
Post-16 audit code of practice

The post-16 audit code of practice sets out ESFA’s assurance and accountability requirements for post-16 providersproviders, including further education and sixth-form collegescolleges, and provides information on the requirements for independent training providers.providers

Applies to England


Post-16 audit code of practice 20232022 to 20242023

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Post-16 audit code of practice 20222021 to 20232022: revised edition, September 2022

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Supplementary bulletin to the college accounts direction 2020 to 2021 and the post-16 audit code of practice 2020 to 2021

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Post-16 audit code of practice

The post-16 audit code of practice sets out the Education and Skills Funding Agency’s (ESFA’s)(ESFA’s) assurance and accountability requirements for post-16 providers, including further education and sixth-form colleges.colleges, Itand also provides information on the requirements for independent training providers (ITPs).(ITPs).

Post-16 audit code of practice

Providers must read the audit code alongside any agreements setting out the conditions of funding, including their:

  • accountabilitytheir agreements with ESFA and the Department for Education (DfE)
  • grant funding agreements with ESFA and DfE
  • contracts with ESFA and DfE
with ESFA.

The post-16 audit code of practice for the year 20232022 to 20242023 is relevant for all periods commencing on or after 1 August 2023.

The2022. updatesChanges have been made to the post-16text auditthat codeappeared ofin practicethe sincerevised last2021 yearto are2022 capturededition, atlargely because of the beginningannouncement ofin thisNovember new2022, edition.

Regularitywhich self-assessmentresulted questionnaire

Thein regularitythe self-assessmentstatutory questionnaireFE mustsector bein completedEngland by:being reclassified to central government.

  • further

    Regularity self-assessment questionnaire

    Further education colleges

  • colleges, sixth-form colleges
  • institutions and designated institutions established under sectionthe 28provisions of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 (asmust amended)complete asthis beingself-assessment inquestionnaire, the further education sector

It must be signed by the:

  • the accounting officer
  • and chair of governors

Itgovernors, mustand bepass sharedit withto yourtheir external auditor to help inform the regularity assurance engagement.

The version for 20232022 to 20242023 includes updates to aid colleges in meeting Managing public money (MPM) compliance and other responsibilities resulting from reclassification.

Supplementary bulletin to the college accounts direction 2020 to 2021 and the post-16 audit code of practice 2020 to 2021

This supplementary bulletin has the same status as the college accounts direction and post-16 audit code of practice and should be read as an addendum to these documents. Its aim is to help further education and sixth-form colleges and their auditors/reporting accountants deal with matters arising from the COVID-19 pandemic which may impact on the corporation’s accounts for the year 2022 to 2023.

Further guidance or requirements may be issued as required by the ESFA.the ESFA.

Other resources

Published 2 March 2017
Last updated 2726 MarchApril 20242023 + show all updates
  1. Added 'Post-16 Audit Code of Practice 2023 to 2024' and 'Regularity self- assessment questionnaire 2023 to 2024' and removed 'Post-16 audit code of practice 2021 to 2022: revised edition, September 2022'.

  2. We have published the post-16 audit code of practice for 2022 to 2023, along with an updated version of the regularity self-assessment questionnaire.

  3. We have published a revised edition of the post-16 audit code of practice 2021 to 2022.

  4. We have updated the post-16 audit code of practice for the 2021 to 2022 financial year and published an updated regularity self-assessment questionnaire.

  5. We have published the supplementary bulletin to the college accounts direction 2020 to 2021 and the post-16 audit code of practice 2020 to 2021.

  6. We have published the post-16 audit code of practice for 2020 to 2021 and the regularity self assessment questionnaire for 2020 to 2021.

  7. We have published a supplementary bulletin to the college accounts direction 2019 to 2020 and the post-16 audit code of practice 2019 to 2020. Its aim is to help sixth-form and further education colleges and their auditors/reporting accountants deal with matters arising from the COVID-19 pandemic which may impact on the corporation’s accounts for the year 2019 to 2020.

  8. We have published the post-16 audit code of practice for 2019 to 2020 (not 2020 to 2021 as previously stated). You can find a list of changes in this edition in the guidance.

  9. We have published the post-16 audit code of practice for 2020 to 2021. You can find a list of changes in this edition in the guidance.

  10. We have published the post-16 audit code of practice for 2018 to 2019 and the regularity self-assessment questionnaire 2019.

  11. Post-16 audit code of practice for 2017 to 2018 and a 2018 regularity self-assessment questionnaire have been updated.

  12. New file Regularity self-assessment questionnaire 2017 uploaded on 20 July 2017.