
Sites of special scientific interest: public body responsibilities

YourFind responsibilitiesout what you must do as a public body when carrying out or approving worksactivities on or near sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs).

Applies to England

You musthave takea reasonableresponsibility steps to conserve and enhance the special features of sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs)). when:You must take reasonable steps to do this in all aspects of your work.

  • You must seek approval (known as ‘assent’) from Natural England before carrying out the functions of your organisation if they’re likely to damage the special scientific interest of an SSSI.

    You must also ask for Natural England’s statutory duties

  • givingadvice othersbefore giving permission to a third party for works,planned suchactivities asthat reviewingare planninglikely applications
to damage the special scientific interest of an SSSI.

ThisYou couldmust befollow this guidance for all SSSI land, including land that:

  • you own or manage
  • you intend to lease or rent to a third party
  • could be damaged or affected by off-site worksactivities - for example if you’re from the Environment Agency and you plan to carry out flood defence work nearby
  • could be damaged or affected by planned worksactivities by another party that you’ve been asked to approve - including workactivities outside the boundaries of aan SSSI work

  • could be damaged as a result of enforcement action that you intend to require someone to carry out
  • Responsible

There’s separate SSSI guidance for landowners and occupiers who are not public bodies to seek ‘consent’.

Public bodies this guidance applies to

This guidance applies to section 28G authorities, which include:

  • government departments and their agencies
  • local authorities, including planning authorities
  • ‘statutory undertakers’ such as water and electricity companiescompanies, and harbour authorities
  • any other public body of any description

TheIf notificationyou’re periodsnot insure thisif guidanceyour takeorganisation precedenceis overa anysection other28G statutoryauthority, reviewyou periodsshould forseek consultinglegal onadvice. proposalsExamples andof issuingorganisations consents.that are not section 28G authorities are:

  • The National Trust
  • Wildlife Trusts and the RSPB
  • electronic communications companies (code operators)

Protecting SSSIs

You must consider the potential impact on SSSIthe land and any special habitatshabitats, and species or geology of activitiesSSSI andland works:from activities:

  • you plan to carry out as a public body
  • you plan to contract out to commercial companies to carry out for you
  • proposed by others that you may consentgive permission to
  • you intend to require another person to carry out through your enforcement action
  • carried out by others without permission, where you could take reasonable action to prevent damage

Assessing the impact of activities

To help you assess the impact, you can:

  • use the Designateddesignated sites system to find out which habitats and species are special features of aspecial site,scientific interest, and which activities are likely to damage them
  • use the ‘Magic’MAGIC map to view all designations, impactSSSI riskImpact zones,Risk Zones, waterways and other land features
  • read specific guidance on responsibilities for protecting wild birds and their habitats - for example where bird species may be aof special featurescientific ofinterest an SSSI and could be affected by work on other land where they feed or nest

Natural England consults public bodies in writing about new SSSIs and changes to existing ones, sharing information about the sites. You can use this information to makeassess an assessment of the potential impact of your activities and others’ plans.

WhenYou planningcould be fined £20,000 in a magistrate’s court or get an unlimited fine in the Crown Court if your workactivities anddamage approvingthe thatspecial scientific interest of others,an youSSSI must:and you:

  • preferdid methodsnot thatgive causeNatural asEngland littleprior damagenotice asof isyour reasonablyintention practicable
  • maketo surecarry theout siteor canapprove bean restoredactivity likely to itsdamage formerthe condition,special wherescientific practicable,interest ifof worksan doSSSI
  • carried causeout damageor approved that activity before you got Natural England’s response

Sites of international importance

YouIf couldyour beactivities, finedor £20,000activities inyou plan to approve, might significantly affect a magistrate’sprotected courtEuropean or getRamsar ansite, unlimitedyou’ll fineneed into carry out a habitats regulations assessment (HRA) first. Protected European sites include Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs).

You must follow the Crownguidance Courtabout ifhow you:to carry out a habitats regulations assessment . You should use Natural England’s European sites conservation advice and marine protected areas conservation advice.

  • This assessment is to help you plan how to avoid significant effects or mitigate for them, when you’re carrying out or approving activities.    

    You should do notthis givebefore you seek SSSI assent or statutory advice from Natural EnglandEngland.

    Your noticeHRA ofmay show that activities are likely to have a significant effect on the protected European or Ramsar site. If this is the case, you must consult Natural England on your intentionproposed plans to carryavoid outor mitigate significant effects on the European or approveRamsar ansite. activityYou likelyshould consider their advice to help you decide whether all significant effects have been ruled out.

    The mitigations might also prevent potential damage ato the special scientific interest of the SSSI

  • . However, if you think that damage to the special interest of the SSSI is still likely, you must: 

    • actapply beforefor youassent for your activities
    • get statutory advice from Natural England’sEngland responseif you’re considering giving permission to a third party

You should provide an up-to-date HRA at this point.

Find out more about your duty to protect, conserve and restore European sites.

PublicCarrying bodyout worksactivities as a public body

You must ask for advice and approval (known as ‘assent’) from Natural England before carrying out worksactivities in line with your statutory duties that are likely to damage the condition or special featuresscientific interest of aan SSSI. This includes planned worksactivities on land outside the boundaries of aan SSSI that are likely to damage it.the special interest. For example, you may need to maintain a road closenear toan a SSSI where the planned worksactivities could disruptdisturb a species that’s aof special feature. escientific interest.

You do not need to request Natural England’s assent for worksactivities that you’ve decided are unlikely to damage athe SSSI.special Youscientific interest of an SSSI.

However, you could be prosecuted and fined if youyour activities damage the special scientific interest of an SSSI.

You should keep a SSSI.record Contactof Naturalproposed activities that you do not seek assent for, and your reasons for this. Contact Natural England at if you’re unsure.not sure.

Request assent

YouIf must:

. If you are not sure whether this applies, you can ask Natural England for advice.

It’s your responsibility to make sure that you provide all the information that Natural England mayneeds contactto youmake ifa itdecision needs:and respond.

  • more

    Include detailsas much detail as possible about your requestproposed activities, including the:

    • location
    • totype clarifyof anyactivity
    • proposed issues about your requestmethods
    • timings

    YouIf your proposal is likely to have a significant effect on a European or Ramsar site, you must notalso carry out worksan untilHRA youof getthe aproposal, replyconsulting from Natural England.England as required.

    You can pay for Natural England to do aa quick quickcheck of check of your assent notice before you submit it to make sure it contains the information required for itthem to make a decision.decision.   Find out more in the ‘Ask for discretionary advice from Natural England’ section of this page.

    Decisions on assent applications

    You must not carry out activities until you get a reply from Natural England.

    Natural England will usually reply to you within 28 days of the date on your notice, to give or refusedecline their assent. If you do not get a written response within 28 days, you should take this as aassent refusaldeclined. of assent. You can pay forfor fast-track fast-trackadvice if you advice if you need itstheir decision quicker than 28 daysdays. (subjectThis is subject to availability).

    Naturalavailability, Englandfind mayout givemore youabout fast-track advice onin the impact‘Ask for discretionary advice from Natural England’ section of thethis proposalpage.

    Natural andEngland may give their assent with conditions. For example, itthey might say that the work should be carried out at a certain time of year to limit damage to the or disturbance to vulnerable birds. You may also need to apply for a licence if the work will haveaffect a protected species.

    If your assent notice does not include enough information for Natural England to make an impactassessment, onthey may ask you to take one of the following actions:

    • provide more information within a protectedspecified species.timeframe
    • withdraw the notice

    If you do not do as they ask, Natural England may have to decline assent, or add conditions that protect the special scientific interest of the SSSI

    If you decide to go ahead without assent

    YouIf you decide that you have other statutory duties that outweigh the negative effects on the special scientific interest of the SSSI, you can still carry out worksthose if:activities if one of these applies:

    • Natural England refusesdeclines totheir give its assent
    • you believe the conditions attached to an assent are unacceptable

    You must give Natural England written notice at least 28 days before the start of the worksactivities if you intend to go ahead without assent.assent or against the recommended conditions.

    You must showtell thatNatural England how you’ve:

    • taken into account any advice Natural England gave you
    • considered alternatives that could reduce the impact on the the SSSI, such as using lighter vehicles to carry materials
    • weighedassessed thediffering balanceinterests betweenin conflictingorder interests,to includingreach theyour specialdecision

    If interestNatural ofEngland still has serious concerns about the potential damage to an SSSI

Natural Englandthey may give you further advice, or refer ayour case to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsAffairs. 

After ifyou’ve itwaited still28 hasdays, seriousyou concernscan aboutproceed and carry out the potentialactivities, but you must:

  • cause as little damage to athe SSSI.special Thisscientific caninterest leadas tois areasonably judicialpracticable
  • restore reviewthe ofaffected thesite publicto body’sits decisionformer tocondition, gowhere aheadpracticable, withif theyour works.

    activities do cause damage

You could be prosecuted and made to restore the features of a an SSSI if ifyou you:do any of the following:

  • fail to notify Natural England of the worksactivities
  • do not take account of Natural England’s advice
  • cause more damage than necessary

EmergencyNatural worksEngland may review previously given consent or assent   

InWhen anNatural emergency,England utilityprovides companiesa andnew otherassent, bodiesthey may needask tothat enteryour SSSIauthority landno orlonger carryrelies outupon essentialassents worksor nearby.consents Itthat maywere notpreviously beprovided. 

If possibleNatural toEngland askbecomes foraware Naturalof England’snew assentevidence orthat givepreviously Naturalassented Englandactivities theare 28now days’known noticeto that’sbe normallydamaging requiredto beforethe beginningSSSI, work.they Inwill thiscontact situation, you should:you.    

  • tell

    These Naturalactions Englandwill abouthelp thepublic workauthorities you’reto carryingcomply outwith astheir soonduty asto possibleconserve and preferablyenhance withinthe 24special hoursscientific interest of enteringSSSIs.      

    Approving aactivities SSSIby orothers  

    Other nearbyparties landmight byrequest contactingyour

  • makepermission sureto thecarry emergencyout workactivities causesthat asare littlelikely to damage toor affect the special featuresscientific asinterest possible
of an SSSI

YouThis cannotcould regardapply workswhere thatyour haveauthority:     

  • is includedresponsible planningfor ingranting advancepermission, such as emergencya works.

    Approvinglicence, workspermit byor others


  • owns yourland publicand bodyhas isbeen alsoasked responsiblewhether forto permittingallow otherssomeone else to carry out worksan oractivity holdon recreationalyour eventsland, thatsuch areas likelya torecreational damageevent

The orspecial affectscientific interest of SSSIs, youcould mustalso askbe Naturaldamaged Englandas fora adviceresult beforeof givingenforcement permission.

Foraction example,that ifyou Forestryintend England wanted to allowrequire anothersomeone organisation to holdcarry recreational events on land they own.out.

If you’re a local planning authority, find out more about about how to review planning applications.     

Who’s responsible

You’reIf responsibleyour forproposal makingis decisionslikely onto proposalshave anda askingsignificant foreffect Naturalon England’s a adviceEuropean whereor aRamsar plansite, oryou projectmust isalso likelycarry toout damage an SSSIHRA unless:

  • anotherof competentthe authorityproposal, hasconsulting alreadyNatural assessedEngland aas proposal,required.

    Ask infor whichNatural caseEngland’s youstatutory canadvice 

    When chooseother toparties acceptrequest theiryour decision

  • youpermission believeto itcarry wouldout beactivities, moreyou’re appropriateresponsible forfor:

    • assessing anotherthe competentimplications authorityof toproposals
    • making assessdecisions theon proposalproposals

    Ask for Natural England’s advice

    If you want to give permission for planned worksactivities youthat shouldare firstlikely discussto thisdamage withthe Naturalspecial England.

    Youinterest mustof thenan notifySSSI you must ask for statutory advice from Natural England infirst.

    You writingmust or email the proposal to Natural England at at least 28 days before giving your permission.

    Advice and conditions

    Natural England will usually reply to you within 28 days of receiving your written notice to advise you whether to give permission or not. YouIf canyou assumedo Naturalnot Englandhear hasback nowithin comments28 todays, makeyou ifcan youassume doNatural notEngland hearhas backno withincomments 28to days.make.

    Natural England may give you statutory advice on the likely impact of the proposal and recommend that you give your permission only with conditions. For example, Natural England might say that it would be best to carry out the work using particular materials. You or theanother developerparty may also need to apply for a licence if the work will haveaffect an impact on a protected species.

    If Natural England advisesadvises refusal consentof refusalpermission  

    You can still approve works if:

    • Natural England recommendsmay recommend that you do not give permission
    • youpermission, believeor thethat conditionsyou Naturalattach Englandconditions. suggestedIn yousome attachcases, toyou amay permissionfind arethis unacceptable

    However, if youyour intendother tostatutory doduties sooutweigh youthe mustnegative againeffects giveon Naturalthe EnglandSSSI. notice.In these cases you can still approve activities.

    WriteYou tomust orgive email Natural England at least 21 daysdays’ notice before the start of the works,activities. includingEmail with a copy of the permission you propose to give.

    AsYou with works carried out by public bodies, you must explain how:how you’ve:

    • you’ve taken Natural England’s statutory advice into account
    • considered alternatives
    • assessed differing interests in order to reach your decision

    If Natural England still has serious concerns about the likely damage to the special scientific interest of an SSSI they may give you further advice or refer ayour case to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsAffairs. if 

    Emergency itworks   

    In stillan hasemergency, seriousa concernspublic aboutbody may theneed potential damage to an to:

    • enter SSSI. land Theor Secretarycarry ofout Stateactivities maynearby
    • give decidepermission to stopa youthird givingparty permissionto untilenter yourSSSI decisionland toor approvecarry theout workactivities hasnearby

    An beenemergency reviewedis atdefined aas publican inquiry,unpredictable orand Naturalsudden Englandsituation maythat askneeds forimmediate action, with a judicialserious reviewthreat ofto theloss decision.

    Whenof assentlife or consentirreparable isdamage frequentlyto needed

    the environment.

    NaturalYou England may worknot withhave publictime bodiesto to:

    • giveask theirfor Natural England’s assent or consentstatutory advice in advancean foremergency, generalor andto recurringgive operationsNatural thatEngland the body28 willdays’ carrynotice outthat’s ornormally consentrequired to
    • agreebefore ‘memorandabeginning ofwork.

      In understanding’this withsituation, publicyou bodiesshould:

      • tell whoNatural haveEngland largeabout landholdingsthe andwork frequentlyyou’re requirecarrying consents,out inor orderapproving toas speedsoon theas processpossible inand futurepreferably andwithin better24 protecthours aof site’sentering specialan SSSI or features

      Sitesnearby ofland internationalby significance


    • take youappropriate wantaction to carrymake outsure orthe approveemergency work oncauses oras nearlittle andamage SSSIto that’sthe alsospecial ascientific protectedinterest Europeanas orpossible, Ramsarboth site,during suchand asafter athe Specialemergency Areaworks
    • carry ofout Conservationwork (SAC) or Specialtake Protectionappropriate Areaaction (SPA), you’ll need to carryaddress outany adamage habitatsto regulationsthe assessmentspecial (HRA).

      Youscientific mustinterest include a copy of the HRASSSI, withonce yourthe noticeemergency forhas assentpassed

    Activities orthat tohave giveincluded consentplanning ifin itadvance showswill there’snot abe likelyconsidered significantemergency effect of the activity on the protected

    YouAny shoulddamage stillor contactdisturbance Naturalresulting Englandfrom foractivities advice.

    Ifthat yourwere sitenot isan aemergency SACcould orresult ain SPA,enforcement readaction.

    If aboutyou yourfail duty to protect,repair conserveany anddamage restoreto Europeanthe sites.

    Youspecial mayscientific alsointerest wantof tothe followSSSI Naturalcaused England’sby Europeanemergency sitesworks, conservationthis advicecould andalso marineresult protectedin areasenforcement conservation advice.action.

    GetAsk advicefor discretionary advice   

    You maycan berequest ableadditional to get free or charged advice from Natural England before submitting your proposal to carry out or approve worksactivities on or near near SSSIs to help reduce delays in the assent or consent process.

    Free advice

    YouIf canyou getask freeNatural adviceEngland fromfor Naturaladditional England:advice, they may:

    • tosignpost checkyou whetherto youronline proposal will significantly affect a protected site or speciesguidance
    • onoffer whatfree youdiscretionary shouldadvice, includefor withstraightforward your proposalproposals
    • aboutrecommend routineyou andseek repeatedpaid activitiesadvice onfor themore protectedcomplex site, including routine agricultural activitiesproposals
    • about

    Email mainlyto aimedask atfor achievingadditional favourable condition (that is habitats and features which are in a healthy state and being conserved by appropriate management)


Pay for advice

YouNatural canEngland paymay forbe extraable adviceto fromoffer Naturalpaid Englandadvice if what you want to do is more complicated. Natural England can:

  • help you review your survey results
  • advise on your mitigation strategies to reduce damage to the environment
  • help if you need discretionary advice quickly (in fewer than 28 days)
  • help if you need complex advice to meet a defined deadline

ContactContact Natural NaturalEngland as England as soon as possible if you need itstheir advice quickly. It’ll be most useful before you submit your consent application.

How much you might pay dependswill depend on:

  • the amount of advice you require from Natural England and how complexcomplicated your proposal is
  • whether or not a Natural England adviser needs to visit your site
  • how quickly you need ourtheir advice

If you want discretionary advice to avoid damage to protected sites or species, you’llit paywill cost £110 per hour.

Ifhour youfor wantwritten aadvice or to speak to an adviser by telephone.

A meeting you’llwill pay:cost:

  • £500 per adviser for a 90 minute meeting at your office or site, a Natural England office or viaa conference call
  • £110 per hour per adviser for each additional hour

If you want an adviser to travel to your site, you’ll pay the adviser’s:

  • travel costs at 45p per mile
  • public transport, tolls and expenses over and above the mileage at cost
  • travel time as part of the hourly rate

GetPay for fast-track advice

You’ll pay:

  • £500 for advicediscretionary advice  on a straightforward case in less than 28 days

  • £110 per hour, per adviser on a complex case to your defined deadline

Natural England will tell you which level of advice applies to your proposal.

Use the fast-track assent advice request form and send it to

Use the quick check service

You’llYou can pay £200 for Natural England £200  to check that your proposal contains the information required for itthem to make a decision. You’ll get a response within 28 days. This service is not suitable for complex cases.

Use the the quick check assent request form and and send it with your assent notice form to to


Terms forand advice

Useconditions the:

Email the relevant completed form to:

Read Natural England’s terms and conditions for paid-for services (PDF, 140 KB, 16 pages).

Contact Natural England

If you need helphelp, contact:contact Natural England:

SSSI enquiries

Farm and Conservation Service
Natural England
County Hall
Spetchley Road


Telephone 0300 060 3900

Updates to this page

Published 20 July 2015
Last updated 525 AugustJuly 20222024 + show all updates
  1. Information added about: who the guidance applies to, carrying out or approving activities on or near SSSIs and European sites, and asking for discretionary advice. Added advice to keep a record of proposed activities that you do not seek assent for, and clarification that Natural England may review previously given consent or assent. Removed advice about what to do if assent or consent is frequently needed, as it no longer applies to SSSI assent.

  2. If Natural England advises consent refusal, write to Natural England at least 21 days before the start of the works (not 21 working days).

  3. Updated the guide on getting free advice from Natural England.

  4. Updated 'Approving works by others' section to clarify public body responsibilities when allowing recreational events in sites of special scientific interest.

  5. Natural England will respond within 28 days, not 28 working days.

  6. Charged advice forms added.

  7. Amendments to section 'Obtain free or charged advice from Natural England' following introduction of chargeable advice service for protected sites consents.

  8. Added section on Natural England's free and charged advice.

  9. Beta label removed.

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