
Irreplaceable habitatshabitat

How biodiversity net gain (BNG) applies to irreplaceable habitats. habitat.

Applies to England

Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is mandatory from 12 February 2024.

You can view all of the BNG guidance in the BNG collection.

What irreplaceable habitatshabitat areis

Irreplaceable habitatshabitat areis habitats which are very difficult (or taketakes a very significantlong time) to restore, recreatecreate or replace once destroyed,it has been destroyed. This may be due to their:its: 

  • age


  • uniqueness


  • species diversitydiversity 

  • rarity


TheyIrreplaceable includehabitat includes some of England’s most ecologically valuable terrestrial and intertidal habitats.  

Thehabitat.  For definition and list of irreplaceable habitats for BNG are set out in the Biodiversity Gain Requirements (Irreplaceable Habitat) Regulations 2024. The list includes:example: 

  • ancient woodlandwoodland 

  • ancient and veteran treestrees 

  • blanket bogbog 

  • limestone pavementspavements 

  • coastal sand dunesdunes 

  • spartina saltmarsh swardsswards 

  • mediterranean saltmarsh scrubscrub 

  • lowland fensfens 


See the definition and full list of irreplaceable habitat for BNG appliesin tothe Biodiversity developmentGain Requirements (Irreplaceable Habitat) Regulations 2024.

Development on irreplaceable habitatshabitat 

DevelopersYou shouldwill recordonly allget on-siteplanning irreplaceablepermission habitatfor development that results in theloss metricof calculationirreplaceable tool.habitat in exceptional circumstances. 

However,The the 10% 10% BNG requirement requirement does not apply when irreplaceablethere habitatsis areloss lost.of Thisirreplaceable ishabitat because theyit arewould sobe difficultimpossible to recreateachieve. 

Instead, andyou haveneed suchto aminimise highadverse biodiversityimpacts valueand thatagree ita wouldcompensation bestrategy impossiblewith tothe achieveplanning theauthority.

Read requirementthe national toplanning increasepolicy biodiversityframework on topirreplaceable ofhabitat.

Compensation norules netfor loss.  

irreplaceable habitat 

BNGSpecial doescompensation notrules changeapply theto existingirreplaceable protectionshabitat. 

If andplanning compensationpermission requirementsis forgiven irreplaceableyou habitatwill inneed planningto policy.agree Thea nationalcompensation planningstrategy policywith frameworkthe onLPA

Compensation for irreplaceable habitat applies.needs Thisto meansbe thatrelative planningto permissionthe forbaseline developmenthabitat resultingtype. inThe LPA the will lossagree orcompensation deteriorationas part of irreplaceablethe habitatdetermination willof onlythe beplanning grantedapplication, inon whollya exceptionalcase-by-case circumstancesbasis. 

Read andmore wherein athe suitablebiodiversity compensationnet strategygain exists.planning practice guidance

What developers need to dodo 

1. Consider irreplaceable habitatshabitat atfrom the design and planning application stagestart 

DevelopmentThink affectingabout irreplaceable habitatshabitat requires special consideration at the design and planning applicationstage, stage.and Developerslook shouldat makehow sureto that:

  • theyavoid minimiseany impactsadverse onimpacts. 

    At irreplaceablethe habitats

  • theyplanning agreeapplication suitablestage, compensationyou forwill lossneed orto deterioration of irreplaceable habitats

Provide BNG information

Developers must satisfy the BNG minimum information requirements. 

You at the planning application stage. They will need to provide a:provide: 

  • a description of any irreplaceable habitat on site at the date of the planning applicationapplication 

  • a plan of existing irreplaceable habitat on site at the date of the planning applicationapplication 

TheYour local planning authority (LPA)may willask notyou acceptfor themore applicationinformation withoutrelated this information.

Follow compensation rules

Special compensation rules apply to thesebiodiversity habitats.

Compensationnet forgain irreplaceableand habitatwider needsplanning topolicies bedesigned relative to theprotect baseline habitat type. The LPA will agree compensation with developers as part of the determination of the planning application, on a case by case basis.environment.  

MoreFind informationout ismore available in the biodiversity net gain planning practice guidance.

2. CalculateRecord BNGirreplaceable whenhabitat therein areyour irreplaceableBNG habitatscalculation 

You must record all irreplaceable habitatshabitat on your site in the metric calculation tool, regardless of whether or not they will be impactedaffected by the proposed development.development. 

When there are adverse impacts to irreplaceable habitatshabitat   

Impacts to irreplaceable habitatshabitat cannot be measured by the biodiversity metric and they are automatically removed from the baseline calculation whenin you use the biodiversity metric.  tool.   

YouDo must not record any bespoke compensation action for these losses of irreplaceable habitat within the enhancement or creation sheets of the biodiversity metric.metric. 

ThereFind isout more information in the the statutory biodiversity metric user guide.

When makingirreplaceable enhancementshabitat tois irreplaceable habitatsenhanced 

Where there are no losses or deterioration of irreplaceable habitat, theiryou enhancements must berecord recordedenhancements in the metric calculation tool and willinclude bethem included in the baseline calculations.calculations. 

Enhancement works may contribute towards the calculation of post-development biodiversity units.units. 

Enhancement works must be ecologically appropriate and not have any adverse impacts on irreplaceable habitats.habitat. 

When the development sitessite containincludes irreplaceable and non-irreplaceable habitathabitat 

You willmust need to achieve at least 10% BNG on on any non-irreplaceable habitat present on your development site. This can include through enhancing irreplaceable habitat. 

This is in addition to agreeing bespoke compensation for impacts on irreplaceable habitat, which cannot count towards your BNG requirement. requirement.  

3. Record irreplaceable habitatshabitat in the biodiversity gain planplan 

If planning permission has been granted for development on a site whichthat includes irreplaceable habitats,habitat, developersyou will need to provide details of the irreplaceable habitats in the the biodiversity gain plan for for the development.

This should include:include: 

  • the

    type, extent and condition of any irreplaceable habitat there is before developmentdevelopment 

  • any expected changes in irreplaceable habitat type, extent and condition as a result of developmentdevelopment 

  • a

    actions taken to minimise adverse impacts to irreplaceable habitat 

  • compensation planplan 

Special arrangements apply for the treatment of irreplaceable habitat for phased development and permissions granted under section 73.73.  

Find Thereout is more information in thethe biodiversity net gain planning practice guidance.

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Updates to this page

Published 22 February 2024
Last updated 4 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. Updated to make it clearer how irreplaceable habitat is dealt with under biodiversity net gain, and to explain what information is needed at planning application stage. The policy around irreplaceable habitat and biodiversity net gain remains unchanged.

  2. First published.

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