
Evidence and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO)

Marine Management Organisation evidence strategy, requirements and reports.



Our seas are vast and complex and there is much still to learn and understand about their delicate ecosystems. Access to high quality evidence is critical to this.

Evidence influences much of our work, ensuring we continue to make informed decisions using the most up to date research to manage the increasing demands on the marine environment and its resources

Evidence strategy

The Marine Management Organisation’s (MMO) Evidence strategy 2020 -2025 sets MMO priorities for evidence that will ensure our delivery is underpinned with excellent science delivered in the most efficient way over the next five years. This strategy readies MMO for the new challenges faced and builds from MMO previous Evidence Strategy 2015 to 2020 .

Evidence requirements

As part of the strategy development we reviewed our evidence requirements. Each evidence requirement has a more detailed Evidence Delivery Plan. This includes research requirements, how the evidence will be used, a proposed method for filling the gap and a summary of existing evidence and current activity.

Evidence reports

Knowledge sharing and collaboration is an important part of our evidence strategy. All our evidence reports are published and available online.


For further information on our evidence strategy, evidence requirements or published reports email the MMO evidence team.

Published 23 May 2018
Last updated 36 JanuaryMarch 2024 + show all updates
  1. Engagement experiences {1277} - update

  2. Projects added to completed 2023

  3. Document added to completed in 2023

  4. Evidence collation for Fisheries Management Plans development {MMO1247} added to 2022

  5. U10m Catch limits and Lyme Bay (MMO1337) moved from the on-going to Completed in 2023’

  6. Evidence register update

  7. All updated

  8. 25 April 2023 update.

  9. 31 March 2023 update.

  10. Update - MMO1297

  11. Evidence projects register - update to on-going projects

  12. Amended

  13. Updating registers

  14. updates to registers

  15. Updated partnership projects published elsewhere

  16. Project register updated

  17. Evidence register updated with MMO1243

  18. Updated partnership page with ongoing & historic project details

  19. updates to register and ongoing projects

  20. MMO1151 added to evidence register

  21. QA evidence process attachment added to page

  22. Partnerships programs added

  23. Evidence requirements - New section created for fulfilled evidence requirements

  24. R140 added to evidence requirement list

  25. Evidence requirement R142 added to evidence requirements

  26. Updating evidence register with MMO1131

  27. Evidence register updated with: MMO1167, MMO1191, MMO1192, MMO1193, MMO1194

  28. Adding MMO1204 to projects completed in 2020

  29. MMO1163 updated from ongoing to Completed 2020

  30. Addition of R141 to register

  31. Evidence register updated with MMO1164

  32. MMO1184 has been added to projects completed in 2019

  33. Project MMO1204 added to register

  34. updating completed 2019 projects MMO1132

  35. updating projects register

  36. MMO1152 moved to completed 2019

  37. 2019 updates made

  38. Duplicate removed

  39. MMO1135 moved to completed in 2019

  40. MMO1190 moved from ongoing to complete

  41. Alternative use of dredge material in the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas (MMO1190) report link added

  42. move MMO1135 from ongoing to Completed

  43. R32: Innovation and technology are developing at an increasing rate. The MMO needs to understand how to apply these new approaches added

  44. mmo 1155 added

  45. R136 - Seascape quality, value and capacity for change added

  46. New projects added

  47. R095 removed

  48. MMO 1131 added

  49. MMO 1134 added

  50. 129, 130 and 131 updated

  51. 1139 added

  52. First published.