
Preparing a safety case report

WhatResponsibilities aof the principal accountable person mustfor doa tohigh-rise prepare,residential submitbuilding’s and update a safety case report for a high-rise residential buildingreport.

Applies to England

The purpose of a safety case report

As the principal accountable person, you must prepare and update the safety case report.

The safety case report is a document that summarises the safety case for a high-rise residential building. It identifies buildingthe building’s safety risks and explains how theythe risks are being managed.

Building safety risks are the risk of:

  • of the spread of fire inor the building
  • structural failurefailure.

When ofto prepare the building report


From residential1 buildings

AOctober high-rise2023 residentialyou buildingshould hasprepare ata least:safety case report as soon as possible when:

  • 7the storeysbuilding or is atalready leastoccupied 18or metresbecomes highoccupied
  • 2you residentialbecome unitsthe principal accountable person

Building assessment certificate

TheWhen you apply for your building assessment certificate you must besubmit registereda withcopy of your safety case report to the Building Safety Regulator (BSR)). beforeWe’ll peopleask liveyou there. Theseto buildingsapply arefor knownthe ascertificate, higher-riskyou buildingswill undernot thebe Buildingable Safetyto Actapply 2022.

Whenbefore toyou prepareare andasked submitto thedo report



Your thereport principalmust accountablecontain

Details personof (PAP), you should prepare the safetyaccountable casepersons

Provide reportinformation asabout sooneach asaccountable possibleperson, when:including their:

  • thename
  • email buildingaddress
  • telephone is already occupied or becomes occupiednumber
  • youpostal becomeaddress thein PAP England or Wales

BuildingResponsible assessment certificatePersons

You mustshould submitalso aprovide copythe details of yourthe safetyResponsible casePersons for the building, under the Fire Safety Order.

Who prepared the report

Provide whenthe BSRdetails tellsof youthe toindividuals applywho forprepared athe buildingreport, assessmentsuch

  • their reportnames
  • their mustjob contain

Registrationroles number

Provideand the building’sorganisation registrationthey Itfor

  • how beginstheir withskills, ‘HRB’knowledge and isexperience quotedmake whenthem BSRsuitable contactsfor you.

    working on the report
  • the parts of the report they are responsible for
  • Building description

    Your report should include:

    • theinclude name of the building andname, its full postal address
    • address, and a photograph or map of thewhere building’sit location

    If your building is part of a wider development, providedescribe a brief description of it and:

    • and any shared facilities
    • briefly. Include a description of the nearby area including other buildings and transport routes


    If assessmentsthere summary

    Describeis theany missing building safetyinformation, risksyou forshould theexplain wholewhat buildingaction andhas thebeen incidentstaken theyto couldfind cause.the Domissing thisinformation.

    Risk byassessments usingsummary

    Use the building risk assessments carriedprovided out by each accountable person (AP).to put together:


    • a eachdescription buildingof safetythe risk,types describeof eachrisk incidentassessment ittechniques couldused cause,throughout and:

        the building
      • howan likelyoverview itof iswho did the incidentassessment couldand happen
      • howtheir itcompetence mightto getdo worseso
      • the ifsignificant itfindings doesof happenthe assessments
      • whata summary of any outstanding actions or recommendations and the consequencesplan couldto beprogress them

      Managing risks summary

      YouUse should:the information from each accountable person to provide a description of:

      • describethe whatmeasures eachin APplace isto doingprevent toand managemitigate building safety risks for the whole building
      • explain how eachthe APmeasures iswork takingto allprevent reasonableor stepsmitigate torisk
      • assessments managethat have been done which have identified building safety risks

      Safety managementand system

      Providewhat achanges summaryneed ofto be made to mitigate the building’srisks

    • conclusions safetyfrom managementreports systems.that Dohave thisbeen bydone, usingfor relevantexample, informationa fromstructural eachinspection

    Safety AP.

    management system

    Your summarysafety case report should include a generalsummary overview of the safety management systems in Itfor mustthe alsowhole includebuilding howto safetymanage measuresbuilding aresafety beingrisks. testedThis andis maintained.

    Youressential summaryto mustshow describehow therisks policiesare andbeing proceduresproperly inmanaged. placeTo todo managethis, buildinguse workinformation andfrom othereach changes,accountable whichperson includesabout how APs check:

    • the designersmanagement andsystem contractorsthey appointeduse arein competenttheir toparts do the work
    • the quality of the materialsbuilding.

      Planning usedfor areemergencies

      In upyour to standard

    • building safety riskscase arereport beingdescribe managedthe whilestrategy for the workbuilding isduring beingan done

    Planningemergency. forExplain emergencies

    Providewhy athis summaryapproach ofhas thebeen building’schosen emergencyand Doit thisworks. byFor usingexample, relevantyour informationbuilding frommay eachbe AP.

    Yourdesigned summaryto shouldsupport include a generalstay overviewput ofstrategy theand emergencyit plansworks forby relying on the wholecontrols Itplace, mustsuch alsoas include:compartmentation.

    • a

      If descriptionthe ofstrategy thechanges equipmentfrom inwhat placewas tooriginally assistintended, emergencyyou servicesshould suchexplain as,why dryand risers,describe wetany risersadditional andmeasures smokein controlplace systems 

    • detailsto ofsupport the informationchange.

    Ongoing givenwork to fire and rescuebuilding authoritiesimprovement

    While togathering helpinformation themfor planyour forsafety emergencies 

  • howcase report, you expectmight residentsfind tocontrol respondmeasures inthat anare emergency,missing suchor asother theissues, evacuationlike strategyongoing theybuilding shouldwork, follow
  • Buildingthat work

    affect the building’s safety.

    IfDescribe buildingthe work isthat inneeds progress,to orbe isdone planned to takeresolve place,these yourissues, reporthow shouldit include:

    • awill descriptionbe ofdone and the work
    • whentimescale thefor workcompletion. isDescribe expectedany totemporary bemeasures completed
    • thethat stepsare takenin place to manage buildingthe safety risks untilin the workmeantime isand the timescales to complete
    the work.

    Updating your safety case report

    You should update your safety case report, for example, when:

    • improvement work is carried out to manage building safety risks
    • work on the building impacts building safety risks

    Tell BSR when you update your safety case report

    You must tell BSR as soon as possible if you update your safety case report to include:

    • new or increased building safety risks that have been identified
    • further measures taken to manage risks

    BSR will ask you for:

    • the date the update to the safety case report was made
    • a brief description of the update
    • the reason for making the update

    BSR may ask you to provide the updated safety case report. There is a charge you will need to pay if BSR decides to review the updated safety case report. This is set out in the BSR charging scheme (on on the HSE website.

    Updates to this page

    Published 19 September 2023
    Last updated 182 SeptemberApril 2024 + show all updates
    1. The information in the 'Your report must contain' section has been updated. General readability improvements have also been made to all sections.

    2. Information added about telling BSR if you've updated your safety case report.

    3. First published.

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