
Register as a building inspector

Use this service to apply to become a registered building inspector in England and Wales with the Building Safety Regulator (BSR).

Applies to England and Wales

You must register with BSR to carry out BSR-regulated activities such(for asexample, assessing plans and inspecting.inspecting). This includes for all buildings from domestic premises to complex, high-risk, multi-use structures.

ThereWe arewill registerspublish one register of building inspectors for EnglandEngland, and one for Wales. You will be included on the registers for the countries you tell us you work in. The registers will include your name, your employer, and details of BSR-regulated activities you are registered to do. We will tell you in the application which details will be published.

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Your registration will be valid for 4 years, unless varied, suspended or cancelled by BSR. If you register before 6 April 2024, the 4 years begin from 6 April 2024.

Competency assessment extension period

TheFrom 6 April to 6 July 2024 experienced building inspectors in England can complete their competency assessment extensionand periodupgrade their registration.

If you are a trainee registering for Englandclass ended1, onyou 6can Julycontinue Thiswork meansin thatclass experienced1 RBIsunder supervision.

If you are eligible, the scope of your registration will be temporarily extended to the class of RBI for which you are undertaking a competency assessment.

Extension period eligibility

If you have not completed your competency assessment to register as a class 2 or 3 RBI (and 4, if applicable), you can continue to work if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • you are an existing building control professional

  • you are registered as a class 1 canRBI noby longer6 carryApril out2024

  • you regulatedare activitiesenrolled withoutin, and in the process of having your competency assessed through, one of the BSR approved competency assessment schemes by 6 April 2024

  • a scheme provider has not told you that you have not passed your competency assessment for a second time

If a scheme provider tells you that you have not passed your assessment for a second time before 6 July, you must notify BSR. The temporary extension to the scope of your registration will end and you will only be able to work as a class 1, under supervision.

You canmust findpass outyour aboutassessment theand Welshupgrade extensionyour periodclass inby the6 guidanceJuly (on2024 GOV.WALES)to continue working on class 2 and 3 projects. If you do not, you cannot continue to work on regulated building control activities.

After passing your competency assessment

Once you have successfully passed your competency assessment and received your certificate number, contact BSR to upgrade your registration. You will not be charged for this.

What you will need to register

To register, we’ll ask you to provide information about:

  • yourself, such as name, address, email, and phone number

  • the class of building inspector you’re applying to register as

  • details of your BSR-approved competency assessment

  • membership of relevant professional bodies

  • your employment status

We will ask you to confirm that you will comply with the code of conduct for the countries you are registered for.

We charge £336 for registration, whether you register for one country or both, plus £216 annual maintenance payable from the first anniversary of your registration.

Before you start

Read the guidance on registered building inspectors, it tells you how to:

  • decide which class you need to register for
  • use a BSR-authorised scheme to certify your competency, unless you are registering as a class 1 building inspector
  • register as a building inspector

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Start now

If you need help using this service

Contact the Building Safety Regulator if you need help with your application.

Published 5 October 2023
Last updated 714 JulyMarch 2024 + show all updates
  1. Update made to competency assessment extension period information

  2. Competency assessment extension period added. From 6 April to 6 July 2024 experienced building inspectors in England can complete their competency assessment and upgrade their registration. Information on extension period eligibility has also been added.

  3. Information added for registering as a building inspector for Wales. Additional information around requesting a review of a registration decision for both England and Wales.

  4. First published.