Foreign travel advice


! Warning FCDO advises against all travel to Lebanon.

Warnings and insurance

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The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) provides advice about risks of travel to help British nationals make informed decisions. Find out more about FCDO travel advice.

 Areas where FCDO advises against travel

Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against FCDO advice. Consular support is also severely limited where FCDO advises against travel.

 Areas where

FCDO advises against travel

FCDO continues to advise against all travel to Lebanon. If you are currently in Lebanon,Lebanon we encourage you to leave,leave now while commercial options remain available.

For further information on why we advise against travel, see Conflictthe ‘Conflict affecting LebanonLebanon’ and and Regional risks.

See safety

Departure andfrom security and regionalLebanon

Events risks for information on known security risks in Lebanon andare advicefast onmoving. howThe tosituation keephas yourselfpotential Youdeteriorate shouldquickly signand upwith to getno email notifications when this travel advice is updated.warning.

Conflict affecting Lebanon

FCDO advisesCommercial againstroutes allout travelof to Lebanon duecould tobe risksseverely associateddisrupted withor thecancelled ongoingat conflictshort betweennotice Israel,and Lebaneseroads Hizballahacross andthe othercountry non-statecould actorsbe inclosed. If There are ongoingcurrently mortarin andLebanon, artillerywe exchangesencourage andyou airstrikesto inleave Lebanon,now primarilywhile oncommercial theoptions boundaryremain withavailable.

Travel Israelwithin butor alsoout inof partsLebanon ofis theat Beqaayour Valleyown andrisk. someThe otherFCDO locationscannot northtell ofyou thewhether Litaniit river. Theis Washingtonsafe Institute’to providestravel anto onlineany map whichdeparture maypoint bewithin helpfulLebanon. However, tosee understandsafety recentlyand affectedsecurity  areas.

Followingfor theinformation starton ofknown thesecurity conflictrisks in IsraelLebanon and theadvice Occupiedon Palestinianhow Territories,to largekeep protestsyourself tooksafe.

Make placesure inyou majorhave citiescorrect and nearup-to-date thetravel Britishdocuments, andincluding otherpassport and visa if Westernnecessary, embassies.for Furtheryourself protestsand cannotanyone betravelling ruledwith, Exerciseeven cautionif andthey avoidare demonstrations.not British nationals.

TensionsCheck areour hightravel andadvice eventsfor could escalateany withneighbouring littlecountry warning,that whichyou couldare affectplanning orto limittravel exitto routesor out of Lebanon. through.

In the event of deterioration in the political or security situation, commercial routes out of Lebanon could be severely disrupted or cancelled at short notice, and roads across the country could be closed. The British embassy may be increasingly limited in the assistance that it can provide. If you are currently in Lebanon, we encourage you to leave.

Do not rely on FCDO being able to evacuate you in an emergency.

Read FCDO advice on what to do if you’re affected by a crisis abroad and how to prepare.

If you cannot leave Lebanon

You should have a personal emergency plan that does not rely on the UK government.government Thisand maybe includeprepared thein abilitycase you need to leave quicklyquickly. orHowever, toif you cannot leave Lebanon, you should shelter in place if you judge it necessary and safe to do so.

Read FCDO adviceSee safety and security and regional risks for information on whatknown security risks in Lebanon and advice on how to do ifkeep you’reyourself affectedsafe. byYou ashould crisissign abroadup to get email notifications and howwhen tothis advice is updated.

HelpConflict andaffecting support in Lebanon

YouFCDO advises canagainst contactall travel to Lebanon due to risks associated with the emergencyconflict servicesbetween byIsrael callingand 112.the Occupied Palestinian Territories. There are ongoing mortar and artillery exchanges and airstrikes in Lebanon, primarily on the boundary with Israel but also elsewhere in the country. Online maps may provide a useful guide to recently affected areas. Tensions are high and events could escalate with little warning, which could affect or limit exit routes out of Lebanon.

IfThere youis needalso urgenta helprisk (forof example,civil you’veunrest. There have been attacked,large arrestedprotests oroutside someoneembassies, hasincluding died),outside callthe +961US (0)1and 960French 800.embassies on 17 October. Further protests are expected. British nationals should exercise caution and avoid areas where demonstrations may be held.

The embassy is continuing with essential work including services to British nationals.

Follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You can also get email notifications when this travel advice is updated.

Help and support in Lebanon

You can contact the emergency services by calling 112.

If you need urgent help (for example, you’ve been attacked, arrested or someone has died), call +961 (0)1 960 800.

If you’re in Lebanon and you need advice which is not covered by reading our travel advice, you can contact FCDO online.

While 24-hour consular assistance is available by phone or online, in-person consular support is severely limited outsidein parts of Beirut.  Lebanon where we advise against all travel and limited where we advise against all but essential travel.  

If you’re abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission.

Travel insurance 

If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance. Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency.

About FCDO Travel Advice

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) provides advice about risks of travel to help British nationals make informed decisions. Find out more about FCDO travel advice.