MyHMCTS: How to make follow-up applications for a divorce or dissolution
Guides for legal professionals using the new law service for general applications and applications for alternative service, deemed and dispensed service and conditional orders.
Applies to England and Wales
This guidance is for the new law divorce services, which includes all applications submitted from April 2022.
Use the MyHMCTS: How to apply online for a divorce or dissolution guidance for initial applications.
If you are a representing a respondent, use the MyHMCTS: File an acknowledgement of service for a divorce or dissolution application guidance.
You can only apply for a conditional order once you have received the notification from MyHMCTS to say that you are eligible. This will be 20 weeks after the initial application.
Guidance for the old service
Use the MyHMCTS: How to use the online divorce services guidance for applications submitted before April 2022.
Guidance for case administration tasks
Visit MyHMCTS: how to complete case administration tasks for guidance on case administration tasks, such as:
- sharing a case
- assigning a case
- filing a notice of change or acting
Last updated
The application without notice fee has been updated within the General applications, alternative service and deemed and dispensed guidance.
Guidance about applying for a final order as a respondent solicitor has been added.
Updated the phone line and web chat opening times for the courts and tribunals service centre.
Added guidance on applying for a final order out of time
Replaced divorce email address with a link to our new online contact form on all documents
Added new change service or confirm service method guide
Added new help information to guides
Changes to the general applications guide to add details and make it clearer
Added switch to sole guidance to the final order guide
Added final order guide
Added guidance for switch to sole in joint app guide
Added citizen journey for joint applications
Added joint guide for solicitor applicants
Added guide for responding to a conditional order refusal
First published.