Mental health data and analysis: a guide for health professionals
Guidance for commissioners and health professionals to make decisions about mental health services and interventions based on data and analysis.
Applies to England
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Near to real-time suspected suicide surveillance (nRTSSS) for England for the 15 months to March 2024 published. This update includes addition of new data on deaths by suspected suicides for March 2024 and quarter 1 2024. Delayed submissions of deaths in the months prior to March 2024 are also included. Monthly rates and quarterly proportions by method type for quarters have also been recalculated for the months affected by delayed submissions.
Suicide prevention profile updated to include:
- age-standardised rate (ASR) for suicide by age and sex indicator, showing data for England, regions, and upper tier local authorities (UTLAs) for 2012 to 2022. This indicator replaces the age and sex specific suicide crude rate indicators previously presented in the profile
- update to years of life lost to suicide ASR indicator showing data for England, regions and UTLAs for 2011 to 2022
- this update is accompanied by a statistical commentary
Near to real-time suspected suicide surveillance (nRTSSS) for England for the 15 months to January 2024 published. This update includes addition of new data on deaths by suspected suicides for January 2024. Delayed submissions of deaths in the months prior to January 2024 are also included.
The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) brings together data and analysis on mental health and wellbeing from across the health and care system, and produces resources to help improve services and outcomes.
This guidance is for commissioners, public health professionals and others involved in the local planning and provision of services that support people with mental health conditions. It should support them to use these resources to make or influence decisions about local services.
Understanding mental health locally
OHID has created mental health profiling tools and guidance to help commissioners and other health professionals understand the mental health needs and services in their local area.
The tools bring together a wide range of publicly available data. The data is grouped by clinical commissioning group (CCG) or local authority. This means the tools can be used to benchmark one area against another. They can also be used to see trends and compare indicators.
OHID also analyses available mental health data and produces intelligence resources (detailed below) to support health professionals with using the data to make or influence decisions about local services.
Population mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 mental health and wellbeing surveillance report presented close to real time intelligence on the mental health and wellbeing of the population in England during the COVID-19 pandemic. It compiled routinely updated indicators from multiple sources and summarised important findings from a pre-defined set of studies. Its aim was to inform policy, planning and commissioning in health and social care and it was designed to assist stakeholders at both national and local level.
The report was produced regularly and aimed to include the latest available data and intelligence. It enabled the identification and consideration of changes in mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic. The final version was published on 12 April 2022.
Severe mental illness
The severe mental illness profiling tool shows the prevalence and risk factors of severe mental illness (SMI). It can also be used to find out more about early intervention, assessment and treatment locally, as well as the outcomes and costs of these services.
The tool includes a set of indicators that relate to psychosis care.
The psychosis data report explains the variation in numbers of people with psychosis and their access to care and support across England by CCG or local authority. It also highlights where there are quality issues or gaps in current data relating to psychosis, meaning extra data collection might need to be organised.
Physical health of people with a mental health problem
The premature mortality during COVID-19 in adults with severe mental illness report investigates premature mortality (deaths in those aged 18 to 74) during the early part of the COVID-19 pandemic (January 2020 to March 2021) in people with SMI.
It looks at premature mortality from all causes in people with SMI during the pandemic, how this differs across subgroups or regionally in England, and how this compares to premature mortality in people without SMI.
The premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness report presents analysis of the geographical variation in the premature mortality and excess premature mortality for adults aged 18 to 74 years with severe mental illness (SMI) in England.
The data is provided to:
help local areas better understand the needs of their population
assess if the interventions they put in place are helping to reduce premature mortality in the population with SMI
The report is the first in a series that analyses variation in premature mortality in adults with SMI.
The severe mental illness and physical health inequalities report uses a sample of primary care data to examine:
the recorded prevalence of SMI by age, sex and deprivation in England
the proportion of people with recorded SMI experiencing one or multiple physical health conditions in England
inequalities in the co-morbidities and multi-morbidities between SMI and all patients by age, sex and deprivation in England
It includes a technical supplement which provides detail on methodology that enables local areas to replicate this analysis.
The inequalities in cancer screening uptake report examines differences in the uptake of bowel, breast and cervical screening by people with and without SMI. These are the 3 national cancer screening programmes in England. This report is based on an analysis of a sample of primary health care data.
Mental health and wellbeing: JSNA toolkit
Supports health and wellbeing boards and others interested in producing local mental health joint strategic needs assessments (JSNAs). It helps people to consider factors that affect mental health and wellbeing and to identify some of the key data, information and knowledge that local areas may use to build a picture of need.
The toolkit combines:
the mental health and wellbeing (MHW) JSNA profile providing access to metrics on prevalence, risk and protective factors, and activity in and quality of support and care provision
the MHW JSNA knowledge guide providing links to policy, guidance and evidence relating to understanding and meeting mental health need
Children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing
The children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing profiling tool can be used to understand the prevalence of children with, or vulnerable to, mental illness and what the risk factors are. It shows the range of health, social care and education services that support these children and information on the cost of these services.
OHID publishes a routine report on the proportion of children living with at least one parent reporting symptoms of emotional distress.
Guidance on how to use available information to assess and develop interventions which improve the mental wellbeing of children and young people is available in the measuring the mental wellbeing of children and young people briefing.
Perinatal mental health
The perinatal mental health profile shows data on mental health in pregnancy, the postnatal period and babies under 1 year old. It shows data on the demographics, risk and related factors, prevalence, and identification and access, during the perinatal period. It includes metrics at local authority, CCG and acute trust level.
The perinatal mental health catalogue is a source of perinatal mental health datasets and indicators available at a national level and at CCG, local authority, GP practice and provider level. This data can be used to find out more about perinatal mental health and services locally and nationally.
Suicide prevention
The suicide prevention profiling tool brings together a range of data on suicide to show how often it occurs, the risk factors, and what contact people with increased risk have with services.
The suicide prevention profile collection includes all updates. Some updates have an accompanying statistical commentary.
The near to real time suspected suicide surveillance system for England is designed to act as an early warning system for changes in patterns of deaths by suicide to enable appropriate intervention. The report shows statistics for the most recent 15 month period. It describes monthly suspected suicide rates by age group and sex. The data is aggregated for 3 month periods to describe suspected method of suicide.
Common mental health disorders
The common mental health disorders (CMD) profiling tool shows the prevalence of common mental health disorders, including depression and anxiety disorders, and what the risk factors for these disorders are. It can also be used to find out more about early intervention, assessment and treatment locally, as well as the outcomes and costs of these services.
There are metrics in the CMD profiling tool that are specific to older people.
The living well in older years chapter of the JSNA toolkit provides more information about common mental health disorders in older people, with a focus on depression.
Resources are available on other topics including:
Co-occurring substance misuse and mental health issues profiling tool
Older people’s mental health data catalogue (MS Excel file, 158KB)
Further information
OHID’s National Mental Health Intelligence Network produces these resources for commissioners and other health professionals to help them improve services and outcomes for patients. For further guidance and information about the tools and analysis please email
Updates to this page
Last updated
Added links to updated nRTSSS report and how to subscribe to our newsletter to receive news on product updates and new publications.
Updated the 'Latest publications' with links to 'Suicide prevention profile update, May 2024' and 'Near to real-time suspected suicide surveillance (nRTSSS) for England' for the 15 months to January 2023.
Updated the 'Latest publications' with a link to 'Near to real-time suspected suicide surveillance (nRTSSS) for England' for the 15 months to December 2023.
Updated the 'Latest publications' with a link to 'Near to real-time suspected suicide surveillance (nRTSSS) for England' for the 15 months to October 2023.
Information added on recently published reports including the near to real time suspected suicide surveillance system and the premature mortality during COVID-19 in adults with severe mental illness report
Review of content and re-structure to bring information up to date and improve user journey.
Updated the 'Latest publications' section.
Update to the CTA box 'Latest publications', and small tweak to the wording of the first bullet point in 'Mental health and wellbeing: JSNA toolkit'.
Updated to add information on new report 'Premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness (SMI), and details on updates to COVID-19: mental health and wellbeing surveillance report, SMI profile and 4 indicators on the proportion of children living with at least one parent reporting symptoms of emotional distress.
Signposted to latest publications ('Inequalities in cancer screening uptake report' and 'COVID-19: mental health and wellbeing surveillance report'). Condition specific breakdown included for indicators showing premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness (SMI).
Added information on 2 new indicators in the severe mental illness and mental health and wellbeing JSNA profiles.
Added information on new COVID-19: mental health and wellbeing surveillance report.
Updated information on 'Children living with parents in emotional distress' to refer to the latest 2019 update.
Updated paragraph on suicide prevention profile to link to a new collection containing all updates.
Added link to suicide prevention profile update and statistical commentary.
Added reference and link to new report 'Severe mental illness (SMI) and physical health inequalities.'
Added reference and link to new 'older people's mental health data catalogue'.
Added a link to 'Children living with parents in emotional distress: 2010 to 2016'.
Added link to 'Better mental health: JSNA toolkit' and knowledge guide.
First published.