
Register as a keeper of less than 50 poultry or other captive birds

Register toif you keep up to 49 birds, including any you’rekept keeping as pets.

Applies to England and Wales

We are experiencing a high volume of applications. We aim to process your application within 10 working days.

In England and Wales you must register upif 49you keep poultry or other keptcaptive birds by 1 October 2024. This includes any birds you keep as pets.

You’re breaking the law if you do not register.

When you do not need to register

You do not need to register psittaciformes or passeriformes (such as budgies, parrots, cockatiels and finches) if they are both:

  • fully housed in a dwelling (your home or another indoor structure)
  • kept indoors at all times with no access to outdoorthe spacesopen air

ByYou registering:do not need to register an exempt bird to visit a veterinary practice.

Updates to this page

Published 12 December 2023
Last updated 312 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added information about what to do if you have a CPH number or have already registered. Also updated the PDF form. Welsh translations of the form and other information will be available soon.

  2. Updated the email address under 'After you have registered'.

  3. Updated the page with information about registering your birds before 1 October 2024.

  4. We are experiencing a high volume of applications to register as a keeper of less than 50 poultry or other captive birds. We aim to process your application within 10 working days.

  5. First published.

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