Open consultation

New draft Practice Direction 27A

Applies to England and Wales


The Family Procedure Rule Committee is consulting publicly on a new Practice Direction 27A concerning the preparation of bundles in family proceedings.

This consultation closes at

Consultation description

The Committee’s aim is that a new PD27A should reflect the fact that electronic bundles are commonly used now in most family proceedings and also to bring into PD27A provisions which are currently made in judicial guidance.

A key purpose of the draft new PD27A is to ensure clarity and consistency across how bundles are formulated. The Committee intend for the new PD27A to be a comprehensive source of requirements for the preparation of bundles in family proceedings, with which anyone preparing a bundle is able to comply.

Given the centrality of the need for clear and consistent bundles to a fair and efficient family justice system, as well as the practical implications for parties and their legal representatives, the Committee has decided to consult publicly on the draft new PD27A.

The draft new PD27A can be found on this page alongside a document which provides more information about this consultation and how to submit responses.  

The deadline for responses is 21 October 2024.


New draft Practice Direction 27A

Ways to respond

Email to:

Write to:

FPRC Secretariat
Courts, Criminal and Family Justice Directorate
Post point 7.22
102 Petty France

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Published 12 September 2024

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