Partners' handbook for using professional and technical frameworks
A guide for partners procuring services through the Homes England professional and technical services frameworks
Applies to England
Our technical frameworks enable the quick and efficient procurement of construction and development related technical services.
Last updated
Updated handbook added.
Updated handbook pdf and accessible version. Changes include: - a reference to Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design Ltd providing a Performance Bond for any instructions over the FTS threshold - a change of email address for contracts - reference to requirements for consultants appointed to the DARTS framework - the removal of section 7.8 Performance Scoring – Project level KPIs
Uploaded updated handbook PDF and accompanying accessible version.
Update history
2025-01-30 09:06
Partners’ handbook for using Homes England’s professional and technical frameworks has been updated to show Gerald Eve as Newmark (previously Gerald Eve LLP).
2025-01-09 14:55
Partners’ handbook for using Homes England’s professional and technical frameworks has been updated.
2024-08-29 10:00
Partners’ handbook for using professional and technical frameworks updated as well as accessible version.
2024-07-02 18:08
Partners’ handbook for using professional and technical frameworks updated as well as accessible version.
2024-02-15 10:08
Updated handbook added.
2023-08-02 12:15
Updated handbook pdf and accessible version. Changes include: – a reference to Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design Ltd providing a Performance Bond for any instructions over the FTS threshold- a change of email address for contracts- reference to requirements for consultants appointed to the DARTS framework- the removal of section 7.8 Performance Scoring – Project level KPIs
2023-05-26 10:21
Uploaded updated handbook PDF and accompanying accessible version.
2023-02-15 15:20
First published.