
Career Transition Partnership

The CareerCTP Transitionprovides Partnershipcomprehensive (CTP)resettlement issupport theservices officialfor resettlementpersonnel serviceleaving for the Armed Forces.Forces, Itas providesthey comprehensivetransition personal support for Service leavers who are transitioning from their military career into civilian employment, further education or retirement.retirement and for up to two years after leaving in the form of employment support.


The CTP is a partnering agreement between the Ministry of Defence (MOD)(MoD) and ReedRight inManagement Partnership,Limited, athe publicglobal servicescareer providerand whotalent specialisedevelopment inexperts helpingwithin transformthe peopleManpowerGroup. and their communities. The CTP staff providesare comprehensivevery personalproud to have delivered resettlement support andfor resourcesnearly for25 Serviceyears leavers.and Itthrough hasworking supportedwith moreover than250,000 310,000leavers personnelin overthat time, they understand the pastmilitary 25way years.of life.

Resettlement is an MODMoD entitlement available to all regularranks andof full-timethe ServiceUK leaversArmed throughForces, the CTP, with the sole aim of helping themyou to successfully make the transition as smoothly as possible, and to civilianachieve lifeyour goals. Support is delivered through new10 employment,CTP re-enteringResettlement educationCentres, orlocated retirement.on military sites around the UK, plus multiple satellite locations to offer a wide footprint. Vocational training is primarily delivered at the CTP’s flagship Resettlement Training Centre (RTC) located in Aldershot and also available in the CTP Resettlement Centres.


TheEveryone typeon the trained strength is eligible to see a 1st and amount2nd ofline Service Resettlement Advisor for information and advice on resettlement supportat availableany receivetime dependsduring their careers. Entitlement to Resettlement provision via the CTP is graduated and grouped into different programmes depending on length of ServiceService. There are two exceptions which are medical discharges and personalindividuals circumstances.who have served less than four years. (Guidance)

Full details on eligibility can be found in JSP 534 Part 1 (Directive) and Part 2 (Guidance).

The CTP delivers an integrated resettlement provision consisting of four key programmes which ensure all members of the Armed Forces receive the right support dependent on their circumstances and time served:

Core Resettlement Programme (CRP)

TheAvailable CRP is available to personnelthose who have served for more than six years.

Ityears and all medical discharges (regardless of time served). The CRP is available from two years prior to discharge and two-years post discharge. ServiceThose leaverseligible willfor bethe CRP are entitled to up to 35 days Graduated Resettlement Time (GRT) prior to conductdischarge, resettlementwhich activitiesis priortime allocated to theirconduct discharge.resettlement Theactivities (the number of days is dependent upon length of Service.service Thosewith overthe 50maximum years of age35 whodays haveavailable servedto forthose morewho thanserve 3016 years or more).

Medical discharges

Service leavers who are entitledbeing, or likely to beginbe theirmedically resettlementdischarged, earlier.

Supportincluding fromwounded, injured and sick Service personnel, automatically qualify for the Core Resettlement Programme (CRP), isregardless thenof availabletime forserved. aWhere furtherthe twosingle yearsServices afterdeem discharge.

Employmentthat Supportadditional Programmesupport (ESP)

Theis ESPrequired, the individual is availablealso entitled to personnelaccess the CTP Assist programme (see below) which offers specialist support from a Specialist Employment Consultant (SEC) who havewill servedhelp forthe betweenindividual fourcreate anda sixbespoke years.resettlement plan.

It canis berecognised accessedthat frommedical twodischarge yearsService priorleavers tooften dischargeneed andlonger forin upresettlement to twoachieve yearsthe post-discharge.

CTPvocational Futuresuccess Horizonsrequired; forand Earlythe Servicesingle LeaversServices (ESL)

CTPcan Futureload Horizonsany isand availableall tomedically personneldischarging whopersonnel, dischargeand beforethose completingthey fourassess yearsas oflikely Service.

Supportto frommedically thedischarge CTPinto Futureresettlement Horizonsas issoon thenas availableit foris twoappropriate yearsfor afterthe discharge.individual.


For Assistthose Programmewho forare personnelnot onable Recoveryto Duties

CTPundertake Assistresettlement isservices availablebecause toof supporttheir personnelmedical oncondition, Recoveryit Dutiesis (PRD)possible andto otherdefer serviceresettlement leaversfor whoup faceto significanttwo additionalyears challengesafter withdischarge theand, transitionin toextreme acases civilianresettlement career.provision Accessmay isbe providedtransferred regardlessto the spouse of the timeService served.leaver.


Employment Support Programme (ESP)

Available Assistto isthose availablewho ashave aserved flexiblebetween entitlementfour withand asix longeryears’ service. This gives access timelineto ifCTP assistance required,that dependingdirectly onsupports thejob naturefinding. ofIndividuals anyon medicalthe ESP are conditionnot andentitled recoveryto pathway.

SupportGraduated providedResettlement byTime the(GRT), CTPhowever, ESP

Successful personnel resettlementmay requiresattend cleartraining aims,events experton advicea standby and accessself-funded basis.

The ESP includes a one day workshop; one to theone rightemployment resourcessupport; financial and opportunities.housing Itbriefs, isaccess vitalto thatonline Servicetools leavers(myPlan takeand advantageonline ofresources); plus, the supportopportunity providedto byattend the CTP.

The CTPemployment helpsfairs, virtual events and company recruitment presentations. Service leavers approachwill theiralso resettlementhave withaccess confidence,to makinga surecomprehensive thatdatabase theirof destinationjob aftervacancies theirvia ServiceCTP isRightJob, appropriatemany toof theirwhich skills,are knowledge,available experienceexclusively to Service leavers, and aspirationsEmployment Advisors whether(EA) thatcan isoffer injob work,finding inadvice.

Early educationService orLeaver inProgramme retirement.


TheCTP serviceFuture Horizons is deliveredavailable atto tenthose Regionalclassed Resettlementas Centresan inEarly theService UK,Leaver along(ESL), withwho leave before the flagshipfour-year Resettlementpoint. CTP Future TrainingHorizons Centreis indesigned Aldershot,to whichprovide containsa purpose-builtcomprehensive resettlementtransition facilities.

Theprogramme CTPwhich assists the ESL to supportfind includesand aremain rangein ofa expertsustainable personalvocational adviceoutcome, andincluding guidance,employment. trainingIt courses,is digitalbased tools,on resettlementa eventsneeds assessment and provides access to specially-sourcedthe jobrequired vacancies.

Eighttraining, availablepersonal features:

1.development CTPand Workshops

CTPeducational Workshopscourses helpto Serviceovercome leaversindividualised startbarriers theirto resettlementwork processand byensure providingindividuals aare comprehensivemoving understandingtowards ofbeing the‘job supportready’ availableand soto theyfind cansuitable makeemployment clearonce anddischarged informedfrom decisionsthe about their future.service.

TheThis workshopsprogramme varygives inindividuals lengthaccess andto content,an dependingonline oncareer needplatform, myPlan and eligibility.the CohortsCTP ofjobs attendeesboard, canRightJob bevia groupedan assessment of needs, conducted pre-discharge by senioritya orCTP rank,EA. orDepending inon mixedan groups.individual’s Thereneed they are fivesupported courseseither available:

  • Careerby Transitionthe Workshopwider EA team (CTW)or by ACareer two-dayAdvisors introductionin tothe CTP’s andCentral theEmployment digitalTeam platform,(CET).

    In guidanceaddition, onall managingService change,leavers planninghave resettlement,access skillsto mappingbriefs andon employabilityhousing activitiesadvice, andprovided practicalby informationthe onJoint civilianService life.

  • CareerHousing TransitionAdvice WorkshopOrganisation Plus(JSHAO).

    Contact (CTW+)may also Anbe extendedmade five-dayon versionbehalf of CTWthe ESL with thatthe providesJoint additionalService assistanceHousing andAdvice specialistOffice support(JSHAO) foror Servicethe leaversSingle whoPersons wouldAccommodation benefitCentre for usuallythe ServiceEx-Services leavers(SPACES) usingif thethere CTPare Assistaccommodation programme.

  • Employmentissues, Supportand/or Workshopwith (ESW)Service charities Aif singleappropriate.

    CTP dayAssist courseProgramme

    Providing thata coversspecialist specificcareer employmentservice relatedto support andWounded, activitiesInjured toand prepareSick (WiS) Service leavers forto civilianachieve joba searching.

  • Self-Employmentsustainable Awarenessand Workshopfulfilling (SEA)career, regardless Aof singletime dayserved. course,The deliveredCTP byAssist X-Forcesprogramme Enterpriseprovides onflexible behalfsupport ofwith thea CTP,longer thattimeline coversas keyrequired, elementsdepending foron startingthe anature businessof andthe identifyingmedical whatcondition supportand isrecovery onpathway. offerIn addition to help.

  • Retirementall Briefof the CRP services, Athe singlethree daycritical courseelements thatof providessupport guidancegiven onwithin CTP Assist preparingare: fora retirement,Vocational includingAssessment, developingreferral plans,to usinga volunteering,Specialist educationEmployment andConsultant travel(SEC) options,and planningaccess forto sociala changevocational andopportunities’ managing personal finances.


What CTP Resettlement Advice



  • Career personalcounselling: One to one support from a consultant or advisor who providesgives Service leavers with advice and guidance andon supportdeveloping a tailored myActionPlan to developfit their ownaspirations, Personalidentifying Resettlementany Theyneeds willand helpsupporting Servicewith leaversCV identifydevelopment and accessinterview relevantpreparations.
  • Skills-development supportworkshops: andA opportunities,range soof theyclassroom canbased progressand towardsvirtual theirworkshops preferredor transitiononline outcomewebinars andfocusing overcomeon anyidentifying challengestransferrable alongskills, thecreating way.

    3.targeted CTPCVs, Trainingenhancing Courses

    Thesepersonal coursesbrand, givedeveloping Servicetactics leaversfor approaching the opportunityjob tomarket achieveand commerciallyguidance recognisedon qualificationssuccessful andinterview enhancetechniques. theirOther careertopics opportunities.available Otherinclude coursesbusiness offeredstart-up, providefinance, practicalretirement lifeplanning skills,and whichnetworking.

  • Vocational aretraining wellcourses: suitedCTP offers a wide range of courses to thoseenhance goingqualifications intogained retirementin the military or self-employment.

    Allto CTPretrain coursesfor area tailorednew tocareer, personaldelivered needs,in-house.

  • Online withResources: manyA havingwealth bespokeof contentonline orcareer deliverytools modelsand resources are accessible to assist accesswith during the timetransition allowedto forcivilian resettlementlife supportvia from the CTP. website including:


    • Access areto severalmyPlan, fundinga optionspersonalised available.portal Thecontaining MODmyActionPlan,
      myCareerPath promoteswhich aincludes; principlemyCV, ofCareer Pulse, Career Assessments,
      Career e-learning, CV Builder and CTPInterview.
    • CTP First.RightJob, Thisan meansonline forjobsite thosecontaining Servicethousands leaversof entitledvacancies totargeted vocationalat training,ex-military.
    • Monthly whereFocus thereNewsletters ispromoting CTP courseall availableaspects (whetherof contractresettlement fundedand orlatest non-contractupdates.
    • Regional funded),Employment theseBulletins shouldupdated bemonthly.
    • Interview usedTechniques beforeSimulator.
    • A accessinglibrary externalof training.

      Contracthundreds fundedof coursescareer arerelated pre-paidvideos.

    • Twenty byResettlement theGuides MODon anda offerrange theof bestrelated valuetopics forfrom money.pensions Non-contractto fundedemigration.
  • Events: coursesNine arenationwide paidEmployment forFairs eitherannually, byvirtual usingand IRTC,in-person ELCASemployer fundingevents, orplus byonline self-funding.

    CTPlive trainingchats optionsto include:meet employers, research the market, find jobs and build networks.

    • EmployabilityCommunications: andVia lifetargeted skills:marketing Freeemails, in-personSMS and onlinesocial workshopsmedia andchannels webinarsto willensure helpcandidates Serviceare leaversaware approachof the civilianwide jobsrange marketof withsupport confidence.available Coursesto coverthem.

    • In-house identifyingResources: andEach utilisingresettlement transferrablecentre skills,has CVan developmentIT suite where leavers can research and interviewapply techniques,for plusjobs otheror topicswork includingon self-employmenttheir advice,CV financialor plans,utlisise retirementa planningcivilian andphone networking.line.

    • Vocational Telephone qualificationsSupport: (internal):Via the CTP offersCentral aSupport wideTeam range(CET) for advice and support on all aspects of coursesresettlement or a central booking line to enhancereserve theplaces qualificationson workshops and skillscourses.

    Throughout gainedthe inresettlement theprocess, militaryCTP orstaff towill retrainprovide forthe atools newneeded career,to deliveredmarket fromService Regionalleavers Resettlementconfidently Centresto employers and theto Resettlementget Trainingthe Centremost (RTC)out inof Someoutside ofthe theseforces. coursesFrom offercreating commerciallya recognisedCV qualifications.through Coursesto coverlearning ainterview rangeskills, ofand sectorsresearching including:and Building,applying Engineering,for Healthjobs.

    The CTP also &administers Safety,a IT,high Transportquality, &free Logistics,recruitment Management,service Teachingfor &employers Training,seeking Electrotechnical,the Renewablebest. EnergyThis andincludes Self-Employmentan Skills.

  • Vocationalonline qualificationsvacancy (external):database Servicecalled LeaversRightJob, mayregular alsoemployment takefair trainingevents ofaround theirthe choiceUK, throughand a networkteam of external,Employer civilianRelations trainingManagers organisations,(ERMs) providedwho onare theavailable MOD’sto Preferredadvise Suppliersand orassist with externalemployer’s supplierrecruitment outsideneeds.

    Resettlement oftraining thecourses

    Service Preferredleavers Suppliershave List.access Externalto traininga mustrange onlyof bevocational accessedtraining incourses accordancedelivered withboth theat mandatorythe CTP’s priorityflagship order of Resettlement Training Options.

4.Centre CTP(RTC) Events

Freelocated attendancein atAldershot anyand ofin ninecentres annualacross the UK. CTP is Employmentunique Thesethat areit heldoffers nationwidea andtraining featureprogramme hundredsdelivered under the MOD contract which consists of forcesa friendlyrange andof carefullycourses selectedthat recruitingare employers.‘pre-paid’ Theby MOD and CTPonly ‘cost’ the Service leaver £26.70 per day of their IRTC alsogrant, hostas regularwell Openas Daysa andnumber webinarsof withcourses employers.

5.where CTPELCAS Digitalfunding Platform

may be used.

ACourses wealthcover a range of onlinesector resettlementfocused toolsareas such as:

  • Building
  • Engineering
  • Health & Safety
  • IT
  • Transport and resourcesLogistics
  • Management
  • Self-Employment
  • Teaching & Training
  • Special Interests

CTP courses are availableoffered towith the intention of preparing Service leavers anytime,for anywheretheir throughnext thecareer CTPby Digitaloffering Platform.commercially Theserecognised arequalifications personalisedand routes to theemployment. userOther throughcourses in-systemprovide recommendationspractical tolife ensureskills, theirwhich relevanceare well suited to theirthose owngoing journey.into Thisretirement includesor aself-employment.

All personalCTP resettlementcourses dashboard,are Jobstailored Portalto andService job-matchingleaver system,needs awith widemany rangehaving ofbespoke onlinecontent learning,or resourcesdelivery includingmodels labourto marketassist briefingsthem andto sectorgain guides,qualifications anin interviewthe simulator,time CVallowed storeduring andresettlement. liveAll supportcourses chat.

6.offer CTPexcellent Jobsvalue Portal

Asfor providermoney, ofare thequality CTP,controlled Reedso inthat Partnershipthe bringsService overleaver 25can yearsbook ofwith experienceconfidence, matchingand peoplemany toare jobsalso withoffered in a widevirtual rangeclassroom, ofto employersgive acrossflexibility theif UK.required.

Service Theirleavers expertmay teamalso undertake alongtraining withthrough thea Forcesnetwork Employmentof Charityexternal, civilian worktraining withorganisations, anknown extensiveas forces-friendlypreferred employersuppliers, network,which ensuringare Servicemanaged leaversby getRight accessManagement toLimited quality,on relevantbehalf vacancies.of the MoD.


CTP FinanceFirst Briefs


SingleThe CTP is daythe sessionssingle source for Serviceall leaversofficial toarmed accessforces financialresettlement awarenessservices andand MoD promotes long-terma planningprinciple information,of tax,CTP first’. CTP transition pensionsprogrammes and(workshops) benefitsare advice.funded through the MoD at no cost to the Service leaversleaver.

For arethose Service leavers entitled to bringvocational atraining, partnerwhere tothere is CTP course available (whether contract funded or non-contract funded), these sessions.should Financialbe Briefsused arebefore deliveredaccessing external training. External training must then only be accessed in partnershipaccordance with the Forcesmandatory Pensionpriority Societyorder andof LesterResettlement Brunt.Training Options shown below:

  • a. Priority 1: CTP Contract-Funded Housing(CF) Briefs


  • Singleb. dayPriority sessions2: CTP Non-Contract-Funded to(NCF) helpcourses.
    Joint Service leaversPublication access(JSP information534) about- civilianTri- housing,Service rentingResettlement andManual

  • c. homePriority ownership,3: plusResettlement thePreferred financeSupplier implications.List Housing(PSL) Briefsand/or areEnhanced deliveredLearning inCredit partnershipScheme with(ELCAS) theApproved DefenceProvider TransitionList Services.(APL) courses.

  • d. Priority 4: External training suppliers not on PSL.

  • Contact the Career Transition Partnership

    For further detailed information visit: our website:


    To tofind thisout page

    more about the full range of CTP training courses available, visit

    Published 12 December 2012
    Last updated 126 October 20242022 + show all updates
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    2. Updated 'Career Transition Partnership' page content.

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