
MOD War Detectives (the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre Commemorations team): our future services, current appeals and past cases

Find out about future services and what current appeals are ongoing.

Our future services, current appeals and past cases

The following services will take place in Autumn 2024:

18 September

  • 11am A burial service for Private Henry Moon, 7th Battalion, The Green Howards to be held at CWGC Arnhem Oosterbeek War Cemetery, The Netherlands.

  • 2.30pm A burial service for Lieutenant Dermod Green Anderson, The Gilder Pilot Regiment to be held at CWGC Arnhem Oosterbeek War Cemetery, The Netherlands.

26 September

  • 11am A burial service for an unknown soldier of The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) and an unknown Scottish soldier at CWGC Loos British Cemetery Extension. This service is expected to attract a high level of interest and therefore tickets have been issued via a ballot held by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. The ballot is now closed.

15 October

  • 11am - A rededication service for Corporal John A. Owens, 2/7 Middlesex Regiment, who died on 4 February 1944. This service will take place at Anzio War Cemetery, Italy.

  • 2pm - A burial service for five unknown Commonwealth soldiers at Loos British Cemetery Extension, France.

16 October

  • 11am - A rededication service for Private George A.W. Ewan, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, who died on 21 June 1944. This service will take place at Bolsena War Cemetery, Italy.

  • 12.30pm - A burial service for Rifleman Frederick Adams of 2nd Battalion The Rifle Brigade, killed in action on 19 November 1917. The service will take place at Passchendaele New British Cemetery, Belgium.

  • 3pm - A rededication service for Trooper Frederick Stobart, Royal Tank Regiment, who died on 23 September 1943. This service will take place at Bolsena War Cemetery, Italy.

Funeral Service, Crown Copyright, all rights reserved

Appeals for family

There are no appeals outstanding at this time.

Our Past Cases

Details of some of the MOD War Detectives’ past cases can be found below:

Related information

Updates to this page

Published 26 September 2019
Last updated 113 OctoberSeptember 2024 + show all updates
  1. Edited to remove details of services which have already happened

  2. Added: details of October services.

  3. Details of services in Netherlands added

  4. Details of past services removed, and links to the news stories for those services added.

  5. Information about a burial service on 26 September added. This service is expected to attract a high level of interest and therefore Commonwealth War Graves Commission is running a free ballot to allocate tickets.

  6. Details of June services removed, and links added to the news stories for those services.

  7. Details of past service removed Time of service on 20 June changed Details of July services added Link to news story for recent service added

  8. More detail has been added about the soldiers being buried on 20 June

  9. Details of the May services were removed as they have now passed. Details added of forthcoming services in June. Links to more past cases added.

  10. The service for Pte Birch on 23 May 2024 has been cancelled and therefore details were removed from this page.

  11. Details of April Services removed. Details of May services added. Links to past services updated.

  12. Details of March 2024 services removed, and April 2024 services added

  13. Details of March 2024 services have been added.

  14. Note added that no further services are planned in 2023

  15. Update to the services of 8th and 9th November.

  16. Addition of link to latest commemorative service

  17. Links added to news stories about services in Belgium on 25 & 26 October 2023

  18. Added details of services in November 2023

  19. Details of service on 31 October 2023 added.

  20. Updated page with details of past services

  21. Links added for details of past services

  22. Details of the September services were removed and details of forthcoming services in October were added.

  23. Details of an additional blessing service added

  24. Added details of services in late September.

  25. Added details of services planned for mid-September

  26. Details of early September 2023 services included

  27. Update for September services.

  28. Added a link to the service held on 21 June 2023 in France

  29. Derails of service for 20 June 2023 included.

  30. Included an update to provide details of the services for June 2023

  31. Links to the three May services included.

  32. Details of this week's services have been moved from "Forthcoming Services" to "Past Cases" with links to news releases

  33. Details of 3 more burial/rededication ceremonies added.

  34. Future services removed/updated and details of March Services included in 'Our Past Services'.

  35. Updated with details of two past services from March 2023.

  36. Details of services on 18 and 19 April have been added.

  37. Details of three new rededication services added.

  38. Details of an appeal for family have been added.

  39. Included details of the services to be held on 17 November 2022.

  40. Details of rededication of a Sheffield solider being laid to rest 105 years after his death added to past services.

  41. Details of an additional service have been added. Details of "forthcoming services" have now been added to "past cases".

  42. Details of "forthcoming service" deleted and link to report added to "past cases".

  43. Details of additional services have been added. "Forthcoming services" which have now passed have been deleted and links to news items added.

  44. Details of "forthcoming services" that have happened have been removed.

  45. Details of further 4 services added.

  46. Details of forthcoming services added.

  47. Details of "Forthcoming case" changed to "Past Case"

  48. Details of two "forthcoming services" changed to "past cases" with link to news item.

  49. Details of forthcoming services added.

  50. Details of "forthcoming" services moved to "past" cases with link to news release.

  51. Details of "forthcoming" services moved to "past cases".

  52. Details of two services removed from "forthcoming" and transferred to "past cases" with associated link.

  53. Details of forthcoming services changed to past cases with links to news reports.

  54. Additional information on the service to be held at New Irish Farm cemetery on 30 June 2022.

  55. Details of rededication service moved from "forthcoming events" to "past cases".

  56. Addition of 3 more Forthcoming Services.

  57. Details of 2 rededication services have been moved from "future" to "past" events.

  58. Details of two rededication services moved from "forthcoming" to "past" services.

  59. Details of another 5 rededication services added.

  60. A "Forthcoming Service" has now become a "Past Service". Updated accordingly.

  61. Details of a "Forthcoming Service" now changed to "Past Case".

  62. Details of recent ceremony removed from "Forthcoming Services". Link added to details of news release.

  63. Details of "Forthcoming Services" for May 2022 published.

  64. Details of ceremonies that have now taken place have been removed from "Forthcoming Ceremonies" and moved to "Past Cases".

  65. Details of services that have now taken place have been removed.

  66. Details of "Forthcoming Services" now changed to "Our Past Cases".

  67. Details of 3 x April 2022 rededication services

  68. Details of 4 additional rededication services in Belgium on 22 March 2022.

  69. Adding details of an additional 5 rededication services

  70. Addition of forthcoming events

  71. Update to appeals section

  72. New appeal for WW1 casualty's family launched.

  73. Details of today's service removed and link to news release about it added.

  74. Additional information on forthcoming service.

  75. Details of completed services now deleted from Forthcoming Services section. Links to recent service reports added.

  76. Details of additional military funeral November 2021.

  77. Details of 3 more commemorative funerals published. Link inserted to "previous cases" to news item about Royal Flying Corps casualty.

  78. Removed details of ceremonial services that have now taken place.

  79. Change to COVID restrictions in France.

  80. Details of additional service uploaded.

  81. Statement regarding ceremonial burials - Autumn 2021

  82. Family appeal deleted as appeal has been successful.

  83. New appeal for family added and previous one deleted.

  84. Inserting corrected email address;

  85. Added an appeal for family under the 'current appeals' heading.

  86. Notification of cancellation of the rest of 2020 burial and rededication ceremonies.

  87. Notification of further cancellations

  88. Deleting details of services that have had to be posponed.

  89. Changing calendar of events

  90. Details of additional ceremonies added

  91. Change to dates of when services may resume.

  92. Cancellation of all scheduled services due to COVID-19

  93. Changes to details of appeals and services.

  94. We have added details of additional services and appeals

  95. To add details of future services

  96. Deleted details of services that have now taken place,

  97. First published.

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