts noor low-cutfootball tops,shirts, no shorts,hoods, no shortmobile dresses,phones, no offensive logoslogos, and no scarves,sunglasses gloves or headwear,headscarves otherunless than that worn for religious reasons).reasons, no ripped jeans, no vest tops, no short skirts or dresses.

    Each adult visitor is allowed to take in a maximum of £20 in coins (notes are not allowed). The money can be used to buy food and drink from the snack bar in the visiting hall.

    There are strict controls on what you can take into Nottingham Prison. You will have to leave most of the things you have with you in a locker (you will need a £1 coin) or with security. This includes pushchairs and car seats.

    You canmay takebring in dummies, baby milk,wipes, nappiesnappies, milk powder and wipes,prescribed butmedication. theAll milkbaby items must either be sealed in itsa originalclear containerplastic orbag.

    Please mixednote upthat insome front of visitorsthese centreitems staffmay usingbe waterbagged provided.and Alltagged babyin itemsthe mustVisitors’ beCentre inprior ato clearentry plasticinto bag.the prison.

    You will be told the rules by an officer at the start of your visit. If you break the rules, your visit could be cancelled and you could be banned from visiting again.

    Visiting facilities

    There is a visitors centre run by The Prison Advice and Care Trust (PACT). It includes toilets and a children’s play area, and staff are available to offer support and advice to visitors.

    The visitors centre is open every day from 8am to 4:30pm.

    Telephone: 0115 962 8980
    Monday and Thursday, 1pm to 4pm
    Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, 9am to midday
    Find out about call charges

    There willare behot noand refreshmentscold availabledrinks duringavailable, yourconfectionery, visit.sandwiches and warm food will be starting in October. The children’s play area will not be available to use.

    Family days

    ThereThese are currentlyrun noonce familyper days being run.month.

    Keep in touch with someone at Nottingham Prison

    There are several ways you can keep in touch with a prisoner during their time at Nottingham Prison.

    Secure video calls

    SecureTo videohave callinga issecure availablevideo atcall thiswith prison.someone Familyin andthis friendsprison willyou need toto:

    • Download download the Prison Video app,app
    • Create create an account,account
    • Register register all visitors
    • Add and add the prisoner to theiryour contact list.

    How to book a secure video call

    Secure video calls at this prison can be requested by prisoners only.

    You will receive a notification if a prisoner has requested a video call with you.

    Read more about how it works

    Phone calls

    Prisoners have phones in their roomscells and are able to make calls at any time during phone hours. They have to buy phone credits to do this. Phones do not accept incoming calls so they will always have to call you.

    They can phone anyone named on their list of friends and family. This list is checked by security when they first arrive so it may take a few days before they are able to call.

    You can also exchange voicemails using the Prison Voicemail service.

    Officers may listen to phone calls as a way of preventing crime and helping keep people safe.


    You can send emails to someone in Nottingham Prison using the aThrough Prisonerthis service.

    Youservice, mightfamily alsoand befriends ablecan tosend attacha photosmessage which is printed out and delivered by prison staff by hand. Once you have signed up, you will receive replies,an dependingactivation link via email which you must click on in order to activate your account and send a message. You must buy a minimum of £5 credit in order to use the rulesservice, which runs at Nottingham.a cost of 40p per email and at no charge to the recipient.


    You can write at any time.

    Include the person’s name and prisoner number on the envelope.

    If you do not know their prisoner number, contact Nottingham Prison.

    All post, apart from legal letters, will be opened and checked by officers.

    Send money and gifts

    You can use the free and fast online service to send money to someone in prison.

    You can no longer send money by bank transfer, cheque, postal order or send cash by post.

    If you cannot use the online service, you may be able to apply for an exemption - for example if you:

    • are unable to use a computer, a smart phone or the internet
    • do not have a debit card

    This will allow you to send money by post.

    Gifts and parcels

    People in Nottingham Prison who are on enhanced behaviour levels are given a list of approved items that they can buy from a catalogue.

    All prisoners must apply to have clothes brought into the prison. If approved, you can hand in prescription glasses and certain items of clothing to prison staff when you attend for your visit. Items can only be received by a designated officer in the visitors centre before your visit starts.

    Family and friends of prisoners are permitted to send books directly to their loved ones, or can order books from approved retailers, which can source and send the books on to prisoners.   For the full list of approved retailers, you can read the HMPPS Incentives Policy, Annex F.

    Contact Nottingham visitors centre for more information on what’s allowed.

    Life at Nottingham Prison

    Nottingham Prison is committed to providing a safe and educational environment where menprisoners can learn new skills to help them on release.

    Security and safeguarding

    Every personprisoner at Nottingham Prison has a right to feel safe. The staff are responsible for their safeguarding and welfare at all times.

    For further information about what to do when you are worried or concerned about someone in prison visit the Prisoners’ Families helpline website.

    All safeguarding processes are overseen by Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board.

    Prisoners can also be trained by the Samaritans to be ‘listeners’ to help support people going through difficult times.

    Arrival and first night

    When a prisoner first arrives at Nottingham Prison, they will be able to contact a family member by phone. This could be quite late in the evening, depending on the time they arrive.

    They will get to speak to someone who will check how they’re feeling and ask about any immediate health and wellbeing needs.


    Each personprisoner who arrives at Nottingham Prison gets an induction that lasts about a week. They will meet professionals who will help them with:

    • health and wellbeing, including mental and sexual health
    • any substance misuse issues, including drugs and alcohol
    • personal development in custody and on release, including skills, education and training
    • other support (sometimes called ‘interventions’), such as managing difficult emotions

    Everyone also finds out about the rules, fire safety, and how things like calls and visits work.


    Around 10001,000 menprisoners liveare accommodated at Nottingham prison in a mixture of single and shared rooms.cells.

    Education and work

    MenPrisoners in Nottingham Prison can enrol in the prison college for education and vocational training or work in one of the prison industries or domestic roles. Nottingham also works with charities to provide reconditioned bikes. Prisoners who work in this area gain a qualification at the same time.

    There are resettlement services that offer advice on housing, debt management and help with finding employment.

    Nottingham also supports a number of local community projects.

    Support for family and friends

    Find out about advice and helplines for family and friends.

    To contact HMP Nottingham Families and Significant Others email

    Support at Nottingham Prison

    The Prison Advice and Care Trust offers support and advice to visitors. They can provide information on finance, jobs, health, drugs and alcohol, accommodation and family support workers.

    Families and loved ones can be involved in a prisoners release planning through the ‘Next Steps’ suite in the visitors centre.

    Concerns, problems and complaints

    In an emergency

    Call 0115 872 4000 if you have an immediate or emergency concern about the welfare of a prisoner and ask for the orderly officer or duty governor.

    Safer custody hotline

    If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a prisoner at Nottingham prison, call the safer custody hotline.

    Telephone: 0115 872 44644176
    24 hour answering machine
    Find out about call charges

    Leave a message giving as many details as possible including the prisoners name, prisoner number and what wing they are located on if you know it. If you wish, you can leave your own details and a contact number so the prison can give you feedback, if appropriate.

    You can also read more information about safer custody concerns on the Prisoners Families website.

    Problems and complaints

    If you have a problem contact Nottingham prison.

    Inspection report and action plan

    HM Prison and Probation Service publishes action plans for Nottingham in response to independent inspections.

    Contact Nottingham Prison

    Governor: Paul Yates

    Telephone: 0115 872 4000
    Fax: 0115 872 4001
    Find out about call charges

    Follow Nottingham Prison on Twitter


    HMP Nottingham
    Perry Road
    NG5 3AG

    See map

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    Published 24 March 2020
    Last updated 231 AugustJanuary 20222024 + show all updates
    1. Updated video link time slots for legal and professional visits.

    2. Secure video calls update.

    3. Updated visiting guidance based on 1 April COVID rule changes

    4. Added link to new safer custody information under Security and safeguarding.

    5. Updated visiting information: Reduced visit schedule and testing for visitors aged 12 and over.

    6. Updated visiting information: Testing for visitors aged 12 and over.

    7. New visiting times and booking information added.

    8. Prison moved into National Stage 3 framework and is now preparing to open visits for family, friends and significant others. We will update this page with specific visiting information as soon as possible.

    9. Visits update

    10. Updated visit info

    11. Updated visit info

    12. Updated visiting information in line with coronavirus restrictions.

    13. Added confirmation of secure video calls made available at this prison.

    14. Updated: HMP Nottingham visiting times and visiting procedure changes in line with coronavirus restrictions.

    15. added survey link

    16. Visit information update