UK financial sanctions guidance
Guidance and webinars to help you understand how to comply with UK financial sanctions.
The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation produces guidance and webinars to help you understand how to comply with UK financial sanctions.
To receive notifications when guidance has been updated or new guidance has been published, subscribe to our e-alerts.
General Guidance
Guidance relating to all financial sanctions
Financial sanctions general guidance
Sectoral Guidance
Guidance relating to specific industries or sectors
Russian Oil Services Ban
Guidance, general licences and reporting forms relating to the Russian oil services ban and oil price cap exception
Webinars & Events
To find out more about our upcoming webinars and events, register or to watch previous ones, visit our webinars & events page
Last updated
OFSI has published its refreshed guidance for the maritime shipping sector.
OFSI Travel Guidance moved from 'thematic' subsection, to 'licensing - supportive guidance' subsection.
Licensing principles and framework link added to general guidance subsection, providing detail on the delegated decision making authority and associated principles.
Added translation